who are pavements for?

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Live and let live, why can't we all just get along? Just because they are the "Rules of the Highway code" does not mean that we should all become private officers of the law and demand that everyone strictly adheres to them.

Wherein lies another problem!

Next time you go out, think about just how much you rely on other people doing what is "expected"

As you approach a junction, the reason you blithely sail on through is because you rely on the driver t the junction obeying the Highway Code and stopping!

In virtually every decision you make on tomorrow's ride, you will mentally analyse the road and what the Highway Code says will happen. THese interactions only work if the road users do in fact strictly adhere to these rules.You totally rely on this assumption.

"Accidents" happen when one or other of the participants acts fails to observe the code and acts in an unpredictable way


New Member
Wherein lies another problem!

Next time you go out, think about just how much you rely on other people doing what is "expected"

As you approach a junction, the reason you blithely sail on through is because you rely on the driver t the junction obeying the Highway Code and stopping!

In virtually every decision you make on tomorrow's ride, you will mentally analyse the road and what the Highway Code says will happen. THese interactions only work if the road users do in fact strictly adhere to these rules.You totally rely on this assumption.

"Accidents" happen when one or other of the participants acts fails to observe the code and acts in an unpredictable way

We were talking about cyclists on the pavement and in my experience cyclists including me do this usually when there are no pedestrians there and only for a brief time while taking a short cut. I don't understand another cyclist getting irritated by this.

As for blithely sailing on through a junction just because one has the right of way is the action of someone with a death wish. I never, repeat, never assume that other road users will do what is expected of them, that is how I have survived into middle age.

Regards, Chris

P.s. Something I learned from cycling in France in the Eighties is that Red traffic lights do not apply to cyclists. If you remember this you will have a smoother ride with fewer stops and it will condition your legs for fast acceleration! :whistle:


A Velocipedian
We were talking about cyclists on the pavement and in my experience cyclists including me do this usually when there are no pedestrians there and only for a brief time while taking a short cut. I don't understand another cyclist getting irritated by this.

As for blithely sailing on through a junction just because one has the right of way is the action of someone with a death wish. I never, repeat, never assume that other road users will do what is expected of them, that is how I have survived into middle age.

Regards, Chris

P.s. Something I learned from cycling in France in the Eighties is that Red traffic lights do not apply to cyclists. If you remember this you will have a smoother ride with fewer stops and it will condition your legs for fast acceleration! :whistle:
Discresion is aimed at the young and those who ard nervious about riding on the road. Which catagorey do you fall into?
Anyone who RLJs has a deathwish.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Discresion is aimed at the young and those who ard nervious about riding on the road. Which catagorey do you fall into?
Anyone who RLJs has a deathwish.

And those who are in a much safer position on the pavement (IMO a wide one) than on the road/bus lane.

With regards to RLJ, I'm with you, aprt from the pedestrian crossing near me which is often on red but not a ped in sight because they jaywalk rather than wait for the green man. I sail through that one.

Maybe I should open another thread titled 'is it acceptable to occasionally RLJ on a ped crossing wit no peds?" ... we should be summarising this thread by now.
But you do, as do we all.

Think about it next time you are out...... every time you approach a junction and there is a car, do you stop and let it out? Or do you carry on relying on the fact that they will stop?

You would not get very far at all if you stop at every side road with a car!


New Member
But you do, as do we all.

Think about it next time you are out...... every time you approach a junction and there is a car, do you stop and let it out? Or do you carry on relying on the fact that they will stop?

You would not get very far at all if you stop at every side road with a car!

I make eye contact with the driver, I read the body language of the vehicle and I look for an escape route whilst I maintain my progress. Stop? Never!


A Velocipedian
But you do, as do we all.

Think about it next time you are out...... every time you approach a junction and there is a car, do you stop and let it out? Or do you carry on relying on the fact that they will stop?

You would not get very far at all if you stop at every side road with a car!
There are none so blind as those who don't want to see. :sad:
<sarcasm>Pavement cycling is fine as it is of benefit to cyclists </sarcasm>


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
With regards to RLJ, I'm with you, aprt from the pedestrian crossing near me which is often on red but not a ped in sight because they jaywalk rather than wait for the green man. I sail through that one.

No such thing as jaywalking in the UK, which is a great thing.
The problem with pedestrian crossings is that there is purposefully a delay on them to stack up pedestrians so road users are stopped for a short a time as possible. This obviously leads to pedestrians walking across the road when it's free because they don't want to wait.


A Velocipedian
Really? Would you like to back that up with some evidence that RLJing is death wish dangerous for a cyclist?
Cyclist v car in side or headon impact. Cyclist loses. You can quote stats all you want. I cam prove to you that not wearing underware will radicaly reduce your chance of a car crash. Only idiots run red lights and only idiots condone such actions. Fact.


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
People think of Lucas brunelle videos when rljing comes up. Cyclists blazing through red traffic lights with what appears to be no regards for anyone else of their own safety.

But in reality is it like that? I rarely see cyclists in London just ride through a junction like they own the road, 98% of them slow down, look and move across when it's safe to do so. They are basically treating it like a give way line and those aren't dangerous.

I don't agree with any form of rljing, some don't have a deathwise!
Cyclist v car in side or headon impact. Cyclist loses.

Yes, but how often does that happen to RLJing cyclists? You must have information that lots of cyclists get killed that way to describe doing it as having a death wish, so I was interested in your evidence. I'm not condoning it, just asking for the evidence that doing it is having a death wish.
But in reality is it like that? I rarely see cyclists in London just ride through a junction like they own the road, 98% of them slow down, look and move across when it's safe to do so. They are basically treating it like a give way line and those aren't dangerous.

In fact they tend to treat the junction just like a pedestrian would. I've never heard pedestrians crossing a junction being described as having a death wish. I don't condone cyclists doing it but I don't condone wildly exaggerating the dangers of cycling either.


New Member
In fact they tend to treat the junction just like a pedestrian would. I've never heard pedestrians crossing a junction being described as having a death wish. I don't condone cyclists doing it but I don't condone wildly exaggerating the dangers of cycling either.

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