What does your significant other think of your cycling hobby?

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Carbon fibre... LMAO!!!
I was a regular cyclist when I met Pam so she really should have known what she was getting herself into.
Forward a couple years and I got the "You love that bike more than me" crap.
Forward a couple years more and she's accepted it and in many ways, understands it.
I still get the "Do you two want some alone time?" when she catches me tinkering or polishing it. All in good humour though :smile:
Of course, there's lots of reasons to keep books.
Ones you've loved, ones you may yet come to love.

The everyday well thumbed references, and the others with obscure nuggets of wisdom yet to be revealed.

Then there's the ones you like to lend out, whole shelfuls that visitors will borrow for long dark nights in caravans with patchy wifi.

The books you shared with your own children, which the next generation might enjoy.

The books given by dear friends, no longer seen.

The old penguin editions of novels purchased by now departed parents, but perused by this curious child.

Even the books written by ones own parents.

All those, and of course the journals of various lifelong enthusiasms.

The technical manuals necessary for work, and on and on.

The Internets OK for some stuff.

But somehow, until its been written in a book it doesn't have the same heft.

I'm always trying to prune the books, and then like you say, you end up sat there reading them.

Oh and don't get me started in on maps... :whistle:

Well, the ultimate advantage of a book is that the battery never runs out. ^_^

A friend of mine sells books for a living. I have reserved a tome on Henri Toivonen that just came in. :blush:

P.S. My bikes live in the house. They have a nice spot in the hallway. The cats like to perch on the saddles sometimes.


Obviously an Aubergine
Well, the ultimate advantage of a book is that the battery never runs out. ^_^

A friend of mine sells books for a living. I have reserved a tome on Henri Toivonen that just came in. :blush:

P.S. My bikes live in the house. They have a nice spot in the hallway. The cats like to perch on the saddles sometimes.
My Ti bike lives in the Bedroom.We have fitted wardrobes."My" designated wardrobe space goes around the corner so minus the wheels the bike fits nicely:becool:
My wardrobe space,my rules:laugh:

Ah, the delights of having a large barn.. :rolleyes:

Space for everything.

Bikes, books,
even a few bits of farm kit .

Including the cat 🙀


Legendary Member
You need a rack on one bike for em,




Loads, the most recent a Focus Cayo Ultegra, Canyon 29er, GT MTB, Giant Defy and more. We both like treating each other well, as I am sure most couples do.
Nearly twenty.. :wacko:

Oh no, pretty much one foot in the grave..^_^

A friend of a friend spent nearly his whole time at art college out on his bike.

His 'final piece' was hanging the mud spattered thing on the gallery wall, with some suitably pretentious arty bollix statement alongside.

'pparently he graduated.

I'll grant that if you're in engineering, or medieval poetry, then that might be hard to pull off..

But special Covid considerations etc etc.

Believe me, a fit young twenty something, that hasn't spent his / her life chasing about looking for 'lurve' will be quite a catch for someone before tooo long..

I have no idea where to meet potential dating material with this whole covid thing and I never seem to be anyone's type even though Im in good shape, think it's my facial features- they're not considered attractive.


I wonder if there's one if those charity bike refurb places near you where you could volunteer - and possibly pick up some new skills.. :angel:

Or something similar.

Its an old chestnut, but volunteering and getting involved in projects that are helping other people is a good way to meet like minded folk.

It's also quite a good way to meet nice people.

Oh and your forum name reminds me that last year on a cycling trip in Spain I discovered that horréo, is Spanish for granary..

Which I'm guessing is the origin of the biscuit brand.

How's that for a fascinating factoid to distract you?? :whistle:
Are there any near Notts? Cool fact:okay:


Oh and also


Have it on good authority from me, some chaps can be really quite annoying.

Honestly, there's plenty of other potentially fun stuff to do, that doesn't involve coupling up.

In fact, come to think of it, most of my favourite girlfriends are single.

Out having larks, untramelled by menfolk, and their demands..


But I know.. The grass is always greener, etc etc.
That is true lots of guys are annoying but not all. I am getting lonely being by myself all the time :sad: I could use some company.
I have no idea where to meet potential dating material with this whole covid thing and I never seem to be anyone's type even though Im in good shape, think it's my facial features- they're not considered attractive.

Pfegh! A pretty face can hide an ugly personality.

It's your personality and your heart that's the most important. it's about being kind, generous, funny, loyal, understanding - all those little things that we value so much.

And besides, looks fade eventually, but the heart stays true to itself.

FWIW, I'm short, curvy, very much a plain jane and have all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Nowt to write home about in the looks department for sure. But i'm happy in my skin.
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