Your day's wildlife

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Midlands UK
We get quite a few Speckled Wood butterflies in our garden - this one was particularly obliging in having its photo taken.
I had to rescue it from the greenhouse later, as it was getting increasingly desperate.
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We had a moth in our enclosed alleyway so wanted to get it out, I tried to usher it out but instead it walked onto my finger and I carried it outside, I then stood there for quite some time looking closely at the beautiful creature as it was hesitant to fly away.


Midlands UK
A couple of days ago I refilled the bird seed feeder and put out 3 fat balls, this morning great tits, sparrows and a robin were busy filling their beaks :wub:


I have about 40 sparrows flocking to the feeders using a litre of seed a day lol..
plenty more species feeding but the spadgers are a force atm...mrs sparrow hawk popped in the other day which may change the numbers they tend to thin the sparrows down and then go away..


Legendary Member
A Little (I assume)..Egret (definitely) hunched up at the edge of a field of stubble with a dyke running nearby.
Within the same field as above, one heron and two little egrets, each about 20ft from each other. They're not a very animated bird are they ?^_^?..just stood there, hunched up like theyre absolutely fed up .


Within the same field as above, one heron and two little egrets, each about 20ft from each other. They're not a very animated bird are they ?^_^?..just stood there, hunched up like theyre absolutely fed up .

Id think there bloody frozen @gbb lol the heating has come on at mine..and the wife is garding the thermostat!!!


Touch it up and ride it
This old lady was quite happy chewing the grass up Sywell



I had to leave some mossy weeds when I was gardening yesterday because a tiny froglet refused to be rescued. It kept hopping back when I tried to move it.
we have had this visitor to our landing several nights in a row now. S/he is escorted out of the house and set free and the next night is back without fail!
I am now going to sit and go through my moths and caterpillars book and see if I can identify it. I doubt I can. I will try for a better photo next time they visit.



Prize winning member X2
Ive had a few of those in the shed . This morning i had a cricket on my bathroom ceiling :eek: He must have been really annoyed as he had made it all the way up the stairs and then to the ceiling only to be put out in the garden .

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Found this on todays walk around Barnwell country park.
its a very rare Deaths head hawk Moth Caterpillar..they can give you a nip too..

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we have had this visitor to our landing several nights in a row now. S/he is escorted out of the house and set free and the next night is back without fail!
I am now going to sit and go through my moths and caterpillars book and see if I can identify it. I doubt I can. I will try for a better photo next time they visit.

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I spotted this little beauty today. It's a sycamore moth apparently - of which I had never heard or seen before! It was on a fence directly under a sycamore tree funnily enough.

Got some free bird seed from @SatNavSaysStraightOn a month ago, so finally got round to building a bird feeder. Had a few on there as well as our local squirrels and Rosie (our cat) seems to be taking an interest as well.


Saw a woodpecker for the first time in our garden yesterday and judging by the state of the branch, Wilfred has been busy looking for bugs


Also, got a new hog (Stevehog junior) at the feeders last night. Judging by his size, he must be one of this years youngsters.

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