Worst film

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Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
I fell asleep in one film. In fact Mrs Cube threatened never to take me to the cinema again because I went and sat in the aisle in order to do so. The film was something to do with flying and had Mel Gibson in it. Was it "Forever Young"?


Rollin' along
Manchester way
A Czech art house version of Alice in Wonderland. It wasn't what we thought and was rather odd.

We got invited to a market research screening of the Richard Gere/Sharon Stone film Intersection : it is the dullest thing I've ever had to sit through. Our feedback wasn't good, much to the disgust of the organisers. It pretty much bombed on release.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
I fell asleep in one film. In fact Mrs Cube threatened never to take me to the cinema again because I went and sat in the aisle in order to do so. The film was something to do with flying and had Mel Gibson in it. Was it "Forever Young"?

My wife is still incredulous that I managed to sleep through the loudest film that we've ever seen in a cinema - the first of the new series of Star Wars films. I can't even remember its name it was that underwhelming.


Legendary Member
Ooh! Nearly forgot. Not exactly a "cinema", but saw a showing of this at University in some film club auditorium ; "Daleks - Invasion Earth 2150 A.D".
A 1966 vision of Britain in the year 2150 - featuring Bernard Cribbins in a tweed jacket and flat cap and people driving around in Morris vans with split windscreens. Truly woeful stuff, set mostly (as usual for Dr Who) in a quarry.

I've got a bit of a soft spot for Peter Cushing, "the Forgotten Doctor" and the two Dalek movies - in colour remember!
Not saying it's Citizen Kane standard, but it's well enough done for what it is. The TV series of Dalek invasion earth is pretty bleak stuff though. I am a bit of a geek from planet sad and lonely when it comes to Doctor Who. I even stuck with it and saw (occasional) good during the lean years.


Active Member
The Dark Knight Rises was unbelievably bad.
Considering Nolan had done some previous stellar work, I soldiered through in hope
Fell asleep at the 2nd LOTR and was dragged to the 3rd one and fell asleep about 20mins into it
'Reign of Fire' the trailer was awesome and lasted about two minutes...they were the only good two minutes of the whole film...biggest pile of tosh I've ever seen.


also available in orange
The third LOTR film. I was complaining rather loudly by the last hour which was completely, utterly uneccessary. Put me off so much I haven't bothered with the Hobbit films. Which is 3 films based on a kids book (yes it is).

I fell asleep during Lincoln, but I'm blaming that on the meal I had before we went in. I did stuff my face rather...


Legendary Member
Gravity. Utter, utter drivel.

I though it not bad at all to be fair. I did go in with extremely low expectations it must be admitted. Couple of annoying things, yes, but all in all, worth the time & the ticket. Hey, they even resisted the temptation for whosername to be attacked by a crocodile after splash down at the end - and I was fully expecting this


Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex
Trainspotting. Thankfully it was a DVD, so I could stop after 5 minutes and sandpaper my nose off, which was a whole load more fun.
Avatar. Great graphics, plot was rubbish. Insofar as it had one.
Bladerunner can go and do one. The 'tears in rain' speech was great, but the rest of the film was me sitting there wondering WTF was going on, and will it ever stop raining?
It was like a bleaker version of Swansea, if such a thing could ever exist.


Legendary Member
View attachment 92029 This I lost a few years of my life after watching this. I had to have treatment.

I'll grant Eraserhead maybe the most peculiar film ever, but I'd say it has a touch of genius about it. Very very odd, even by David Lynch standards, and rather disturbing too. God knows what, if anything, it's about. Perhaps influenced by Chien D'Annelou (sp?) and equally meaningless


Never used Über Member
Highlander II - bore little resemblance and made no effort to continue the plotlines of the excellent original, instead dealing up a confused eco-plot that even now makes no sense.

Jackie Brown - went to a late night showing of this expecting more of the quality of Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, but got an overlong, overblown and self indulgent slog.

More recently, The Face of Love - quality cast including Annette Bening and Ed Harris but was absolutely dire and the only movie we've ever walked out of...
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