Would you ever leave your bike overnight at a busy station?

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Legendary Member


I'm fortunate that the stations in Liverpool have fob access cages that I wouldnt mind leaving my bikes in for short periods of time.

In London within grabbing/snipping/stripping/defecating-on distance, no ta!


Last of the Summer Winos
Yeah..... the winter bike is getting a bit long in the tooth, it;s fully insured and I could do with a new one.

Which pretty much guarantees I could leave it unlocked anywhere and the damned thing would never get nicked.


Legendary Member
Nope! CCTV is no good unless being surveilled 24/7... Which isn't going to happen ... Just need hoodie wearing scrote who'll never be identified

I suppose I might if the bike was worth £20, even then maybe not as it could be hard to replace it for £20


Legendary Member
You've all seen the scene in Deliverance where the hillbillies catch up with the city boys? That's what happens to your bike when you leave it at a station overnight.


Not a chance, Left mine overnight in a secure, monitored, Government facility and the first thing i did next morning was check it was still there.
I have a 'London Town Bike' specifically for this purpose. I parked it on the street at first but now it sleeps in the bike parking area in the multi-storey car park at St Pancras. There is CCTV and 24-hour security staff. Or so I've been told. (Don't use the bike parking cage on the ground floor - the security codes don't work, people are always leaving the doors open, and the racks are flimsy and basically crap.)

ETA: Oh and... the bike itself is cheap crap. :okay:


Here for rides.
At Victoria? Nope.

At the stations in Copenhagen, Malmo or Stockholm. For sure. Even though the incidence of bike theft in cph is appalling.

Cultures, and the behaviours within them are such varied and funny things.

My cph bike spends all day-every-working-day, and has spent a few nights (hic!) and a couple of weekends, locked to a tree protection cage outside in the office forecourt, in the street.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Only the retro GT Timberline - it'd withstand almost anything. And is worthless.

I leave it unlocked in Dewsbury without any bother *

* someone did 'steal' it once; I found it about 30 feet along the road, left against some railings.
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