Your day's wildlife

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[QUOTE 3573747, member: 9609"]A lot of activity in the garden pond this morning, strangely warm outside 10°c

it is only abot 6 foot in diameter, and in this next shot I can count 34 of them - there is going to be a lot of frogsspawn this year.
love the top photo. it is great.


Active Member
Coastal Suffolk
A lovely mild day here in Suffolk. A blackbird was singing beautifully outside the house when I got home from work. Has spring sprung?
[QUOTE 3574278, member: 9609"]It did come out rather well didn't it, (even if i say so myself) , love the reflection and the texture of the water, just love those big frog eyes. I lay down at the side of the pond for about half an hour for them all to surface, it was great watching them climbing on each other and splashing about doing all the froggy things that frogs do - the noise was the best bit with all the burping farting and croaking - I just love them..
might put the picture in the photography thread, is that allowed double posting of images, or is it thought a bit immodest?[/QUOTE]
Can't see the harm. Also over on the photography forum. It would be great it is was in the media files and then added into the my photo today...


Rohan Man
Bugbrooke UK
Red Kite over Bugbrooke, Northants yesterday. We're between the reintroduction sites in Chilterns and Rockingham Forest but too far to be in normal hunting range. This one was probably a relatively juvenile example on an explore but hopefully they'll spread this way over time.

When we moved here 25 yrs ago Buzzards were rare but are now too common to warrant glance or comment unless they're being mobbed by other birds.

I'm also seeing the odd Raven. Always at altitude and apparently on passage but call and flight behaviour diagnostic. Googling suggests there's an establishing community of them on t'other side of Daventry - Staverton/Catesby area.
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Norven Mankey
Spin out in Cheshire yesterday. Plenty of Buzzards, couple of Kestrels too. What was lovely was a couple of singing Yellowhammers. Didn't see them but the song is so distinctive. Seem quite common in the Cheshire farmland but I have never heard or seen one in the Peak District


Legendary Member
Not today but yesterday...
Jackdaw, there's plenty around but I never really see them in urban areas...but yesterday afternoon...chack chack chack and a whole series of other varied sounds and calls, really quite vocal as he/she made its way across the roof of the house opposite, probably looking in clumps of moss on the tiles for anything edible.
Sounded like the most excited Jackdaw in Peterborough ^_^.
[QUOTE 3541682, member: 9609"]watching three otters playing the other evening, the light was fading so the pictures were crap, but great to watch all the same

Jealous. Only ever seen one, and that was under the ferry jetty at Tobermory.


If 6 Was 9
Nearly ran a Peacock over round the back of Marwood.
Saw it coming out of a driveway, on the right, and thought that's a big Pheasant!
Had to brake pretty hard to miss it.:ohmy:
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