Why are so many other cyclists so unfriendly?

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Yes, absolutely, Archie_tect, I'll just keep making sure I'm friendly to all. Up to the others how they want to be.
Sussex is notorious Night Ride territory. Enlist therefore, in a FNRttC, whereupon you will be friendlied to pieces and carefully re-assembled by breakfast time and beyond...Following your return to normality, you will have developed a 'hello halo' which will radiate far and wide, eliciting courteous responses on every outing. Top ups available every month, although destination may vary.:smile:


Active Member
[QUOTE 1838283, member: 9609"]I always stop and give other cyclists a big cuddle - sadly cycling seems to be loosing popularity in my area.[/quote]That's sad, what is your area? Seems to be really growing in sussex...too many cars, that's why!


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
[QUOTE 1838283, member: 9609"]I always stop and give other cyclists a big cuddle - sadly cycling seems to be loosing popularity in my area.[/quote]
So that was you!
Gerroff you big girl's blouse.


Yes, absolutely, Archie_tect, I'll just keep making sure I'm friendly to all. Up to the others how they want to be.

You don't get it, it's not that people aren't being friendly. They've got things on their minds, they're consumed by whatever they're thinking about. Now say hello to me at a cycling cafe and I'll happily have a chat.

This is all a bit needy in my opinion.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
You don't get it, it's not that people aren't being friendly. They've got things on their minds, they're consumed by whatever they're thinking about. Now say hello to me at a cycling cafe and I'll happily have a chat.

This is all a bit needy in my opinion.

Just because people don't say hi or reply to a greeting doesn't meant they are not friendly. It's nothing to do with competitiveness or snobbery. Whether they are a fully lycrad up roadie or not, training or on a pootle, northerners or southerners. It's just the way some people are. I've said hello (to and replied back) to all sorts of cyclists whilst on a ride as I have ignored all sorts of cyclists on a ride.

However, If I do see a cyclist at the side of the road fettling I will always ask if they are ok or need a hand..


I saw this thread yesterday and thought "must be a Sussex thing, everyone says hello/nods in Kent and Surrey".
Sure enough, this morning I was blanked by 75% of the riders I passed. Although those riders were ones that I'd never seen before, and most of them were riding into a headwind. They all had miserable expressions on their faces - clearly not enjoying themselves.
Not the end of the world though.


North Wales
You don't get it, it's not that people aren't being friendly. They've got things on their minds, they're consumed by whatever they're thinking about. Now say hello to me at a cycling cafe and I'll happily have a chat.

This is all a bit needy in my opinion.
Usually if Im out on my bike I am clearing my head. Up in the country lanes, putting various things into perspective. If someone passes me I often dont even realise till they have gone so no, id not say hello^_^
Doesnt mean im not friendly tho:girldance:
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