Your ride today....

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My Armchair
Had to nip to the bike shop a couple of miles away, as it was such a lovely day I detoured home and did a loop taking in my old favourite Tatton Park.
Quite embarrassed to admit at just over 22 miles it was my longest ride since last August, no wonder I am finding it such hard work :blush:

2 rides to write up. Yesterday was a ride of distinctly overcast and cool conditions, but loads of cyclists and walkers out around the Delamere area. Something was going on because some of the walkers (clearly camping overnight) had numbers on their back packs (515 & 516 are 2 I remember). I had a chat whilst cycling along with some mountain bikers. The trike often gets that kind of response from other riders and quite frequently pedestrians as well. I added a slight detour in because I had been looking for a 0.1 mile extension but miscalculated slightly and ended up with a 1.1 mile extension and several hundred feet of extra climbing! So I did 17.0 miles instead of the planned 16.0 miles. It may not sound much for most people but right now that is a huge extension for me and with my support out and about on a 100km ride (after 5-6 months of no riding!) I really didn't need the extra mile! I did however manage to maintain an 8.0mph average which I was pleased about given the rather a lot extra climbing (OK it was only about 130 feet extra but it was all in 1 hill which is a bugger of a hill because it steadily gets steeper and steeper and also narrower and narrower...

One thing my husband did mention on his self inflicted 100km ride was that he actually saw a bore on River Dee. He showed me a photo as well just to prove it.

Today was a totally different day to yesterday weather wise and much colder to start off with, but it was never going to stay that way. An overnight frost and bright blue skies meant only one thing. Don't leave home without putting sunblock on... This morning I had made the decision that I would cycle my route for the entire week in the opposite direction to usual. And it being the first time I had done this, it was always going to be a slow day, or at least I thought it would be. I had looked at one or two junctions and had to make a couple of changes. I didn't want to be stranded in the middle of a potentially busy road trying to turn right when I could go off left earlier, cut back hard right and approach the same junction as a straight over at a crossroads. Don't worry it makes sense to me... so the ride is slightly longer as well as being in reverse.


Some Marsh Marigolds that grow locally.


Normally I don't see this 'view' because I come up the hill instead of going down it. But today I did get to see it and sadly I got to see that smog/pollution as well!

Early on I stopped at the side of the road to log some swallows into the BTO app and a pedestrian came over and apologised to me for ignoring me when I said hello to him yesterday or on Friday! I don't even know this guy's name, but it is a case I have been seeing him regularly (OK that does not sound great :stop:) on my rides and often say hello to complete strangers, and he must be one of them! We had a good chat and it turns out that he gets his daughter to drop him off at a certain point each day and then walks the 5 miles home as his exercise.


Another view and the main west coast line as well. No train in the photo today!


Further on and I came across this bank of primroses. The weeping willow has started to leaf since yesterday!

So 16.8 miles on a long amble around the lanes and strangely an average of 8.0mph again!


Its okay to be white
Half day Monday meant another opportunity to ride in the glorious sunshine this afternoon.

Following what has become a bit of a pattern lately after a longer Saturday ride I headed for the flatland's of the southern half of the New Forest, past Beaulieu, rather than through it, & down towards Lymington before turning south & a quick loop around the more agricultural areas of Norleywood & St Leonards Grange before the return leg back through the forest & home via Lyndhurst for a sunny 34 miles.



[QUOTE 3652506, member: 9609"]Newcastleton & Back, 52 mile + 3,750' ascent, on what could only be described as a summers day.

Endless moorland roads



a rather worrying sign

I kept well away from whatever horror may of awaited me behind that darkened doorway, and had my piece in the old chapel

then headed back east towards the border
Fantastic roads.i envy you.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Had to nip to the bike shop a couple of miles away, as it was such a lovely day I detoured home and did a loop taking in my old favourite Tatton Park.
Quite embarrassed to admit at just over 22 miles it was my longest ride since last August, no wonder I am finding it such hard work :blush:

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Ah, but did you enjoy it, and are you going to keep it up? :whistle:

In fact (I feel a song coming on ...)

When will I see you again? When will we share precious moments? :okay:


(PS Ignore the smoochy parts of that song! :laugh:)


Puzzle game procrastinator!
That picture reminds me just how far I have fallen, got a long way to go to get back to those days :sad:

But yes, I intend to keep going, way behind my modest 2000 mile target but there's plenty of the year left to catch up :okay:
Yes, you had got pretty trim then. Still - you did it before, so you can do it again!

I look at the picture of me, and I look so chunky compared to now.


Legendary Member
Nothing remarkable, but for me, another small step towards getting some regular rides in..
Just a quick 10 miles at just over 15mph (bear with me, these are hardly earth shattering figures, but i'm using them to spur me on) around town. That's on my phone app I assume using a total time average..i suspect if I was using my bike computers moving time average, it'd be better.
And I overtook another roadie :laugh::boxing:


OK OK It's a day late but:
All the bits and pieces had finally turned up, I took the kids to rugby and put the shelves up that Mrs D had been "hinting" about and before Sunday lunch/dinner was ready I was ......... finally able to squeeze in an hour to take out the new bargain-tastic (see earlier threads) addition


A quick 18 miles after work and before dinner :smile: Lovely and sunny, a good few other riders out there too including one youngster who must have been 7 or 8 on what looked like a new road bike. He was riding on the road alone, checked the junction before he pulled out and everything. Good to see :smile: :thumbsup:


Well todays ride I wasn't looking forward to because the Orro has been sent to Orro, as one of the bottle cage bolts threads dropped down inside the down tube. This meant that I was going to take the Boardman Hybrid on the club ride.

When I turned up on the BH people were taking the Michael. Well at least I have 2 bikes so when one is in I still can go out.

As it turned out there were 2 new riders Dave and George. I'm guessing but it looked sd though there were about 10-15 peeps out for a ride.

My worst fears cane to light as it was decided that we were going to do a nasty hill at the beginning of the ride.
It was another hill that I've not done before.

Well we set off and Berney came riding towards us and jumped in the middle of the pelaton. The route was the usual out of the estate. At the end of Naas Lane we turned right as normal then after the first incline we turned left into what would eventually become Lady Garden Hill! It's a cat 3 in places. I stopped once but mafe no forward progress off the bike. At the top we then decided that in Stonehouse we would split into 2 groups and one lot would do some more hills and the other would go flat. Then we would all meet up at the coffee shop st Saul.

The new guy Dave was having problems and was struggling up LGH and I waited with him for a while while he caught his breath. Dean waited for him further up and Ian went back down to see if Dean and Dave were OK.

After a short break I had a quick chat
With @gordyfinbar about splitting the group for hills and flat to the coffee shop.

Going down Whiteshill @Largie003 decided to have a bit of a moment and his left crank came off and lodged itself between the rear wheel and the frame. It took a while but it was sorted. See pics. I had my normal red mist going down hill and got up to 37.8 mph and overtook a Passage too.

At the bottom of the hill we went down into Stroud and then split at Sainsburys roundabout. The flat group turned right along the bypass.

I must admit that the bike was feeling better the further I went on it. After going for a bit @Largie003 was feeling more confident in his bike and started to put more pressure and speed up. He was disappointed in not going to the hill section the was planned.

We turned off the main road and headed towards Eastington where we turned right towards the A38. At the A38 we turned right down hill then left into Frampton. For a change we went straight through Frampton then turned right over the canal. Then along the windy lane and then as it straightens out we turned right again in to Saul Junction forward bite to eat and drink.

I had a latte and @Largie003 had a tea.
I thought it was time I brought out my malt loaf. it wasn't long before @gordyfinbar arrived st started moaning. This isn't his favourite place to stop as he always has a moan about the service! Mind you he always moans about the food at the pub we meet on Thursday nights, but it again doesn't stop him eating there 9/10 times! Funny sod.

After the stop it was off to the Longley Loop and after going half way round the group was going to turn left into Stonebench and back to the estate. It was here that @Donger and I decided to do a hole lap of thr loop as the ride was too short in our minds.

The loop was very pleasurable strolling along with @Donger. We were making plans for future trips for the room of us on our slow bikes!

In the end the ride was just over 32 miles and it was not a boring ride. :smile:


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booze and cake

probably out cycling
Sorry not today but my ride of the weekend involved me on my singlespeed and a recumbent riding mate going to the bike show in Bristol. We got train from London to Pewsey on Friday and upon arrival prompty decided we needed lunch and a drink^_^ You can just about see the white horse on the hill top between the two trees slightly right of centre
Top pub for lunch ,
My mate was colour matching his beer with his bent with a pint of Alien Abduction
Then embarked on canal section, first bit was more grass than path, then good section through all the locks at Devizes, was a flinty surface for long sections but luckily no punctures on my slick 25's, thankfully the ground was bone dry. Slow but steady progress and top courtesy by all cycilsts and peds alike.
Not as hot as last week but the sun was still shining and this little lot was lapping it up. .
There was lots of lovely bkes but my best in show was a simple chair on the Reynolds stand
Did return leg of same route on Sunday but return train from Pewsey to London was'nt untl 10pm so we did'nt leave Bristol until quite late. Nice light nearing sunset at the top of the Devizes locks on the return leg
After dark it got proper cold (by softie southerner standards) my digists were freezing and I wished I'd brought my full fingered gloves. We got to Pewsey about 9.15 so quick pub stop to warm hands before dashing to train, got home at 12.15 and slept like a log. I could have done with a few more hours kip when the alarm sounded this morning, but the weekend riding made up for it.

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
A ride of two halves today. Returning from deepest north west Norfolk with a short train journey splitting the ride in two.

First of all, a 23 miler from North Creake to Kings Lynn station. I spotted two swallows shagging on wires in South Creake and thought -fair play, I'm not sure I'd be so energetic after such a long journey. They don't hang about do they?!


Managed a fair few miles without seeing a single car. This spot near Anmer was blissfully quiet.


On the Sandringham estate, West Newton Church is always a good place to stop for a break.


After years of stopping off here, I'd never noticed the engraving on the bench before.


And it is an idyllic view.


Somewhere among that lot is a grass snake I spotted. I tried to pick it up but he was having none of it, and buggered off. And who can blame him. About 4 foot long, I've not seen many bigger.


A brew at Kings Lynn station then a short train ride to Ely from where the lovely riverside cycle path took me home.

A rare day of tailwinds all the way with warm sunshine. It doesn't get much better than that. After 23 Norfolk and 15 Cambs miles it was another great day to be on a bike.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
11.25 miles today. Ok they were done on an exercise bike in the backyard/garden as i'm still recovering from last Tuesday's being knocked off my bike, but believe me those miles take a lot more effort than on a road bike! I have it on at full resistance and there's no free wheeling so it's constant for an hour. Plus i did them in 80F in the sun with no breeze!:heat:
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