Who's back in shorts

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Über Member
Been wearing shorts most of the winter! Albeit thick Tudor Sports 3/4 shorts and long socks...

I even wore a short sleeved jersey today! Albeit with arm warmers ...


Active Member
It will be shorts tomorrow because 1) it looks like it will stay mild; and 2) my longs are in the wash! Hairy legs and lycra here we come!

Think I'll leave the jacket at home too - base layer and short sleeve top, with the option to leave the baselayer off on the way home if it seems too warm in the morning.

Dave 123

Legendary Member
Had to attend the boys 6th form parents evening after work tonight. I was "requested" not to wear cycling shorts. My compromise was winter weight bib longs. I was roasting. Think the ladies still enjoyed it though!


Proud Daddy
I don't even own shorts (yet)! I've only been cycling since October and it's been cold since. Anyway it's back to 5-8 degrees at the weekend and personally I'd like my knees to still work in 50000 miles time


"Young and Ex-whippet"
I had a little break from riding in the past few days, but went out today. It was boiling (well warmer than usual) so I just had my shorts, jersey and jacket on.
It was a little chilly to start with but I have a tendancy to amaze other cyclists with what weather I will wear shorts in. (Everyone on my club rides thinks I am a bit odd by not feeling the cold).


I was in 2 minds whether to go bare-legged today, but in the end, the tights fetish won.
Swapped the winter jacket for a long-sleeved jersey this morning, though.


Über Member
Auld Reeker
Bare legs here today for the first time.
I'm in shorts year round, but with leg warmers in winter. It's more cost effective :thumbsup:
It's also getting too warm for my Gore Phantom jacket with a single base layer underneath, a combo that has been perfect down to -2.
Arm warmers and short sleeves beckon! ^_^


As long as I breathe, I attack.
'back in shorts'? Who stopped using them? Not up here in the north ... hardy we are.

Or at least the northerners are. Some commuters have been wearing shorts all winter :crazy:

Me, being an East Midlander by heritage, am still wearing me long johns! :shy:
Had shorts on the last 2 days on the way home, still cool enough for lycra leg warmers at 6 am though.
Had to stop for a fairy visit and my hands and feet were numb in the few minutes it took to change the tube as the windchill is still biting in the open .


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I had my 3/4 length bibs on this afternoon and lighter weight kit on my top half than of late. The sunshine was nice but there was a chilly 15-20 mph wind blowing over the hills. It felt distinctly nippy about 1,300 ft up in the Pennines.


Formerly just_fixed
I had my 3/4 length bibs on this afternoon and lighter weight kit on my top half than of late. The sunshine was nice but there was a chilly 15-20 mph wind blowing over the hills. It felt distinctly nippy about 1,300 ft up in the Pennines.
gastric band?.....:troll:


Über Member
Been in shorts since Thursday , long sleeved with a base layer at the mo thou but I busted out the fingerless mitts as well. We harrrrd down in sarf London innit like ? * types this in white vest while cuddling a can of Stella *
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