What are you doing for Christmas?

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Maverick Goose

A jumped up pantry boy, who never knew his place


What’s the point
We are going to a tiny old cottage about five metres from a creek. There will be a modest tribe of four souls including my mother-in-law who is great fun. We will be there for a week, during which time about 90kg of house coal will be consumed in the grate in the sitting room, the only form of heating in the place. It is internet-free and mobile signals don't reach you unless you climb 600 yards up a hill, which we don't . Food and drink will be consumed, and we will all sleep like babies after some brief walks along sunken paths and lanes.
The end of the M4, on our way home, will seem like this....
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EBw_da7BZk

Pont Abraham is worse than Hell


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere

Pont Abraham is worse than Hell
There are some real shockers on the M5 south of Bristol. Here's a taste of Bridgewater. Add in some hamburger gas, the smell of hot tarmac, a whiff of spilled diesel and a couple of hundred exhausted families with fractious kids. It's quite unique.


What’s the point
View attachment 74832

There are some real shockers on the M5 south of Bristol. Here's a taste of Bridgewater. Add in some hamburger gas, the smell of hot tarmac, a whiff of spilled diesel and a couple of hundred exhausted families with fractious kids. It's quite unique.
Sadly I have 1st hand experience of spending a night in the travelodge here. In august . In 2006 when it was a heat wave . Needed the windows open but opening them meant too noisy too sleep. Never ever again will I stop at a services overnight
This year is a nice change to previous years. In the past my parents & I have gone to one of my Sisters & her family for the day; yep, I'm the weird single Uncle in the family.

This Christmas is my first one in a long time where I'm living in my own gaff. I fancied spending the day in my own place but didn't want to spend it alone so I've invited my parents around; a nice cosy day just the three of us. I'm the last of my parent's 5 sprogs to have them round for Christmas day; I'm really looking forward to it :-)
If it would not upset a lot of people, I would stay at home alone, watch only pre-recorded non-Christmas TV shows, eat my normal diet, turn off my phones, and ignore the whole thing. This party blackout would last through to the New Year, then I would get on with my life again, such as it is!

My sister rings me at 00:00:01 every Jan 1st to do the HNY thing. I never answer, but she keeps on doing it.

If I had the money, I would take a bike to somewhere warm and sunny and get a few hundred miles of cycling in while half of the population of the world went mad.

So ... as usual, it will be family, friends, and a few big meals for me, and no cycling! :laugh:
I see exactly where you're coming from but you should answer the phone to your sister.
I wasn't a great fan of Christmas in the first place, but spending 24 hours holding my dying mum's hand on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day 2010 while wonderful nurses dressed in Santa Claus outfits wandered round the ward handing out cards and presents and singing carols to the patients ripped me to bits and I don't like to be reminded of it.

Oh ****, I just reminded myself ... :sad:

Happy Christmas! :cry:
That's awful, you poor thing :sad:


MIL has gone to Portugal, she's run out people to offend and can't get an invite anywhere, my best present ever! My good lady and our 3 children are off to my mothers (because my oven element went pop yesterday) for a leisurely Christmas day, I'll take her dog for a walk whilst the women are cooking (:thumbsup:) and as always, remind myself how lucky I am.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I see exactly where you're coming from but you should answer the phone to your sister.
I would but she gets mighty upset if I try and hurry along a phone call. We would probably end up on the phone until 01:00:50 at which point she would say "Oh, my free hour is up - must dash"! I would then have to either give up on the film I had been watching, or continue until about 02:30 to see it through to the end.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
All of the offspring will be home for Christmas. Usual ritual of croissants and Bucks Fizz for breakfast. Frivolity and fun plus snacking until the Christmas dinner is served. Then the annual game - Mrs Vernon buys a trashy game to play after dinner. This year it's a duck shooting game. I've made masks for the offspring to wear, the duck shooter gets to wear the duck mask.
By this time Mrs Vernon will be inebriated on the vintage Krug that I've hidden from the butler and things become hysterical. Things calm down and we retire to bed looking forward to the Boxing Day fryup.


Über Member
It's all coming together nicely and I'm actually starting to look forward to it. I'll cook the gammon and beef tomorrow to have cold and in sandwiches Christmas day and boxing day. We're going to a restaurant for Christmas dinner so that's sorted.

I don't usually drink, or only very occasionally, but this year I have a lovely 15 year old single malt, a bottle of cognac, some port, some Irish cream, some ginger wine and a cheap whisky to go with the ginger wine. I won't get stupid but I have options.
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