Village bans cyclists

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Here for rides.
'Cyclists urinating in the street'

What a load of rubbish.
Hmm... Happens in the Surrey Hills... I've called folk out for it... and once that nearly ended in fisticuffs.
That's what the article's for. It's telling lies to encourage punishment passes. It increase the enmity with lies, get that aggression and hostility on the roads ramped up. The Mail aren't stupid, they know they can tap into a rich vein of hatred to get those clicks going.


An Peanut
I'm not suggesting that anybody apologise for anything. I am suggesting that cycling clubs make an effort to engage with the communities through which they are riding, particularly where concerns have been raised and letters sent.

But what has it got to do with them? They have stated that it is not their members and until there is any proof that it is then they should not be involved. The village should if anything put up a couple of signs asking people to be more considerate, not point the finger at the local clubs.


Legendary Member
I'm not suggesting that anybody apologise for anything. I am suggesting that cycling clubs make an effort to engage with the communities through which they are riding, particularly where concerns have been raised and letters sent.

What needs to happen is that cycling clubs up and down the country enforce a couple of rules:

1 - When on a club ride you follow the directions of the ride leader including on behaviour when riding through villages and when motorists wish to pass.

2 - If you discredit the club while out solo in the club's jersey, the club will confiscate the jersey. (Assuming you can be identified)

On my two rides out with a local club I was shocked at the lack of direction or leadership in the group. It was a free-for-all and there was no attempt to offer advice to me or my son as club riding novices. The one club meeting I attended just reinforced the impression of poor leadership as the members spent two hours taking the mickey out of the club's officers.
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It's Sportive / water cooler wobbly warrior types, being used as a ( poor ) example, for the rest of the whole world of cycling, yet again:rolleyes:.


Legendary Member
There's only one possible recourse for the village:



Legendary Member
I've cycled through there a few times, ...... it's the most beautiful village you could ever go through ....... It's very popular and very busy. It would be inconsiderate to speed through as there is a blind bend, it's narrow and a cross roads you have to stop for at the bottom.
...and no pavements either, it is easy to understand from the photo why there could be unrest among the natives if cyclists are rushing through.


Smash the cistern
But what has it got to do with them? They have stated that it is not their members and until there is any proof that it is then they should not be involved. The village should if anything put up a couple of signs asking people to be more considerate, not point the finger at the local clubs.
Because it's polite to engage with people rather than dismiss their concerns. It's an opportunity for the cycling clubs to build up a relationship with the community and hopefully reduce some of the animosity that seems to exist towards cyclists.

And are we absolutely, totally 100% sure that not a single member of any of the clubs contacted has ever done anything that might be considered inconvenient or upsetting to any of the villagers? For example, one of the complaints was about riding two abreast. I would expect that all of the clubs have done that, but wouldn't it be a nice idea to go along and explain why, perhaps over a nice cup of tea and a slice of cake in the church hall?
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