Wise sayings from your old Dad

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Its a little sad isnt it that a several of us didnt have or had a poor relationship with dad.

"You need a license to buy a dog, to drive a car - hell, you even need a license to catch a fish. But they'll let any butt-reaming a hole be a father".


Legendary Member
Let me see...

"Don't let the bastards get you down"

"Keep on truckin' "

"If in doubt, just start playing C, F and G, the rest will come to you."

"Against stupidity, the gods themselves labour in vain"

"Never trust a woman who leaves her knickers on the floor"

"If he's trying to fark you about just grab 'im by the throat and say 'Listen sunshine, its like this.' "

"Always be ready to go completely apeshit, they rarely expect it and even the biggest thug can be freaked out."

"People have all these games they play in their heads, see if you can spot which one then refuse to play."

"Stop faffing about for fark's sake."

I still am trying to learn the last one.

I like your Dad!

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Hit em where it hurts...in the wallet.

Dont start trouble but be prepared to finish it.

Empty vessels make most noise.

He had a lot of gemlike things that he would say or once said that just resonated with me.Fair to say my old man is a bit of a role model. But it was my Mum that did all the really hard day to day stuff.


Common sense isn't very common...


Carbon fibre... LMAO!!!
"When I was 20 I thought I knew it all. I didn't.
When I was 30 I thought I knew it all. I didn't.
When I was 40 I thought I knew it all. I didn't.
I'm still learning.
The moral of this story is to never be a clever dick."

"Never raise your hand to a woman."

"Never put anything before family."


Legendary Member
Can't remember any wisdom from my dad, tho' he did used to tell some funny stories; my mum was more in that line, eg: 'If you've done your best, no-one could ask for more.'
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