Worst film

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The 3rd Pirates of The Carribean film. We'd got a cheap deal on a 10 seater private box. I was the first to wake up and there was still an hour to go to the end of the film. I woke the rest of em up and we left and went to a pub.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Sliding doors ,
Luckliy i managed to convince swmbo to see the Barry Plopper films + murder mia with other relatives.


Legendary Member
The Family Man, with Nicolas Cage, and he's made some really bad films.
You've just reminded me - Captain Corelli's Mandolin... a wonderful book, absolutely butchered, with Cage the towering, stinking lump of offal in the core of its rotten, foetid cesspit. The only film I can think of that not only disappointed me, but angered me, just for being so awful.


I also hated the way Pfeiffer's overweight speccy goofy woman friend was set up as a symbol of what happens to women if they can't get a man. Hateful tosh.

Im sure if Ms Pfeiffer removed her specs and ruffled her hair a bit she might look passably attractive.


Legendary Member
I go to the cinema very rarely, so I have to back to the 1980s and Dune.

Worst film I have ever seen was The Football Factory which was on telly late at night when I was working away from home and didn't have Sky.

Worst actor in the history of cinema has to be Jason Statham. Eye candy he may be for some, but I have had more talent pass though my bowels today than he has ever shown on screen. Sharon Stone's performance, if you can call it that, in the otherwise very good "Casino" was the worst I have seen from a laydee.
:notworthy: Spot on.


Far East Sussex
Oh, and had a tough time finishing Lincoln. Preferred Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, tbh.

And Gravity. Almost anything floating in space is up my alley, just not a wisecracking George Clooney.
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At a cinema?... That's a toughie.

Not at a cinema? Easy - HAS to be Killdozer from 1974... Godawful film. People scared of being killed by a bulldozer that was moving at, oh I don't know, seven miles an hour?


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
2001: A Space Odyssey anyone? OK, it was "epic" and "seminal" and all that...but it wasn't half tedious.
Yep. saw it once at the pictures, and apparently I was also there both times it was on in the house. All I can remember is the tremendous opening sequence with the "Blue Danube" playing, followed by a bunch of chimps. All three times I fell asleep as soon as people came into it. I still have no idea what happens in the plot .... if indeed there is one.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
The hand 1981. Which was a remake. A truly crap film about a man whose hand was severed in a car crash, was never found, and then tries to find its errr owner so to speak.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Ooh! Nearly forgot. Not exactly a "cinema", but saw a showing of this at University in some film club auditorium ; "Daleks - Invasion Earth 2150 A.D".
A 1966 vision of Britain in the year 2150 - featuring Bernard Cribbins in a tweed jacket and flat cap and people driving around in Morris vans with split windscreens. Truly woeful stuff, set mostly (as usual for Dr Who) in a quarry.
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