what's the point of quorn?

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
You're forgetting about the differences between wild and domesticated animals - the latter would not survive if left to fend for themselves.

But it's a moot point because we wouldn't be leaving them to fend for themselves, we just wouldn't be producing them in the first place.
the post you quote was directed at another poster, in response to their statement... are you replying on their behalf?


Quorn is great at keeping Loughborough away from Leicester.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
If you want to hold a private conversation, don't post in a public forum.
It can't be that easy, surely?

If you eat enough of it, you'll have fitness levels a bit like Mo Farah.
Though you might have trouble hearing the doorbell.


Legendary Member
As a vegetarian I've tried a few quorn products - none have impressed me except the roast, which is a staple for Xmas day. Must admit I love the roast, but I assume since its not exactly natural and processed, I just assume it's not good for you ( hence why I only have it a couple of times a year).

Concerning the op, just because you are a vegetarian doesn't mean you can't like the taste or texture of meat, it's usually a choice. But that's been covered.
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