Village bans cyclists

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An Peanut
Because it's polite to engage with people rather than dismiss their concerns.

Sure - but the villagers have no idea that they are dealing with the culprits. I am not my brothers keeper.

It is the same as me standing by the motorway screaming at every car because once they may have driven too fast down my cul-de-sac.


Failed Tech Bro
Sure - but the villagers have no idea that they are dealing with the culprits. I am not my brothers keeper.

It is the same as me standing by the motorway screaming at every car because once they may have driven too fast down my cul-de-sac.
This, this and this again.

And once more - this.


Some car drivers speed in my town (30-40 in 20 MPH)
Some car drivers park illegally.
Some car drivers throw waste out of their car windows.
Bits come off some cars and are left by the side of the road (hub caps, aerials even number plates)
I have witnessed some car drivers intentionally splashing sitting water on pedestrians.

I see nobody talking about banning cars from the town and no articles in the Daily Mail about it, in fact most local new articles that address the subject are about how we need to do more to encourage car drivers to visit so they can visit shops and restaurants.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Some car drivers speed in my town (30-40 in 20 MPH)
Some car drivers park illegally.
Some car drivers throw waste out of their car windows.
Bits come off some cars and are left by the side of the road (hub caps, aerials even number plates)
I have witnessed some car drivers intentionally splashing sitting water on pedestrians.

I see nobody talking about banning cars from the town and no articles in the Daily Mail about it, in fact most local new articles that address the subject are about how we need to do more to encourage car drivers to visit so they can visit shops and restaurants.

Write to the AA !


Active Member
Some car drivers speed in my town (30-40 in 20 MPH)
Some car drivers park illegally.
Some car drivers throw waste out of their car windows.
Bits come off some cars and are left by the side of the road (hub caps, aerials even number plates)
I have witnessed some car drivers intentionally splashing sitting water on pedestrians.

I see nobody talking about banning cars from the town and no articles in the Daily Mail about it, in fact most local new articles that address the subject are about how we need to do more to encourage car drivers to visit so they can visit shops and restaurants.

Nice strawman.

Are you guys angry at the DM or at the villagers who dared voice their unhappiness over the behaviour of cyclists? Or simply anyone who suggests that cyclists are like every other human being - capable of poor and/or distasteful/inappropriate behaviour?

The village councilman gave some constructive and politely worded advice to local cycling associations - but the vast majority of you here seem determined to confirm the already low opinion of said villagers.

Quite why you're all so defensive is beyond me. They have genuine complaints, they've voiced them. Mock at your peril - because a cautionary advisory letter met with the sort of contempt some of you are showing is going to be met with the sort of hostility you guys don't want. Case in point? Should the aforementioned DM read some of your responses....guess the me - you won't like them. Not one little bit.


Rollin' along
Manchester way
I don't think it is the constructive advice that you did quote so much as the unfounded animalisation of cyclists that convenietly you didn't (if we're going for even-handed on this) of all the places in a rural area to pick and stop for a comfort break, how likely is it that people are deliberately targeting local landmarks in the relatively sparse areas of population?

Shouting, its a group ride, info passes up and down the line particularly in places where there may be hazards like people near enough to hear, that the group is being warned to be careful around

40mph, yeah right, exaggeration for effect and outside of even a reasonable level of that, or it shows villagers with an honest but hugely incorrect perception, which leads to the legitimate question what else has been exaggerated for effect or is said with good faith but is blatantly missing reality.

Swearing, I can have that, it's all too common nowadays and I'm just as bad as anyone but I would suggest again it is the odd profanity here and there blown up into tirades of foul language to make a point because lets be honest, if the other accusation is right and they are whizzing along at 40mph they're not going to be wasting valuable breath on a tourettes impersonation.

Prejudice and exaggeration cuts both ways.

Mediation and a civil conversation is the way forwards but that does not mean turning up in sackcloth and ashes on the basis of unsubstantiated smears.
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Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member


Active Member
Its a bit like the New Forest

Fiendish evil cyclists have been known to "scare" horses and therefore should be banned
Motorists kill 100 horses a year, but that is acceptable

You work for the Daily Mail?

Roughly 100 horse are hit every year - roughly 50 die.
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