Your ride today....

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Never used Über Member
You know what they say about the best laid plans don't you..?

I'd worked out a bit of extra mileage to add to last weeks circuit which would push me up to 50 miles - my first imperial half century.

So up and out at 8am this morning on the road bike (before it was properly light, so lights on) and out via Thorner, then the lanes to Collingham and instead of the short section down the A58, I took School Lane which runs parallel and was virtually traffic free. A quick right / left across the A58, then right towards Linton and over the river.
Through Linton and into the fringes of Wetherby, but turned left and headed to Spofforth. Not a bad ride for an A road. Through the village and right at the end of the causeway to North Deighton, then down to Kirk Deighton (very picturesque here - might have to visit in better weather) and Wetherby. Left on Horsefair and out past the racecourse and through Thorp Arch, then down over the river and into Boston Spa. Took Bar Lane to Clifford, then Bramham and up Town hill (new PB!), and out on Toulson lane before branching right and the drop down to the bridge over the A64 whenre I stopped for a drink and a bite to eat.
27 miles in, legs felt like they had loads left, fingers crossed the big 5-0 would be on.
As I set off again it started to rain (as forecast, unlike last weekend) for the descent into Stutton, along Fanny Lane and out to the A162.
Up the hill and then took the left to Ulleskelf, then the run down to Church Fenton and past Leeds East airport, which I'm sure would have been quite a pleasant ride in better weather...
Over the railway bridge and through Barkston Ash, then a quick right / left on the A162 and down to Saxton. Out on Coldhill lane and then up towards Lotherton Hall.
I'd discover when I got home that MapMyRide decided to stop working here, for reasons only it knows. Blooming technology! :cursing:
Down the hill to Aberford and there was a loud ping. 'Goodness' thought I, 'what on earth could that be' as I rattled to a halt. A broken spoke on the back wheel.:cry:
Couldn't get it out, so fettled it up against it's neighbour out of the way and as everything else seemed in order I carefully carried on.
Stopped at the bridge on Cattle Lane as progress seemed slow and it was clear that the wheel was slightly out of true, but by enough to be fouling the rear brakes.
So roadside temporary fix and onwards even more carefully...
So, soaked, cold, on a wounded bike I gave up and binned the ride off as I was near enough home. Under other conditions I'd have added a loop on to get the extra few miles in but enough is enough. I can take a hint. :tongue:

I've worked the total mileage out as 47.1 miles (using the bike computer and a map), which gives me an average of around 14.2mph, which sounds about right.
However, I'm consoling myself that it's still my longest ride in terms of time and distance and it is 75km, which is still an achievement.

Dried out, bite to eat and the bike has now been dropped off at the shop to fix - understandably they were quite busy on a Saturday lunchtime so they are 'going to give me a call'.
Looks like it will be the hybrid tomorrow, no plans made yet but it won't be an imperial half...;)
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Its okay to be white
With the indifferent weather forecast I had two routes planned for today, a longer one if dry & a shorter if wet so waking up to damp but not rainy morning meant the long one it was to be as the rain was not now due until 4pm.

Setting off on the number 1 bike at around 10 it certainly wasn't cold & with the wind from the south it would play little part as I headed west towards the New Forest but blow me as soon as I hit the tree lined roads it started to rain!!? Undeterred, I carried on towards Fordingbridge, which at 13 miles in meant I could still go shorter if the rain continued but thankfully as soon as I left the forest it stopped, so the longer route it was & I carried on into East Dorset, on some rather wet roads but no rain.

The mostly country roads were fairly quiet as I passed through Cranbourne en-route to Sixpenny Handley & the only real climb of the day, a steady 1.7 miles on nice fresh tarmac which I'd only done once before but is now one of my favourites due to the surface. Lunch was taken on the decent where I saw the only sour point of the day which were the "catchers" for a pheasant shoot that was going on close by & not being the shy type I let the vile creatures know exactly what I thought of their "sport"!

Topped up with peanut butter sarnies the next section was a nice flat road going down through Fifield Bavant, Broad Chalke & Stratford Tony to Coombe Blissett where I turned back south & towards home, taking in Rockbourne, Sandleheath & Ipsley before crossing the forest where believe it or not it was still raining!!

69.6 enjoyable miles despite the wet but possibly the last ride for the best bike until next year.

The first picture is of the second smallest church in England at Fifield Bavant which looking at the grassy path to get to it is, I'm guessing, fairly quiet.




Cleaning required!

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
12 miles this day, down to Normal for State U. Homecoming parade and lunch with MRS. GA's family, and return, on the 3-speed Electra. Actually, I rode down the closed parade route before the parade got there, running a bit late, then running a bit self-conscious.
Winds SW-20
relative humidity 93%
29.88 barometer
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World class procrastinator

Having woken up at 2am with a migraine, got up at 8am with a migraine and back to bed at 8.15am with a migraine, I didn't think that I would get a ride in today at all. I felt groggy most of the day but perked up around 3pm and started to feel a little more human.

Once Hubster had gone to dialysis and I'd got a couple of hours guitar practice in, I decided that the weather looked OK (according to the BBC, who tell lies) and texted Hubster to say that I'd meet him at around 9.50pm at the hospital. This seemed very early when he was due at dialysis at 6pm. I figured that he'd tell all when I saw him.
I took Eric the CX, 2 rear frog lights, a proper steady back light and another flasher clipped to my back pocket on my Night Vision jacket. 2 front lights on steady and a front flasher. It's dark out. I love night riding and tonight was no different. Once I was out of the street light zone it was wonderful, although I nearly did for a couple of bunnies who dashed across my path. I know what they were thinking, it was 'it's only a bike, I can get across here'. Rabbits and pedestrians have more in common than they think.
I went the route that I know, the one that involved turning right at the roundabout at the end of Bucklesham Road - it was absolutely clear. I was all ready to hop off and leg it around but there was no need. At the next roundabout, the one with the bike shop in the parade of shops there, it was a different story. Every car in Suffolk was on it's way around there.
I got to the hospital a smidge faster than last time. Somehow I only climbed 45m in the dark. In the daylight it's 53m. I am not convinced that Garmin knows anything and just makes stuff up.
Anyway 11.44 miles (not quite as far as last time but I can put the difference down to a different line on bends and roundabouts, it's so small) in 50 mins. I got a bit damp but had a lot of fun.

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
Back to North Norfolk for me this evening in a ride of two halves.

First the 15 miles across the fens to Ely station. Heavy rain and a strong, cold headwind the whole way. At least the train to King's Lynn was only 10 mins late.

Then off out of Lynn into deepest rural Norfolk. The skies cleared and a lovely moon appeared as I passed Castle Rising. Just past West Newton (near Sandringham) I had my closest ever encounter with a barn owl. I must have spooked it as I buzzed past, and it lifted off out of the verge just a feet away. Such moments make life worthwhile.

The 24 mile ride from Lynn is always a joy, and never more so than on a cold, clear moonlit lit night, with just me, the stars and a few rogue owls about. Barely a car to be seen and I put my foot down a bit just to warm up.

I didn't realise quite how cold I was until I got indoors, but a shower and a lovely fire thawed me out.


Cheers! An extra hour tonight too to recover. A thoroughly enjoyable if slightly chilly 39 miles today

Dave 123

Legendary Member
Up and out early today, so early that I may have been the first thing down the road as I was sending up huge flocks of pigeons, rooks, charms of goldfinch and coveys of partridge. I saw white sheep with black heads too!
On Friday night I'd done a particularly entertaining circuit training and as a result 2/3 of the way up Chapel Hill I was in trouble and bottom gear. My thighs were screaming!
The same thing happened up Old Wimpole hill, luckily on both occasions only the birds witnessed my near collapse!



24 weary miles under water colour skies, a good way to start the day!

Billy Wizz

Über Member
North Wales
There is something about the rising tide that makes me think of my home town.
Bang for buck this bike is great.


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Mrs M

With the indifferent weather forecast I had two routes planned for today, a longer one if dry & a shorter if wet so waking up to damp but not rainy morning meant the long one it was to be as the rain was not now due until 4pm.

Setting off on the number 1 bike at around 10 it certainly wasn't cold & with the wind from the south it would play little part as I headed west towards the New Forest but blow me as soon as I hit the tree lined roads it started to rain!!? Undeterred, I carried on towards Fordingbridge, which at 13 miles in meant I could still go shorter if the rain continued but thankfully as soon as I left the forest it stopped, so the longer route it was & I carried on into East Dorset, on some rather wet roads but no rain.

The mostly country roads were fairly quiet as I passed through Cranbourne en-route to Sixpenny Handley & the only real climb of the day, a steady 1.7 miles on nice fresh tarmac which I'd only done once before but is now one of my favourites due to the surface. Lunch was taken on the decent where I saw the only sour point of the day which were the "catchers" for a pheasant shoot that was going on close by & not being the shy type I let the vile creatures know exactly what I thought of their "sport"!

Topped up with peanut butter sarnies the next section was a nice flat road going down through Fifield Bavant, Broad Chalke & Stratford Tony to Coombe Blissett where I turned back south & towards home, taking in Rockbourne, Sandleheath & Ipsley before crossing the forest where believe it or not it was still raining!!

69.6 enjoyable miles despite the wet but possibly the last ride for the best bike until next year.

The first picture is of the second smallest church in England at Fifield Bavant which looking at the grassy path to get to it is, I'm guessing, fairly quiet.
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Cleaning required!
The muddier you get, the more fun you've had :smile::bicycle:.

Deleted member 1258

66 miles the journey, the lickey Hills Visitor Centre the destination. Lovely autumn day, bright sunny and a touch chilly, the only spoiler was the breeze, it made for a slow hard morning, I seemed to spend most of the ride out plugging into it, I'd almost burnt my legs out by the time I made the cafe, I seemed to spend a lot of the ride home plugging into it as well. Last ride on the geared bike this year, I,m putting it way now until the spring, I'll be on the fixed through the winter, I brought the Eastway in July and I've clocked up 731 miles on it since. Though hard it was a good mornings ride, on the way out of Coventry I was sitting at the lights at malfunction junction and chatting with the artic driver in the next lane, I also had a chat with one of the riders in a Solihull club group when I caught it just outside Hockly Heath, I've got tired legs this afternoon but I've enjoyed myself.



Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Over 50 miles today. Another club ride, all slightly faster than I would have liked .... but I'm sure it's good for me. Despite a wait for someone to replace an inner tube near Redmarley; half an hour's coffee break outside a riverside café in Upton on Severn; and several stops to wait for backmarkers to catch up, it was still all over in under four and a half hours. We must have averaged over 15 mph when moving. Mercifully, only a couple of hills today. Thighs felt like two breeze blocks for the first half hour (after my Wiltshire ride the other day), but I rode myself into the ride by the time we got to Redmarley. Thoroughly enjoyed Upton, and the ride back South to Gloucester. Nice day, good company. Brought up my 2,500 miles for the year.
Ride out around the Auchenblae / Fettercairn area . Lots of wildlife today geese , swans , deer , and a big black cat. The later freaked me out . It was in a field across from the golf course and a couple of golfers and a couple of fellow cyclists stopped with me to watch. We were we all in agreement that it was defo too big for a domestic moggy. Never seen one before but there has been reports of one going about. It left me asking the question .....can i outrun these guys if it decides it's tea time........
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