What does your significant other think of your cycling hobby?

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Hah, at 20 I was an automotive engineering undergrad, something of an introverted and bookish geekette with a passion for motor racing. I was one of three girls on my degree course, and despite the overabundance of testosterone at a predominantly engineering-based Uni (Brunel), other than the occasional foray (still good friends with a couple of my "dates" more than two decades later), I preferred my own company and still do.

After some rather disastrous subsequent relationships, my heart and I don't really talk that much anymore. I'm now of a mind that if love happens, it happens, and if it doesn't, I'm happy with the status quo.

You do need to spend time on your studies. Working on your own is a big part of doing a degree (I've gone through a BEng, MEng and PhD in my time) but you do need an escape valve as well. Cycling is yours, motor racing was, and still is mine. :smile: As long as you can achieve the right balance, you'll be fine.
My course is about 80% females if not more! I am tired of my own company, it's becoming miserable. Im not actively looking for this love thing, I hoped it would come along but it has not.

Not doing great with my studies, feeling really unmotivated. I hate how everything is online. The material is dry and it's not engaging. What's your PhD in? I spend way more time cycling or doing nothing than studying sadly.


How far can I go?
Two of my bikes have their own room (summer bike and TT bike). I mean the room is also my home office for those work from home days, and is sometimes a guest room. Summer bike is currently on the turbo for winter training. The winter bike and wife's e-bike live in the shed. In the off chance we have a house guest, the bikes move across the landing to the wife's home studio.


I sympathise. There's so much pressure on young people nowadays to be in relationships and it's easy to think you are missing out and it will never happen. As we say in Yorkshire though, 'There's a lid for every pot' and you will find someone who appreciates you, bike and all, in your own time.

Romantic films are bs to be honest. Enduring relationships are those based on mutual respect and friendship, not being swept off your feet or love at first sight. I know it's hard but once we are through all this you will be able to socialise and meet people again. Both my kids at uni are struggling a bit atm - banned from mixing outside their bubble group and my daughter is on 14 days isolation as a girl in her flat has covid. Booked a hotel to visit them this weekend but can't see daughter and possibly can't see son if they ramp up the restrictions tomorrow.
That's a cute saying :wub::wub::wub: I don't want them to be just someone Im dating, I also want to consider them as my best friend. That's a shame with the whole isolation and hotel situation. Im stuck at home, I was meant to go for 5 days and then someone in my flat at uni tested positive for covid and now I can't go back till everything settles. I just hope no one ate the vegan cheese I left in the fridge, they can eat my bread but just not the vegan cheese!


Pfegh! A pretty face can hide an ugly personality.

It's your personality and your heart that's the most important. it's about being kind, generous, funny, loyal, understanding - all those little things that we value so much.

And besides, looks fade eventually, but the heart stays true to itself.

FWIW, I'm short, curvy, very much a plain jane and have all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Nowt to write home about in the looks department for sure. But i'm happy in my skin.
I don't know how my personality measures up. I am not picky about looks myself, I like people who are smart and have a wicked sense of humour, I'll be okay if they're not into cycling.


This is very sensible advice from @Reynard
Completing your studies is important, for your own self worth, as well as for future employment prospects - shows you can stick at something.

It's very hard to study by yourself, especially with Internet distractions :angel:
but you must.

- And definitely go cycling too :okay:

Don't worry about romantic relationships right now.

Plenty of time for that later, if you feel the need .

Maybe we need to check you've finished your assignments before we chat to you on here..

Ha - I'd feel a proper hypocrite doing that, I did complete my studies, but did plenty of mucking about too :whistle:
Hahaha uni work is not going great I must admit! It's hard studying whilst I am at home. Went cycling yesterday and doing the 117km on Saturday apparently? I am a master procrastinator I must admit.
My course is about 80% females if not more! I am tired of my own company, it's becoming miserable. Im not actively looking for this love thing, I hoped it would come along but it has not.

Not doing great with my studies, feeling really unmotivated. I hate how everything is online. The material is dry and it's not engaging. What's your PhD in? I spend way more time cycling or doing nothing than studying sadly.

My PhD is in the area of composites and racing car crash testing. I worked on developing a small-scale version of one of the FIA crash test procedures to determine the efficacy of different lay-ups when subjected to perpendicular (side) impacts prior to translating that into the full-scale crash tests.

Needless to say, I had a *smashing* time ^_^

What's your degree course in, btw? Just curious xxx


Obviously an Aubergine
Are there any near Notts? Cool fact:okay:
I have no idea - I'm in Devon - there's one near here - but t'internet is good for looking things like this up i've heard...

That is true lots of guys are annoying but not all. I am getting lonely being by myself all the time :sad: I could use some company.

sympathies - it is hard for lots of folks who are naturally gregarious right now - and Uni is supposed to be a good time for stuff like that.

I have no idea where to meet potential dating material with this whole covid thing and I never seem to be anyone's type even though Im in good shape, think it's my facial features- they're not considered attractive.

I'm sure you're face is absolutely fine - and also even surer that there are far more interesting and attractive things about you other than that.

At least if you're not 'standard issue' attractive you'll avoid the attentions of the shallow sorts.

I didn't really like the way i looked much, at your age neither - but looking back at photos i was absolutely fine - i still am now as it happens - but all that seems so much less important - compared with personality - compatible interests - sense of humour - just being generally a nice enough person - when you're looking for a relationship.

And after all your main concern here seems to be researching the compatibility of long term relationships with a serious biking habit.

I suspect someone from your area would be better placed to speak about clubs you could join, to meet other cyclists if that was your kind of thing.


Cynical idealist
I'm not allowed in a bookshop without a responsible adult. I had 3000 last time I counted and every copy of Nat Geo magazine since Jan 63.
You read my mind! I have never picked up a cycling book in my life...

Neither have I :laugh:

I'm more like this...



My PhD is in the area of composites and racing car crash testing. I worked on developing a small-scale version of one of the FIA crash test procedures to determine the efficacy of different lay-ups when subjected to perpendicular (side) impacts prior to translating that into the full-scale crash tests.

Needless to say, I had a *smashing* time ^_^

What's your degree course in, btw? Just curious xxx
So you're really smart :okay: Are you working in the car crash testing field now or..?



Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I no longer have a significant other but she had no problem with me cycling latterly. In earlier days we often went cycling together until Parkinson’s put paid to that. We went cycle camping regularly at weekends and also toured for holidays. I have no problem cycling on my own which I now prefer but returning to an empty house is not nice. Picture from years ago.
So you're really smart :okay: Are you working in the car crash testing field now or..?


No, not anymore.

I accidentally fell into motorsport photography and writing / journalism while I was doing my PhD, and I've scratched about as a freelance since.

Covid's put pay to most of that, but I'm working on an anthology of poems and on a novel, so plenty to keep me occupied.
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