Typical 4X4's

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More serious cyclist than Bonj
very-near said:
The police are unlikely to be hijacked at the end of the day ;)

Dog the Bounty Hunter has 4x4s for work because of how huge they all are!!!
All of them squashed into a few 4x4s. Jesus, if they went into would be grinding along the floor!!!
Joe24 said:
Dog the Bounty Hunter has 4x4s for work because of how huge they all are!!!
All of them squashed into a few 4x4s. Jesus, if they went into would be grinding along the floor!!!

There is a marked contrast between the build of the US soldiers and that of ours.

The yanks spend their day pumping up in the gym, but get chauffeured everywhere in Hummers. Our boys are trained to march big distances.

Take a look at the average yank on the streets over there. They are mostly bloaters ;)

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
very-near said:
Take a look at the average yank on the streets over there. They are mostly bloaters ;)
By gum, for someone who dislikes the stereotyping of 4x4 owners, you can come out with some yourself...

I had a similar opinion before I visited the US. I was a bit surprised to hear the people I was seeing and thinking "Bah, typical, look at the SIZE of them" suddenly suggest breakfast, or a particular bit of sight seeing in broad Yorkshire accents (f'rexample).

Mebbe all the tubby Americans were in their cars, and that's why I didn't see them while I was walking around?
John the Monkey said:
By gum, for someone who dislikes the stereotyping of 4x4 owners, you can come out with some yourself...

I had a similar opinion before I visited the US. I was a bit surprised to hear the people I was seeing and thinking "Bah, typical, look at the SIZE of them" suddenly suggest breakfast, or a particular bit of sight seeing in broad Yorkshire accents (f'rexample).

Mebbe all the tubby Americans were in their cars, and that's why I didn't see them while I was walking around?

I could be eating my words here. I'll be over there in a couple of days so I'll report back with my 'findings'. The reality TV stuff shown on sky does seem to show them in a bad light. Cheap low quality junk food and cheap transport can't help.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
very-near said:
I could be eating my words here. I'll be over there in a couple of days so I'll report back with my 'findings'.
I reckon you'll be surprised.

I was surprised at the courtesy, and downright brilliant service pretty much everywhere you go too, I really enjoyed my visits.


very-near said:
I could be eating my words here. I'll be over there in a couple of days so I'll report back with my 'findings'. The reality TV stuff shown on sky does seem to show them in a bad light. Cheap low quality junk food and cheap transport can't help.

Plus having a burger bap for a brain :eek:.
Crankarm said:
Plus having a burger bap for a brain :eek:.

I'm trying to wean myself off the Jeremy Kyle show :biggrin:
You said his employer wouldn't let him turn up in anything else.

It's all about image.

I'm not.

What I drive has no impact on my own self-image.

I don't need to use special language or attach myself to a certain group to feed any ego inadequacies.

The footballers were his employers.

You have more than enough ego inadequacies already without attaching yourself to any other groups :eek:
Yup. A couple of times.

I've been fortunate enough to properly see both the resort side of Florida and the residential side. They're quite different.

Don't get me wrong, it's a great place to go. But it's not a realistic picture of the USA.

Just as well I'm getting a huge gas guzzler over there to do the grand tour then ;)


New Member
very-near said:
It wasn't that cheap when he bought it. I've had the car myself since 03.

After watching them in action off road (at a few of the the abingdon meets organised by Abingdon landrovers club), I've changed my opinion of Landrover as a class leader - most of them broke down as soon as they hit a puddle, and were no more capable than any other make or model on the course.

Give me a Japanese 4x4 any day.

How much did you say these armoured Lawnmowers cost ?

I didn't. What is Rooney's missus worth?


New Member
very-near said:
It wasn't that cheap when he bought it. I've had the car myself since 03.

After watching them in action off road (at a few of the the abingdon meets organised by Abingdon landrovers club), I've changed my opinion of Landrover as a class leader - most of them broke down as soon as they hit a puddle, and were no more capable than any other make or model on the course.

Give me a Japanese 4x4 any day.

How much did you say these armoured Lawnmowers cost ?

Can you PM me the VIN numbers of these cars and I'll check their warranty history.
Chances are the mischievous Abingdon chappies have tinkered with them.
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