Was this bus driver bad?

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Taking the biscuit
Brock said:
Shall we drag her off the bus and give her a good spanking anyway?

Medieval, as I said before.

Brock, what a truly facile comment.

Had this bus driver been a man I feel you'd be offering a stout hearty handshake, a pint and you'd all be off to see the morris dancing, quicker than you can say 'Wassail!'.

Let Nethalus take her view of this thread, and some of it's contributors, back to 'Bloodbath Busses', or whatever the forum is called, and see what good it does.

I believe I can already hear the laugher in every Bus Station canteen across the land.

My humble opinion,

T x


Senior Member
What's wrong with facile comments?

And why on earth do you think my opinion would be different if the driver was a man?

As I said before I have respect for Nethalus as a thoughtful bus driver and contributer.

And what's an optamist anyway?


Middle of the pack...
S Yorks
I see no one seems to be looking at the possibility that the cyclist just dropped off the kerb behind the bus?

Its possible that Netty saw everything that was there on her 1st check. I know plenty of 'drivers' who wouldn't have bothered with a second.
I haven't been at the computer much over the last couple of days can someone please provide a wee summary of the last 10 pages or so. There is no way I am going to read all of that!!:tongue:

Can I aldo ask that cab doesn't write it as he has a habit of writting long posts.....:tongue:;)


Senior Member
Much argument over whether the bus driver's actual driving could be at fault, probably because of a lack of clarity about the described incident.
General agreement that rude gestures from a professional driver is naughty.

Much the same as when you left it really Mag :tongue:


Taking the biscuit
As I said at my last eye test,
'You must be forever the optomatrist!'
For pedlling pedants everywhere..........

T x


New Member
In my house
I've actually found a video of the area where the incident happened, filmed from the top deck of a bus on the same route. If you watch from about 45 seconds onwards into the film, you see the bus stop at a set of traffic lights in the left turning lane, but go straight on to the little bus lane with the bus stop at the end. It's there that the cycling student tried to overtake when I was pulling away.


Senior Member
Another thing I've thought of, I'm pretty sure the highway code says somewhere that one of the things you definitely don't do when being overtaken is speed up, which is apparently exactly what you did after flicking two fingers at her.. So technically I suppose that's naughty too?

The video does help visualise the incident :smile:


Legendary Member
Brock said:
Another thing I've thought of, I'm pretty sure the highway code says somewhere that one of the things you definitely don't do when being overtaken is speed up, which is apparently exactly what you did after flicking two fingers at her.. So technically I suppose that's naughty too?

The video does help visualise the incident :evil:

Didnt the cyclist stop,after saying oi and thanks,after seemingly to appear from nowhere?:smile:
And are you not supposed to try to overtake a vehicle already pulling out,if you cant do it safely,which seems exactly what the cyclist did.mmm very naughty:biggrin:


Senior Member
col said:
And are you not supposed to try to overtake a vehicle already pulling out,if you cant do it safely,which seems exactly what the cyclist did.mmm very naughty:biggrin:

We're not interested whether the cyclist was wrong or not, since they aren't here to explain themselves, we're trying to establish (at her own request) if the driver's actions upon noticing the cyclist make her a 'bad bus driver' at that point or not.

Perhaps we could let her off if she won a game of online cribbage against a champion from cakestop?
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