Welcome to C+ Forumers

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Ex C+ lurker, didn't even bother to post you-know-where.
Good 'ere though innit!


I've only been here half a day, but I feel comfortably at home already. Someone fetch me a cold one from the fridge please!

Alan Biles

Senior Member
Hi all,

I wasn't the most prolific poster on C+ but I really couldn't get excited about Bike Radar so here I am!



I was already here but lurked.

I find bikeradar a tad unwieldy for my liking so I may actually contribute here now.


New Member
I have joined this site after trying BR for a while. Too fussy, too many subsections and far too bright (gave me a headache and eyestrain).

Now we just need some of the old C+ people to start up some arguments about global warming, RLJing and speed cameras and it will feel just like the old place :blush:


New Member
Oh, not forgetting cycle helmets of course!


New Member
didn't even realise that C+ was finishing / moving.
thanks for the tip off to come here

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
Finally made it, at bloody last. (I'm the genius formerly known as Ankev1.) In fact I still would like to be known as Ankev1 and hope to resume that identity in the future (my agent tells me that a name change is silly as it might negatively effect the old fan base). Unfortunately I got banned before making a post, probably because I kept on screwing up my password.

Er ... that's it.

Anybody wanna row? :blush:


Europe Endless
*sticks head round door*

Hello. Ooh, this feels better. :blush:

I'll go grab some tea. Anyone want anything?
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