What does your significant other think of your cycling hobby?

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It's much more fun smashing stuff on an instron in a lab, though. ^_^ My fellow researchers tended to decline working in the impact testing lab when I had a machine booked.

I sort of neglected to tell people that when composites shatter, it sounds like a gun going off at close quarters. :whistle:

Watching them jump was... amusing...

Mind, I *do* have a rather twisted sense of humour. :blush:


Senior Member
Neuroscience is a field that is never ending I suspect
Many fields are. It never ceases to amaze me how little we humans really know about ourselves and the world(s) around us.

Slightly off original topic now though.
Science is a global community in a way that other things I've done in my life are not. I'm sure that the OP will have many opportunities to meet interesting people. A bit like cycling!


Cynical idealist
It is never too late to learn either. I learn new stuff every day! Even reading dusty old theories and applying a different view or idea can completely change the way we view the past and how we got to where we are now. Sadly academia still sticks rigidly to to its own disciplines and if they crossed referenced findings with each other we would learn more faster.


It'll be Reyt.
You read my mind! I have never picked up a cycling book in my life...
I've not picked up a book(to read) in my adult life:laugh: In fact the last time I read a book cover to cover would have been pre-1984 ie my school years!
My daughter is a bookworm,always has been.She'd read all the Harry Potter books,Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit before she went to high school,that's as well as the usual kids stuff,Famous Five etc,etc..She reads every day :notworthy:


Slightly retro
West Wales
You know you're in trouble when even your bathroom has bookshelves... :whistle: But then again, a girl's gotta have some reading material while she's, well, doing what a girl's gotta do. ^_^

Entire wall of 'study', probably 30-40 linear metres of books.
Pile in bathroom for immediate perusal.
Pile on table outside bathroom, either on way back to shelves or 'prospects' for later.
Pile next to bed, probably 5-6 that I am in the middle of.
Kindle next to bed, containing 2-300 books, just in case I need to revisit the Sherlock Holmes stories in the correct order again.
Shed/workshop full of boxes of Mum's books, to be sorted out and kept/disposed of, 18 years after her demise.
Also Dad's books, ditto, 32 years on.

I have a complicated relationship with books.

All uphill

Still rolling along
I'm kind of curious as to why you're asking.

You're still at Uni, so I'm guessing pretty young still - bad luck for being caught up there during Covid - especially if you're the sociable type.

That must be hard.

I think before embarking on any long term relationship its a very good idea to get to know yourself first.

Of course we change over time, our preferences and tastes..
But underlying characteristics
I've not picked up a book(to read) in my adult life:laugh: In fact the last time I read a book cover to cover would have been pre-1984 ie my school years!
My daughter is a bookworm,always has been.She'd read all the Harry Potter books,Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit before she went to high school,that's as well as the usual kids stuff,Famous Five etc,etc..She reads every day :notworthy:
I can imagine lots of alternative lives, but I seriously cannot imagine a life without books.

I may need to write a book about a life without books - or has that already been done?


What does your significant other think of your cycling hobby, I know some of you on here spend a vast amount of time on your bikes whilst some much less or just for commuting, so would be interesting to see different people's stories. Do they support it? Do they think it's excessive and that you spend too much time on the bike? Or do they share your hobby?
So far I have not been putting a lot of time into it but we will discuss it as we go and hopefully head off any big showdowns. Ideally I would like to get out on the bikes as a family as much as possible. At the moment the main concern is for my safety when I am out, I stop and send a text when in longer cycles just to confirm all is ok

Tail End Charlie

Well, write it down boy ......
Books are acceptable in any room in my world.
I think you can tell a lot about a person on examining the books they have in the toilet.
Currently mine are "Invasion" - the various invasions of (and counter measures to) Britain. An encyclopedia of knots. Two maps of North Wales and Western Scotland (you can but dream huh?)


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Hahaha uni work is not going great I must admit! It's hard studying whilst I am at home. Went cycling yesterday and doing the 117km on Saturday apparently? I am a master procrastinator I must admit.

I'm going to put my 'academic' hat on for a moment having given this advice to many of my university students: get yourself back into the study routine now before it's too late. 2nd year neurosciences? It's going to get tough otherwise. This year counts for 25%/33% of your degree (if Nott'm Uni / Trent).

Concentrate on your studies young lady. The rest will sort itself out. Honestly.

OK. Having taken the slightly patronising 'academic' hat off :okay: ...

... you'll find someone. Young, healthy, intelligent. They're a good starting point.

My eldest's got a similar issue: his engineering course at Lincoln is 95% male and he is too busy studying in 3rd year to do anything else. Let alone be in a relationship.

As to finding local clubs? I'm aware of a triathlete cyclist from Kingston who's 2nd year at Nottingham Trent and I think he's in the uni and West Bridgford clubs.
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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
I think you can tell a lot about a person on examining the books they have in the toilet.
Currently mine are "Invasion" - the various invasions of (and counter measures to) Britain. An encyclopedia of knots. Two maps of North Wales and Western Scotland (you can but dream huh?)

You should study Knot theory. There’s an area of mathematics devoted to it, called topology. Anyone guess what my degree is in?
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