Word is getting out ...

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Senior Member
I tend to use my torch as my front light, so a few weeks ago when a lady cut me up, she got a little worried when I had a quick word. She asked if it was a camera and I said no.

Yes its cool that it means people are looking out for cyclist, but tis for all the wrong reasons.


slower but further
SE London
The majority of incidents are because drivers don't clock you. If they don't clock you they certainly won't clock a camera.

Is the cyclist the best base for a camera? It would be great if all new cars had to have a mandatory operative camera that could be examined by the police after any incident. Might just modify driving (and some riding) behaviour to everybody's advantage. Good Russian drivers don't have a problem with the idea.


CC Neighbourhood Police Constable
That said the only reason I would have a camera is incase I was involved in an accident or witnessed an accident and I needed real life CCTV to document what 'really' happened but I not sure if it would hold up in court as evidence.
Why wouldn't it hold up in court. The Police use cams everyday to gather evidence, either body worn cams, Council CCTV or even CCTV from private households. The camera is better evidence than any verbal or written account you could give. So yes it would hold up in court!


I'd rather other road users concentrate on their driving instead of searching me or my bike for a camera whilst in 'control' of their metal cages at 30mph.


Leg End Member
I'd rather other road users concentrate on their driving instead of searching me or my bike for a camera whilst in 'control' of their metal cages at 30mph.
Agree on the concentrating on their driving. But if they were to treat every cyclist as though they may have a camera, would there'd be fewer incidents. At present as you say they're are sat in their metal cages, cut off from what is happenning around them.
It might force a change of attitudes as to how they feel they can treat us, as cyclists. Everyone with video evidence, to back up what we are saying.


Dog on a bike
Wish I had One fitted when that Car kept coming at me across the Roundabout I was on the Other day!

C H, What would happen if you were Cycling Home and a van Cut you up and and damaged your bike and drove off, you got no witness to what has happened, if the car hits you on the roundabout, they can just say it was Your Fault! I think i need to get on this wagon, for a bit of evidence, on how many crazy Motorist there are out there!

For a fee I can come and fix your Caps Lock key for you.


Senior Member
If I hadn't had a camera when I got knocked off my bike last year, the case would never have gone to court and the guy would never have gotten his points and a fine.

Generally, the only other people that seem to notice the camera are other cyclists when I'm stopped with them at lights and they ask about the quality and battery life.

I don't think it'd be advisable to point out to someone that they were being filmed if they were up to no good as they could get aggressive, I would just film it and leave it for Roadsafe or the Met to deal with.
I don't mind most of them... there are some nutters out there, but that's the same with any walk of life.

There's one near me who hides up a pole in a little yellow box. Instead of posting my car all over the Internet, he sends demands for money.

I pay, of course. He knows where I live and may be unstable.

I've seen him hiding in other parts of the country on faster sections of road in the same little box, but I'm onto him now.

He seems blithely unaware that I pay Road Tax and do not need to be faffing about with minor issues like speed limits and unbroken white lines.

Typical, but then again isn't everything? Where do I put my tick for UKIP?
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