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Old jon

Rare mid week day off on my own (how rare are they?)

Saw Mrs ND off to work, then faffed about a bit having breakfast and getting ready, finally set off at about 8:10am.

Slight local variation on the way out to Thorner to avoid the first part of the usual weekend run that is ratrun during the week. Thorner, then Milner Lane, Collingham, Linton - first bridge over the River Wharf that was in full flood. Round into Wetherby where the river had turned the sports fields into a temporary lake. Out towards Walton, passing a guy on a Colnago then down to Thorp Arch, back over the wharf which was in such spate that the weir just upstream of the bridge was only identifiable by the swirling, churning water marking where the drop can normally be seen. Should have stopped to get a photo, but it's a single lane bridge so I didn't.
The run down to Thorp Arch was a bit grim with an incessant and swirling headwind all the way, which made me decide that I wasn't going to extend the ride via Ulleskelf, Church Fenton and Barkston Ash as the road there is very open and I'd have had the headwind to content with all the way round.
Through Boston Spa and then the long way to Clifford via Bar Lane, where the chain came off...:eek:
Put it back on and heard a noise behind me - all the cows in the field on the other side of the road were staring at me. Maybe they've never seen anyone putting a chain back on? Anyway, they're vicious sods are cows, so I got on my way before they figured a way out of the field. :tongue:
Down to Bramham - when the chain came off again!!!! Put the blooming thing back on again and climbed Town Hill, then out via Toulson lane before turning right and dropping down to Stutton after crossing the A64 bridge. Entered the village via Fanny Lane and as i took Mill Lane to get onto the A162 noticed the fields there were flooded and the beck was within inches of topping the bridge.
Onto the A162 and the drag up to Towton, where I passed a cheery lady on a Cube and once through the village took the fork to Saxton.
The run from Saxton to Lotherton Hall was a struggle as I was back into the headwind and progress slowed significantly.
Down to Aberford, dodging the wind behind hedgerows and on towards Barwick - where the bloody chain came off again. :cursing:
Back on, I pressed on through Barwick and then a relentless slog to Scholes and down Leeds Road into the wind again.
Coming down Leeds Road I decided to do a test to see just how bad the wind was - doing 26mph I stopped pedaling, letting the bike freewheel. Despite going downhill, within 100 yards my speed had slowed to just 11mph. :bicycle: I pedaled the rest of the way down the hill, then round and up to home.

34.78 miles in 2hrs 25m at an average of 14.4 mph with 1576ft climbed. Good use of the time and it sure beats working on a Wednesday. :okay:

I've tweaked the front mech and it seems to be changing OK, so we'll see on the next ride out.

Coo ! Almost put me off going out this morning, but off I will go in an hour or so. Impressive ride in those conditions.

@Stonechat know how to make a man jealous. :smile:

No opportunity to ride Thurs/Fri/Sat am/Sun am as I am doing stuff (how busy can semi-retirement be for chrisakes?). Then Sat pm I dare not miss Chelsea vs Norwich as we might get a rare 3 points - haha! So that leaves Sunday pm to squeeze something in with what will no doubt be dead legs after a three week break. :cursing:
Just wait until retired and you will have even less time!
Two weekends of bad weather & going to football this weekend meant my November entry in the "Metric Ton a Month" challenge was looking a bit dodgy so a day off & a rare midweek 100k was called for today.

There was some blue sky around as I set off on a route planned to try & give at least some shelter from the gusty winds that were still blowing & I again headed north-east into the agricultural lanes of the Test Valley where hedge-rows are aplenty. The roads were quieter than I'd imagined they'd be as I passed through Awbridge, Lockerley & East & West Tytherley with the wind still slightly on my tail. However, as I turned back towards the south-east at East Winterslow it was a case of head down & grind away along a series of very short but sharp climbs through Pitton & Alderbury & down towards Downton.

The final leg was back through the New Forest & some tree lined but muddy roads were first up before a quick dart with a tail wind across the more open moors to the next batch of trees for the road home.

63 miles, a few scary moments with cross winds & it started to rain as I got back but Novembers metric is now done!!

Not the most picturesque route I'm afraid so please excuse the lack of photos.

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Good run and a good speed


Über Member
During today's ride a wasp
flew into my mouth and stung the tip of my tongue, within seconds my tongue started to swell up, started to get a little worried as this is my first oral stinging in my 3 score and a bit years, got home safely and the swelling is going down, new rule DON'T ride with your mouth open

Old jon

Off went I this morning. I had thought that the recently bought windproof fleece was dry, nowt like putting a damp one on, as I found out. Anyroadup, I wore it, to find it was still too warm. Modern technology 1 Old jon 0. The rain sort of started, so a change of outer was made. Trying to plan a route headwind out and tailwind home from where I live usually means aiming southwest or so, which is Dewsbury or Wakefield. Not very entertaining for the first 12 miles, by which time I am thinking of returning anyway. So I usually ignore the wind direction and grump later.
Wetherby seemed a good idea and I sort of autopiloted to the Oakwood clock and Boot Hill. At the top, I turned left at the Boot Pub and travelled through Shadwell to Slaid Hill and Wike. The old stocks are still there on the eastern side of the road by Wike Ridge Cottage. The first stocks I ever saw. Photo when the weather improves. East Keswick, Collingham, Linton and Wetherby. There is a farmers' market there on a Thursday, so I had a wander around that. Ate a sandwich, back on the bike and down the hill to the bridge. Puncture. My knowledge of Anglo Saxon has increased immensely since I started riding again. Changed the tube etcetera and off I pedalled. Swiftly realising that my fingers were numb, I employed yet more Anglo Saxon directed at myself this time. So, back home along the A58, which is wide enough for safe stops for thawing fingers. 31.4 miles, hopefully a lesson or two learnt.


Never used Über Member
Coo ! Almost put me off going out this morning, but off I will go in an hour or so. Impressive ride in those conditions.

Thanks - reading it back it does sound a bit grim, but I enjoyed it. Most of the ride was sheltered from the wind so it was just the bits I've listed that were hard going.
Back out again tomorrow, fingers crossed.


Touch it up and ride it
Nice 13 mile loop just completed this evening not sure when I will get out over the weekend with the latest weather forecast


Sundays ride was D.F @Dongers choice of ride. Well he did us proud with a quiet and mostly flat ridevwith a few hills to shake it up a bit.

I really enjoyed the ride in the wind as I made sure I was hidden behind @Donger, as hectares a rather good wind break. Unlike me as I'm only a shortass and if I was in front I might aswell not be there lol.

As the forecast was 45mph winds for the first hour of the ride I was a tad nervous, but you just have to wait and see.

The ride went north of Gloucester to the edge of the Forest of Dean up to a place Much Marcle of which there is a Cider Brewery. Oh yes @Donger had to have a pint and I was a bit worried when he looked at me after his first sip! I just sat there eating my banana and drunk my water for the trip home.

Well the trip hone was easier than I expected and was pleasantly surprised at the pace in a few places on the ride.

44 miles for me, which took me to over 2,000 miles for the year so far.


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World class procrastinator
Home to hospital again today. We had planned to go out earlier in the day but it rained, all day and didn't stop until 4pm ish.
I had to ride to Old Felixstowe first, to drop a deposit for a one day craft thing off for next weekend. Then off to the hospital. I had planned to go via Brightwell and then past Adstral Park and on to Martlesham but got in a muddle on the cyclepaths and ended up at Tesco, then found my way again and followed the cyclepaths around in a big circle past the police station and back to the police station. Poot. Found the A1214 and then just followed it. My GPS is a pain in the backside. Find for recording stuff, when it feels the need to do that (It didn't today, stupid thing. I had to start it again at Trimley) but rubbish for getting me where I need to go. I used Hubster's GPS for that.

20.03 miles (according to garmin when I made it a route - including the lost bit) in about and hour and 40. A bit chilly out there tonight. My toes were getting cold.


A gentlemanly pootler, these days
West Wickham
Three commuting "bitsas" today; home to The Strand (was meant to be to the National Portrait Gallery, but The Strand was effectively a car park this morning); then from St. Martin's Lane to Canary Wharf; then from Canary Wharf back home.

The middle one, via the Embankment, Lower Thames Street, Tower Hill, Limehouse, Poplar etc. easily qualifies as the sh!ttiest ride I have ever undertaken, anywhere.
Tried to plan a route but didn't like it so improvised
Went out and Through Ashford (Middx) to Stanwell & Stanwell Moor, through to Datchet, then cut through to just skirt Windsor and took the road towards Ascot that skirts Windsor Great Park.

This has quite a clim though it is never too steep.
Did not enter the park as I often do but went alongside, and on reaching the A30, immediately turned off towards Virginia Waters.
Took a left on this route to go up Callow hill short tough hill (none of the hills near me is that long anyway until I get to Surrey Hills)
Bombed down Prune Hill in a PR (Reached 37 mph). Back through Egham to home

It was grey and only after I got home did the sun come oout.

Christened a new Pearl Izumi jacket today , definitely no shorts - they may be done for the year now.

27.21 miles @ 16.8 mph, with 817 feet of climbing

My aim is to try to keep my speed up this winter
However need to come up with an organised plan

I know in my heart I can follow plans better on the turbo but if the weather is OK I much prefer to be out on the road (who doesn't)

Jon George

Mamil and couldn't care less
Suffolk an' Good
I had planned a rather nice-looking ride for next Tuesday with my Tour De Cochon friend, Dan, (though only for tea and cakes) but the weather forecast looks dire for Tuesday and today's seemed so promising, Feeling a little guilty that he was at work and I should have been in front of the PC, I set off.
I headed out South-West of Ipswich via Copdock, Raydon, Shelly, East Bergolt, Holbrook and home.
38 miles along some muddy, narrow country lanes with lots to see. (A stoat the size of a polecat dashed out in front of me near Shelly). Here is a picture I took shortly afterwards:-

Shelly Friday 004.JPG
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