Where have all the April showers gone? ...long time passing

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Don't tempt fate :rolleyes: It'll be pishing it down all weekend now.
don't worry... temping fate never works for me... no matter now many times i say puncture, i never seem to get one :whistle:


Legendary Member
It's getting a bit dire.

I love the sunshine as much (probs more) as the next person, but it does make it tricky if you're trying to grow field scale crops.

I managed to make it rain for almost two days, by deploying a load of irrigation tape.
But it doesn't seem to have had lasting effect. :blink:

I think you need to get out into the fields and do a rain dance.


Legendary Member
We'll pay for this dry weather in July when the flooding comes.


Obviously an Aubergine
Tories,got to be...

Well if I wasn't busy harvesting spinach, I could certainly work up an argument that connects the profits first, climate change obfuscation policies of the neoliberalists, with extreme weather events, yes.

But I think that's another thread..

And there's still the broccoli, kale, parsley, and chard to do before it gets too hot :rolleyes:


One of my friends said it was due to a lack of both air and road traffic... something about water vapour condensing around particles in the air... fewer particles = no rain ..which sounded like bollocks to me. Surely we had rain prior to air pollution :wacko:

Noah states he did not see any air traffic before the rain began.
Hopefully none. Last year was very dry for most of the summer, virtually no fungi. Then the rain came best year ever for mushrooms. Couldn't cook them quick enough. Still some in the freezer.
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