This is what my mate in Vancouver had to say about this type of thing:
I think I see the problem. From the footage I can see that on that particular day, for whatever the reason, maybe the rain, everyone was driving on the wrong side of the road.
Seriously though.
Man ... I would not dare ride in traffic like that over here. In Vancouver, the culprits of bike dangers are many: 30-something Chinese moms in a Mercedes talking on the cellphone, speeding to get her very important child to piano lessons or advanced math for 5 year olds. They see you, look at you like you are scum and drive right in front of you anyway. This is not me being racist, this is me being nearly run over by at least 6 of these ladies every day.
Then there are the white-trash-with new money Cadillac drivers, peanuts everyone. No, not the old 1950's or 1960's Caddy drivers ... those are funky, hip, slow driving and courteous. Any new owner of a Cadillac is just a selfish white peanut, usually male but sometimes some daft older white lady that used to sell Avon products or Mary Kay. They do acknowledge that everyone is looking at them, because they are driving a Caddy. But that just means you are expected to get out of their way.
Then there are the squads of white middle-class soccer moms ( MIWNLFBWRTCAISP* ) screaming around in mini-vans, delivering their very important children to ballet, football, yoga, school, soccer.
Another huge danger around Vancouver are the hundreds of East-Indian dump truck drivers, usually driving dump-trucks-with-trailer-dump-trucks around all the city streets at highway speeds. These bastards are so cheap they only ever splurge on repairing one brake (out of 6) every year. So eventually, within 6 years all the brakes will be fixed. Good comfort if one is coming at you and you're riding your bike.
Being multicultural, Vancouver is also home to young Hong Kong or Persian princes driving around in brand new sporty Nissans or BMWs that daddy bought for them, racing each other and smearing out innocent, hard working blue collar fathers, mothers, sons, daughters.
Did I mention the non-existence of stop signs in Vancouver? They don't exist. People just don't stop at stop signs anymore. They used to slow down, now they just speed through, looking left but failing to look right where cyclists or pedestrians might be.
Pedestrians and cyclists are seen as a nusance around Vancouver. Especially in winter, especially when dark. No matter how many lights.
I mount 4 LED White lights on the front of my bike and 2 LED red flashers on the back. People still fail to see me. Especially mom drivers of any kind. They really see me being on the road on my bike as some sort of challenge to their man-hating stature.
But don't get me started.