Whats your conflict?

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Not a flaw, just the inevitable fallout from the odd idiot (like bus drivers wanting to overtake in a space about 6 metres wide in betwee parked cars!).
MERV said:
That is the flaw with the primary position.

Ah, but if they are irate then that proves that they have seen you. I rather have an irate driver than an ignorant driver any day!

I find close overtakes probably happen the most, some more dangerous than others. It's the cars that do this:

View: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=pCT-vtLqw_0

that really annoy me. It's as if they are saying

I see you, but I don't respect you;)


New Member
GrahamG said:
Not a flaw, just the inevitable fallout from the odd idiot (like bus drivers wanting to overtake in a space about 6 metres wide in betwee parked cars!).

Yes but if we could cycle at 70mph then there wouldn't be a problem but as a car is faster than us on the bike,human nature has it to become impatient and frustrated.So it is a flaw just like riding in secondary position most of the time has it's flaws as well.Thought I had better say that before BM got in.



Middle of the pack...
S Yorks
Just remembered another from today. Approaching a dual carriageway RAB (J1 M18), lifesaver, get in primary. Stop & unclip, cos theres traffic approaching from the right, on the RAB and theres traffic in the lane to my right. Transit type van squeezes in on my right, with his left hand light indicating - so he can go on the M'way! Advertising an intended left hook!

Wish I'd got an ATC2000, he was also smoking in a works van. Illegal now I think?


New Member
gambatte said:
Originally Posted by MERV
What's Round A Bout im having a blonde moment?

What gambatte said.No patience.




Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
All this traffic - too much of it this morning - slowed my commute down slightly.... ;) oh yeh...forgot, that's why I ride the bike to work. :rolleyes:xx(

No seriously, it's been bad at a few points on my commute due to roadworks and other stuff, and just gets a bit hairy when folk try and switch lanes and stuff without indicating....


Legendary Member
For the most part i can handle people who pass close, particually in town...their speed isnt such an issue, you get used to a certain level of it...

Its people who pass close on open roads, at speed usually, when there's ABSOLUTELY no need for them to do so...the oncoming lane is empty.

Why pass within a foot at speed, when theyve the WHOLE road to use..FFS ;)xx(!:rolleyes:.
I would happily see them plough into the next bend and crash..and then happily cycle past.


Senior Member
People who over take me on a better bike than I have. Normal going so much faster it just doesn't seem possible that anyone could go at those speeds.


New Member
any conflict normally happens at, or more accurately, leading up to RAB's
when I take up primary


New Member
One other point. My major problem with cycling in the areas I cycle is nothing to do with traffic - it's the council's continued attempts to get cyclists off the road that royally gets my goat the most. Closing routes to cyclists, changing layouts to the detriment of cyclists, poorly maintained surfaces and all the while wanting to reduce carbon emissions and congestion.

Two faced swines.
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