Why are UK cyclists fixated on helmets

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Minkowski Space
Just imagine slightly more exaggerated in every way and more irascible.

What, is this the same trick as trying to imagine infinity, then adding one?


Cracking a solo.
I have two friends that used to offer me their wisdom concerning the wearing of helmets. One doesn't cycle the other does occasionally, though generally canal paths not too much on the roads. Unfortunately they both adopt the same debating technique of metaphorically sticking their fingers in their ears and chanting "LA, LA, LA, not listening to you!" after they've had their say.
The most recent conversation with my non cyclist friend was when he told me that he was very proud that his son, aged 8ish, automatically puts his helmet on when he goes out on his bike to play with his friends. (They live in a cul de sac) I took the bait and asked what he was hoping the helmet would protect his son from.
"In case he falls off"
"And protect him from what?"
"From hurting himself."
"Does he wear gloves?"
"Does he wear elbow pads?"
"Does he wear knee pads?"
" Has he ever fallen off and hurt his hands, knees or elbows?"
"Yes, but if he falls off and hits his head that will be much worse."
"I see. Does he wear his helmet when he's on his scooter, you've said he can go really fast on that now and bumps up and down the kerbs on it."
"No he doesn't."
"But don't you think that there is a chance he could fall off his scooter and bang his head?"
"Oh, I can't be bothered talking to you about this."
My occasional cyclist friend is also an occasional jogger, he recently tripped whilst jogging and scraped his faced up a bit, I asked him whether he would be wearing a helmet from now on incase he tripped and bumped his head, I was told not to be so stupid, or words to that effect. He was more recently clipped from behind whilst on his bike at a roundabout, he came off and suffered a grazed elbow. I told him I was pleased he was wearing a helmet as it looked like it had saved his life, I received the same reply that followed his spill whilst jogging.
I haven't seen any shift towards less people wearing helmets, I see very, very few that don't, no matter where or what they're riding. There is in my experience, limited though it is, an absolute belief that a helmet can and quite possibly will save your life. So deep seated is this belief that any argument or evidence put forward from the other side is treated with disdain and then ignored. The link posted by Adrian will mostly go unread by the helmet activists and will be ignored by those that do read it. I don't think it's UK cyclists that are fixated with helmets, I think it's the UK generally, I've had people beeping their horn and gesticulating from their car that I should be wearing a helmet, the irony is not lost on me.
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Here for rides.
Why are UK cyclists fixated on wearing lycra?
Why are UK cyclists fixated on wearing space lemon over-garments (which offend mine eye and give me a headache even when I'm wearing sunglasses)?

THESE are the questions we should be asking

along with

Why do UK 'sports' cyclists wear long sleeves and long leggings when it is sunny?


Cycling in the sun
Is that partly because .... every one else does? In winter I join the bright brigade, but come summertime (when not wearing a coat that has multi-function of keeping me dry, warmer, and brighter coloured), then I'm wearing a variety of things of no particular colour. I do notice that most I meet in winter time on my comute seem to be wearing the same sort of gear whereas in summer there is more diversity, either due to the change in weather or an influx of summer cyclists who don't feel the need to conform?


Legendary Member

I really appreciate all the replies and for keeping the humour throughout the post. Its the most entertaining helmet thread I have seen in a long time.

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
The link posted by Adrian will mostly go unread by the helmet activists and will be ignored by those that do read it.

Adrian posted a link? What is this linky thing??


Kilometre nibbler
Why are UK cyclists fixated on wearing lycra?
And not just any old lycra ... full racing kit with bibs and braces and all that jazz. One of the anti-helmet arguments is that it makes cycling out as something special for special people with special gear. The same applies to racing kit, and those great big trianglar road cleats. I think the anti-helmet, anti hi-vis grumblers should add this to their arsenal. Cyclists end up looking not just like the Mekon, but a pudgy Mekon with an enormous arse and duck's feet.
And not just any old lycra ... full racing kit with bibs and braces and all that jazz. One of the anti-helmet arguments is that it makes cycling out as something special for special people with special gear. The same applies to racing kit, and those great big trianglar road cleats. I think the anti-helmet, anti hi-vis grumblers should add this to their arsenal. Cyclists end up looking not just like the Mekon, but a pudgy Mekon with an enormous arse and duck's feet.

Damn! Didn't think anyone had spotted me :ohmy:
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