who are pavements for?

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A Velocipedian
[QUOTE 1463589"]
Irrelevant (again). As you've acknowledged now, this isn't about the law.
Are you suggesting that cyclists should be above the law and have special rights granted to them? It seems as though you feel we should be allowed to ride everywhere and anywheqe we choose.


A Velocipedian
[QUOTE 1463592"]
It doesn't seem that at all.

What I do think, and what should be very clear by now, is that an element of discretion is needed wrt pavement cycling, to recognise the huge benefit to society that increasing the number of people cycling brings, and to overcome the unacceptable situation that we've been forced into by king car.

This discretion is rightfully accepted by the authorities, and now by you.
As long as discretion and legality are understood to be different things I am ok with pavements being used as a gateway to road cycling. I do not see it as an alternativd.


New Member
Not sure if it's just me, but round my area there is a fantastic network of cycle lanes.

Unfortunately too often there are cars parked on the cycles lanes, making them unusable. Which is a shame


New Member
Probably not. Drivers pass closer if there is a cycle lane than if there isn't.

Meh the roads are pretty narrow anyway - can just about fit two cars on it (with the parked cars). If a bus comes along, traffic stops anyway.

Just can't see the point of having cycle lanes and then allowing cars to park on them. Particualrly as the lanes are part of the london loop


Live to Ride
[QUOTE 1463592"]
It doesn't seem that at all.

What I do think, and what should be very clear by now, is that an element of discretion is needed wrt pavement cycling, to recognise the huge benefit to society that increasing the number of people cycling brings, and to overcome the unacceptable situation that we've been forced into by king car.

This discretion is rightfully accepted by the authorities, and now by you.

Will there be notices within this discretion to suggest that cyclists may or may not cycle on said pavements?


New Member
I am a pedestrian, a cyclist and a motorist.
As a pedestrian, it irritates me when I see cyclists using the pavement when they are not entitled to use them.
It seems that many cyclist nowadays, think that it is ok to use the pavement for cycling as it is safer than the roads.
Wrong!!! Cyclists are only allowed the use pavements if these pavements are designated as cycling paths also.
If the round blue sign is not there, then pavements are for pedestrians ONLY.
We tend to regard cyclists as perfect on here but far from it, we are not. It is also our duty to follow the highway code. Let it be safe.
Rant over, so now for my shower after a 15 miles ride (on the road of course)

Live and let live, why can't we all just get along? Just because they are the "Rules of the Highway code" does not mean that we should all become private officers of the law and demand that everyone strictly adheres to them.


Live to Ride
[QUOTE 1463604"]
I'm not sure what you're asking.

I'm thinking that just leaving something as discretionary isn't safe. Great for regular users and locals that are aware but fast road bikes and pedestrians sounds like a recipe for disaster?

Dan B

Disengaged member
Even fast road bikes can be ridden slowly. Not seeing a big problem there. If you mean fast cyclists then the simple and obvious answer is Don't Do That Then.
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