Would you try and out run a police officer on a bike?

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Rural Quebec
Perhaps it was the 54" plasma screen attached to my (also boosted) carbon handlebars that gave the game away and also slowed me down but what was I supposed to do say "fair cop guv"? No, I went for it. The TV ruined the aerodynamics but I put my head down behind it and gave it some hoping that all that work I put in on base miles would come to the fore. He caught me on an uphill stretch and drifting alongside me said "Evenin' sir, did you know your back light is not working?"
Incidentally the TV is crap so if anyone would like a 54inch Samsung for 54 quid see me down the pub.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Does anyone still use the "I play golf with your chief inspector i'll have you know"!, when caught out by the plod i wonder?


It would very much depend on whether I'd done something illegal or not and on just how illegal. As I don't tend to break the law in any serious way I'd stop. If I'd just robbed a bank I'd give it the beans and hope for the best.


Does anyone still use the "I play golf with your chief inspector i'll have you know"!, when caught out by the plod i wonder?
In a previous life as a door supervisor I did get a few people say "Do you know who I am". To which the standard response was "Can anybody help this person, they seem to have forgotten who they are". Unless of course they were effing huge or looked psycopathic, in which case more tact was used.
Does anyone still use the "I play golf with your chief inspector i'll have you know"!, when caught out by the plod i wonder?

Variations on the theme yes, and frequently. Normally it's "my uncle /godfather /relative" is a "DCI/inspector/rank they feel is good".

Usually it's just ignored whilst you metaphorically add +5 to their cockwomble score. Once though someone quoted an inspector I was quite good friends with having worked with them previously when they were a sergeant, so without letting said person know what I was about to do, I got their number from my mobile, rang it on the radio, checked that they were indeed related and passed the 'phone' over after saying 'tell your nephew to stop acting like a ***t before I have to arrest him for being drunk and disorderly would you?"

I was later told words were had in private later too, and don't think he will play that card again. :smile:

up hill struggle

Well-Known Member
Say for example he was cycling and he flagged you down. You had a lighter/carbon bike all the works and the officer was on a standard bike. Would you give it sum and go like the clappers?

Remember the officer is on a bicyclist

nah, I wouldn't. Even if I was fit enough to out run the police (no where near fit enough by the way).
if they ask me to stop for what ever reason then they must want speak to me about something, ive been stopped twice,
once at a vehicle check point in Belfast & asked if I had been on the same road last week on whatever day at whatever time as there had been a shooting & they were asking if id seen anything or get away car.
second time I was pulled over after a car matching mine was spotted acting suspiciously , as it turned out that was actually me, I was looking for an old farm that had been converted to holiday cottages & was lost as satnav said postcode didn't exist, least he gave me directions though so happy I had stopped.

only people that need to outrun police are those that have did something wrong.

come on soupy, tell what your hiding, lol.


Legendary Member
It would very much depend on whether I'd done something illegal or not and on just how illegal. As I don't tend to break the law in any serious way I'd stop. If I'd just robbed a bank I'd give it the beans and hope for the best.

If you had just robbed a bank, I would hope for your sake that your getaway vehicle wasn't a push bike ^_^


Legendary Member
only people that need to outrun police are those that have did something wrong.

come on soupy, tell what your hiding, lol.

Though I never tried to "outrun police", in my youth I used to get stopped at least weekly, merely for possession of an old car, and it did get extremely tiresome. "routine check sir", and , I kid you not "strangers in town" - on the A40 in Llandovery, in a Carmarthenshire reg car. Moderately hostile questions on occasion too. If I'd been a young black lad in the 80's I dare say I'd have acquired a pretty big chip on my shoulder, and I dare say the questioning / hassles would have been significantly worse too.
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Legendary Member
I've caught motorbikes etc on my (t)rusty old work Spesh. As aforementioned, in some forces its not a punishment post, and in most cases competition to get on a unit is quite tight, so we're not all fatties. Nationally,.cycle patrol officers have on average less days off sick that any other field in dibbledom.
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