Turbo Trainers...Rejoice!!

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Über Member
In that postion without bars you have no leverage, your still resting your weight on your bum not your elbows. - you can,t dance on the pedals as lance puts it (mind you if take what he was on you might be able to)
giving it in watts would be a meaningless number - mph on a bike is far more relivant - and thats what I've acheived and I'm a knackered old fart.
Cyclists spend that kind of lolly ( Tacx Genius ) because they are either too wealthy for their intelligence, or they are training for racing.

Oi stop with the insults, I aint training for racing, so you must be saying I am seriously thick as pig shoot as my wealth quota is somewhere in the negative.:cursing:


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
In that postion without bars you have no leverage, your still resting your weight on your bum not your elbows. - you can,t dance on the pedals as lance puts it (mind you if take what he was on you might be able to)
giving it in watts would be a meaningless number - mph on a bike is far more relivant - and thats what I've acheived and I'm a knackered old fart.
Didn't you break a helmet by falling off whilst on aero-bars, and so claim there is no leverage or stability?

Where do you expect the majority of ones weight to be? Didn't you notice that all of those riders are on their saddles? (which will help with the answer)

MPH is not far more relevant re: turbo trainers. It has no relevance at all.


Über Member
I think Dave Brailsford might disagree.

so would James watt. - but watt does a watt mean to you in real terms of Lsd - a mph , a pound pressure, a foot or a yard all mean things , a calorie ? a juel ? what the F do they mean - there just numbers.

as for thmet - you don't have a spedo on your turbo? and no I find if the weight is on your arms,the tip of the saddle is a fulcrum I can get more spin out my legs - If you don't agree all I can say is try it.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
as for thmet - you don't have a spedo on your turbo? and no I find if the weight is on your arms,the tip of the saddle is a fulcrum I can get more spin out my legs - If you don't agree all I can say is try it.
I do have a reliable speedo yes, but what I don't do is use speed on the turbo. It is meaningless beyond meaningless. I really shouldn't have to explain why this is the case. In actual fact it has been explained to you on multiple occasions, even recently by Rob3rt.

Please just stop promoting this stupid position of yours. It doesn't do anything you say it does apart from make you look like a bit of a prat, with no knowledge of TT'ing.


Senior Member
In that postion without bars you have no leverage, your still resting your weight on your bum not your elbows. - you can,t dance on the pedals as lance puts it (mind you if take what he was on you might be able to)
giving it in watts would be a meaningless number - mph on a bike is far more relivant - and thats what I've acheived and I'm a knackered old fart.

I think it was Charlie Holland who first said that. Lance was excellent at plagiarism. He was high as a kite on fame as well as dope and thought he'd get away with using other people's words.


Senior Member
Scottish Borders
I have 3 of the Sufferfest videos, The Hunted, Angels and There is No Try. All excellent, and give me a harder workout than I would in the same time on the road outside. The Hunted is especially good, by far my favourite. Would highly recommend the videos to anyone.


Über Member
I do have a reliable speedo yes, but what I don't do is use speed on the turbo. It is meaningless beyond meaningless. I really shouldn't have to explain why this is the case. In actual fact it has been explained to you on multiple occasions, even recently by Rob3rt.

Please just stop promoting this stupid position of yours. It doesn't do anything you say it does apart from make you look like a bit of a prat, with no knowledge of TT'ing.

- so how do you measure effort - on how sweaty you are at the end? - I use speed as my indicator as to how well - or bady - I have done in that season. - measuring heart rate or calories burned (both must go down the fitter you get so you would end up chasing your tail so to speak) I don't think is much of an indicator I prefere mph a a more tangible measure

I have never done TTing , I dare say all the TTers are laughing up thier lycra at me - I'm only saying what works for me on a turbo trainer for upping your speed. -

I have tried to watch 'Training' dvds - but find the music uninspiring and generally I have far better video in my head of runs I've done. - I think the real answer is better music.


Senior Member
Just in case there is someone from my club who I race against reading this, I will write a load of bullc**p to disinfo him.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
I will admit to having given up on my turbo. Its excellent, a tacx Flow, but I really haven't found a situation so far this winter where I simply cannot get out on the road instead.

I appreciate that many will use the turbo's to get the type of training that isn't available on a standard UK road, but for the likes of me, who just wanted to keep my hand in all winter, there was no replacement for the road.

Really must put my tacx up on ebay.


Well-Known Member
Between here and bikeradar I can't escape persistent morons :sad:.

What's wrong with taking heed of other people's advice or being slightly less arrogant in your opinions? In life we wouldn't put up with such people, but on forums there is no escape. It's just slightly more sophisticated trolling.


Über Member
I have 3 of the Sufferfest videos, The Hunted, Angels and There is No Try. All excellent, and give me a harder workout than I would in the same time on the road outside. The Hunted is especially good, by far my favourite. Would highly recommend the videos to anyone.

I just checked them out - I don't know how it works but I would need binoculars to watch it, as the riders would be a small dot on the horizon in no time at all compared to my speed up a hill -they look horrendous hills. ( was watching - Angel) music looked good, I shall have to check those out.

it's always a quondry, I got half hour of daylight in an evening, go out or hit the turbo, I don't think I could do as a good a work out in half hour - or an hour -out on the bike as I can on the turbo in the same time.

looking forward to the summer.


Senior Member
Scottish Borders
The Sufferfest are just recorded videos and are not interactive. Its perceived effort, i.e. 7/10 or 9/10 effort etc (all dictated by on screen commands). Some people hook their bikes up to power meters for comparison etc. but I don't do anything that complex.

I love them as they are simply turn on tv/pc jump on TT and away you got for an hour. Time passes very quickly.

I have only managed to get out after work in the past couple of weeks. I don't trust drivers after dark.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
- so how do you measure effort - on how sweaty you are at the end? - I use speed as my indicator as to how well - or bady - I have done in that season. - measuring heart rate or calories burned (both must go down the fitter you get so you would end up chasing your tail so to speak) I don't think is much of an indicator I prefere mph a a more tangible measure

I have never done TTing , I dare say all the TTers are laughing up thier lycra at me - I'm only saying what works for me on a turbo trainer for upping your speed. -

I have tried to watch 'Training' dvds - but find the music uninspiring and generally I have far better video in my head of runs I've done. - I think the real answer is better music.
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