Would you try and out run a police officer on a bike?

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Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
[QUOTE 3229285, member: 45"]And what is a police officer doing on a bicyclist?[/QUOTE]
That takes police "getting to know the public" to a whole new level :eek:.


Not now I wouldn't, I'm too old for hi-jinx.

When I was young and a regular absconder from care and aprroved schools I have several times outrun the police on foot, bearing in mind in those days the police didn't carry radios or have the use of helicopters.


Well-Known Member
Bicyclist 1 cops 0
What has their sexual orientation got to do with it :smooch:lol
Not now I wouldn't, I'm too old for hi-jinx.

When I was young and a regular absconder from care and aprroved schools I have several times outrun the police on foot, bearing in mind in those days the police didn't carry radios or have the use of helicopters.
They also carry stab vests, radios, phones, cs gas, handcuffs, quite possibly a body camera, etc.. Guy I worked with started off his career as a copper, he reckoned he had about 200m in a foot pursuit to catch the villain before the extra equipment took its toll.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
A couple of years ago i was cycling to work across a shared use bridge and a copper shouted "oi mate!" ... he may or may not have been shouting at me, so i ignored him and carried on my way. Nothing happened.


Well-Known Member
I don't see coppers round here even on shanky's ponies or in cars come to think of it. So I would amazed and stunned to see one on a bike, so I can't answer another one of the classic "soup of the day" scenarios unfortunately. I often get woken by the sky police spending thousands on seeking out another untouchable burglar or car thief in their helicopter though. Only for the whole malarkey to end in a non conviction because the judge doesn't see it fit and just to send these scum to prison. Remember, they are the victims, not the likes of us, the hardworking, tax payers. Apparently, they were unfortunately born into dysfunctional families. That's why they commit such acts. We shouldn't be so hard on these poor, misunderstood souls :whistle:


Smash the cistern
My last interaction with a copper on a bike was at the top of Cote de Bradfield just as they were setting up for the TdF. I'd just ridden up the hill and got off my bike:

Copper: "Oi! You can't do that!"
Me, slightly confused and out of breath: "Wha? Eh?"
Copper: "You made that look far too easy!"
Me: ^_^
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