What film did you watch last night?

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Legendary Member
In the name of the father
Zappa. Beautiful biopic, almost an autobio, compiled from thousands of hours of Frank's personal archive. Heavily weighted to the Mothers but doesn't pass over the classical, the politics and the family man. Excellent direction and editing. If you've got two and a quarter hours to spare you can do a lot, lot worse than invezting it in Zappa.

View: https://youtu.be/U4F0rT0F6OQ

Actuly, I saw Frank in the dog end of the 70s and he was as boring as fukc.
Zappa. Beautiful biopic, almost an autobio, compiled from thousands of hours of Frank's personal archive. Heavily weighted to the Mothers but doesn't pass over the classical, the politics and the family man. Excellent direction and editing. If you've got two and a quarter hours to spare you can do a lot, lot worse than invezting it in Zappa.

View: https://youtu.be/U4F0rT0F6OQ

Actuly, I saw Frank in the dog end of the 70s and he was as boring as fukc.

Been playing some of his stuff recently, will check it out. Always rated him on guitar, not so much the mind warp lyrics ^_^


North Shields
Wrong Turn (remake) - 8/10

I didn't expect much from this, partly because I love the original and I'm not a massive fan of remaking recent films.

But this has changed the story quite a lot, has neat nods to the original, adds culty/pagan elements and retains the organic feel.

It's clever and creepy without being overblown, I really enjoyed it despite my initial misgivings.


Legendary Member
Kill Bill:Vol 1

I can see that it's quite original but I wasn't really that impressed, the saving grace for me was Daryl Hannah in a nurse's outfit, well worth the entry fee alone.

2013 NZ production sci fi detective matrix derivative. Looks much more expensive than the budget but a bit plodding.


Touch it up and ride it
Watched Yesterday last night , had heard about it from a friend of the family so thought we would give it a try , we both stayed awake so it can't have been that bad but nothing inspirational


Cynical idealist
The Stand by Stephen King. Dated and not as good as the book. Still watchable though. Part 2 this evening.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Fear Street: 1994 (Netflix)
The first of a trilogy of horror films exclusive to the streaming giant. This entry tips its hat nicely to Scream, while introducing an interesting supernatural element that I'm looking forward to seeing play out in the next two entries.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
'Yesterday' think it was on Netflix or maybe Prime - it is over 12 hours since I watched it and my short term memory has failed me.

This describes it better than I can - all I can add is that it is a feel good film that is amusing and so much better than the absolute cobblers that issues forth from Hollywood in the form of mega -dollar 'blockbusters'. Lily James and Himesh Patel were both excellent in their roles.

'Yesterday' think it was on Netflix or maybe Prime - it is over 12 hours since I watched it and my short term memory has failed me.

This describes it better than I can - all I can add is that it is a feel good film that is amusing and so much better than the absolute cobblers that issues forth from Hollywood in the form of mega -dollar 'blockbusters'. Lily James and Himesh Patel were both excellent in their roles.


I've posted his before but t still makes me laugh.

If you liked Yesterday, you'll love the sequel.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkqXyTwFt6g
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