What film did you watch last night?

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Camino. A reasonably tying up of the Breaking Bad series.
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Sunny Radcliffe
Watching a Spitfire fly through the same routine filmed from 3 different angles confused me and put me right off the film .

Do NOT watch the car chase in Bullet. That VW Beetle gets passed sooooooooo many times. :ohmy:

We watched The Circle, a mixture of FaceBook, Apple and Microsoft. Now I know where all the 5G anti vaxers got their info. :wacko:
Do NOT watch the car chase in Bullet. That VW Beetle gets passed sooooooooo many times. :ohmy:

We watched The Circle, a mixture of FaceBook, Apple and Microsoft. Now I know where all the 5G anti vaxers got their info. :wacko:
I didn't mind that as the car chase is so good that you don't notice it that much .
I was looking forward to Dunkirk. It was made out to be so good but I ended up being disappointed by it .


Senior Member
I watched Hidden Figures last night and thought it was pretty good .
I couldn't be bothered with Dunkirk . I was given the dvd as a present . I watched it once and that was enough ! I don't mind watching a film several times but not in the same movie ! Watching a Spitfire fly through the same routine filmed from 3 different angles confused me and put me right off the film .
how long can a spitfire glide?....in Hollywood...a long time !! :smile:


Legendary Member
Extra Ordinary.

An Irish comedy/horror about a driving instructor with paranormal talents, who helps a man whose daughter is taken by an ex rock star to use in a satanic ritual.

Quite a dry style of humour, and a very entertaining hour and a half.



Legendary Member
Anchorman II.

A tall tale descriving how Ron Burgundy invented modern 24 hour news reporting. One of those rare films thats even better than the original. Worth watching for the crack cocaine scene alone.



Senior Member
I would assume that he was above at least 10,000 feet to glide across 22miles .....the spit in the film looks about 1,000 feet on its glide path...and repeat turns at low speed will drastically reduce altitude.....The spitfire is very nose heavy to start with and in order to gain speed the pilot would have to drop the nose...again reducing altitude........and reduce range.
how long can a spitfire glide?....in Hollywood...a long time !! :smile:
Spitfires could glide if the power stopped if the aircraft was within the airspeed window for gliding, not too fast or too slow. One pilot glided 15 miles. Distance depends on height.
Gliders have poor air to air combat characteristics and are rarely used to shoot down fully powered enemy aircraft that go faster.
Justice League.
Three McGuffins hold the key to eveything and must be protected or Bad Things will happen. A crack team of condemned prisoners is assembled and trained for combat and with help of a maverick hippie tank crew, attempt to attack the bank where the McGuffins are being storred. When things turn supernatural they call on an elite squad of former parapsychologists who used to be men. The women infiltrate the CIA using advanced hacking and circus skills and steal the McGuffins but someone has found out and hired four former military special forces escaped prisoners to recover the McGuffins using a complicated plan involving a car chase using vintage sports cars whose market value exceeds the price of the McGuffin they are chasing at very high speed.
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