Would you park a bike of £2000.00 at an open train station cycle park?

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Gbola: "Then I would not buy an expensive bike then. I have never been a believer of buying something you can not use regularly. However, what about boardman hybrid comp? Is it reasonable to leave that at the train station?"

I think the consensus on a cheap hack is pretty much where the smart money is. Many, many people have a nice bicycle for doing nice things on and a hack for commuting.

South East London is not famed for its crime-free streets. Take a peek at the racks at any London station and you'll see row after row of tired hacks. The people who left them there probably have a nicey-nicey bicycle at home, too.

I use a 10-year-old, low-end Trek MTB for London commuting. If I leave a meeting and it isn't there, I can just hop in a cab.

You need to enjoy riding the hack, but as long as you look after it it will be nice to ride.


Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex
I think we're saying that it's up to you. If the bike is insured, and you could stand to lose it, then go for it. I've seen about £2000 worth of bikes go inside 5 minutes, in a busy street, surrounded by people and CCTV. And yes, £700 of that total was mine.
Seriously, have a look at the cycle racks at your station, and see what sort of bikes are there. You don't want yours to be the nicest and most-worth-stealing.


New Member
Or get a Brompton and take it on the train with you :thumbsup:
What is a brompton? Is it a folding bike? If it is a folding bike, that sounds reasonable. The question then is why am I going to keep all the bikes, as my shed is already full of my children's and the other two bikes?


Somerset UK
I wrote my post (aka message) above having had the nasty experience of having 2 bikes vandalised at stations. I like the use a folder and ride into London from Woolwich suggestions - they eliminate the problem completely.

What is a brompton? Is it a folding bike?



Ditto to the 'no, get a hack bike' responses. There is no lock that will stop a determined thief with time on their hands, let alone a lock that you can carry with you. Simply put, if you don't want to risk it then don't do it.

My wife had 2 bikes stolen from her place of work in Southwark (5 years ago btw). Sure, insurance replaced them no questions like-for-like both times...but we got a hack for her to commute on the 2nd time.


Then I would not buy an expensive bike then.
No-one has suggested not using it, although, IMO, leaving it locked at a station every day would mean you wouldn't get to use it for long as it would be gone before the week is out.

According to the wife, I have a nice bike (or two :whistle: ) and a hack for leaving at stations, town centres, outside the Job Centre etc.

Having a hack to ride during the week will also show you how lovely the £2k bike is at weekends, when it will feel like you have electrical assistance. :thumbsup:


New Member
Is it fast
I wrote my post (aka message) above having had the nasty experience of having 2 bikes vandalised at stations. I like the use a folder and ride into London from Woolwich suggestions - they eliminate the problem completely.

Is brompton fast and light?


Dog on a bike
My place of work is about 17miles (West London) from my home (South East London) and I think it would take too long for me to get to work considering traffics and the nature of my job. While the train station is about 4 mile from my house which would be give about 8 miles of cycling per day, that I consider reasonable.
I work in Westminster and commute in from Welling. It takes about 40 mins. It is entirely up to you but I seriously would not leave anything at Woolwich station.


Well-Known Member
Know of too many folk who've had bikes bikes of a lesser value nicked outside the local station to say "yes". Fortunately, my local station (operated by SE Trains) has a covered, locked storage facility. I happily pay £40 a year for my own spot in there; always a risk that someone leaves the door open etc. but like minded people using it means I happily leave my saddle bag, lights, helmet etc. on my bike. But leaving a bike of that value in the open is sadly a no-go in my opinion.
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