Your ride today....

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Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
Nice one Donger.

Looks like an interesting route .
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Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Top effort @Donger ! You're right, the hill toward the end looks interesting.
Did you make it up the stairs?
Eventually, and very slowly. Today I'm feeling great and really loose-limbed. My legs feel like those boing-y blade things that Oscar Pistorius uses. It's tomorrow that I'll really suffer. Always seems to be 48 hours later.


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
I get the delayed tiredness thing as well.I think a gentle recovery ride the day after helps a bit but after a big effort a bit of stiffness allways gets me after 48 hours.

Good decision going saturday.lot more wind and rain today.I seem to remember you go well in drowned rat mode ^_^


Got a huge monkey off my back today. Debut imperial century (which had been on my "to do" list for the last two years) now done and dusted. It wasn't pretty to watch, but I got through it.

I was due to be doing it with my audaxing buddy, @jembullo, but he was struck down by illness at the very last minute, which was a real shame. I'd had a couple of offers from @Frazzle and @Dark46 to accompany me on the Sunday instead, but the weather forecast looked much better for today, and I was keen to go ahead with it. Quite apart from anything else, I was running out of time to get my Cyclechat Metric Century-a-Month ride in for September.

Set off from Minchinhampton Common (Glos) and headed off to Cirencester, Fairford & Lechlade before doing a big slingshot around Faringdon (Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire) and back via Cricklade, Malmesbury and Sherston (North Wiltshire) and Tetbury and Avening (Glos).

If this link works, you will see my basic rookie mistake in scheduling a big hill in the last couple of miles back to where I left my car on the common. Ouch!:
Didn't manage to follow the planned route exactly, as I'd been a bit lazy preparing my map as I'd planned to let my riding buddy's Garmin do the work. Where I added distance through getting slightly lost, I took off a bit with a shortcut to compensate, and vice versa. Worked out quite well in the end, as I finished on 101.9 miles.

Set off at a decent place and stopped for my first (and only) café stop in Shrivenham at the 57 mile mark after about 4 hrs 40 mins. It came as a bit of a shock when I then got up to leave the pub and found I had come down with "café legs". It also became clear that my return route was not as flat as the outward route, and was being buffeted by some quite strong headwinds at times. I started to ache and suffer, and took the same time to do the remaining 45 miles as I had for the first 57. I know that to some of you, 9 hrs 20 mins is not a great time for a 102 mile ride, but I'm just glad to have got round.

Although it was a real shame I didn't have a riding buddy today, in a strange way it feels like more of a personal achievement, having had to motivate myself and set my own pace, find my own way and battle through on my own. Sometimes I think you get more of a sense of achievement and satisfaction when you have done it all yourself. Jem had already done JOGLE, so had nothing to prove on that score. Having said that, I hope @jembullo is soon up and about and able to come out on the audax next week. It certainly does help to have a bit of encouragement.

Sorry there are no photos ... the system is not letting me download them at the moment. I had taken one of the wonderfully named "Freke Arms" at Highworth, which was once again responsible for planting an annoying earworm that lasted for the next 40 miles ... "Ah, Freke Out! dit diddly dit, Le Freke, c'est chic!" .... etc .

I have absolutely no idea how I am going to get up the stairs tonight. Cheers, Donger.
Well done @Donger

Old jon

First ride for a while, so a gentle, just thirty miles around some local roads. It seems to have rained overnight and I was a little surprised how easily the front wheel skipped about at times. The tyres are not new, so not shiny. It may just have been the dry spell we have had for a while.

The three sides of Holbeck, to warm up the lazy legs, and then Crown Point Road and across the river. The tailwind up the roads to the Oakwood Clock was most welcome and I made a note to save some legs for the return journey. The long grind up Boot Hill was just that, the right turn after the crest onto Red Hall Lane and flatness was very welcome. On to Thorner via Skeltons and Thorner Lanes, a left turn at the bottom of Church Hill onto Milner Lane and up that surprisingly steep hill and on to East Rigton along Holme Farm Lane.

Probably helped by the earlier rain, the road to Collingham was rather slippery, horsemuck may be good for the roses but on tarmac it does nowt for peace of mind. Out of Collingham along Wattle Syke, down to the Wetherby roundabout, a very unadventurous left turn and the A 58 back to Leeds and home. A most enjoyable ride, even the slidey bits.
There are not many things you can say about a map . . .



The overnight deluge had passed through and so out I went for a ride to Ironbridge, this morning, with a fair amount of climbing to test the legs a bit and blustery winds to contend with. Some nice sunshine as well though.

Took the cycle paths up to Heathgates, along which I had my only close pass of the ride, from a chap on a racer, who zoomed past me, really closely and made me jump. A use of his voice to let me know he was there would have been appreciated :thumbsdown:

Along the old canal path and out onto the road at Uffington, before turning towards Upton Magna. It was clear, along here, how heavy the overnight rain had been, with numerous large puddles and a few small floods to pass through.

I turned into the road to Upton Forge, noticing a load of mud on the road and taking it gingerly around the corner, I was met by a tractor cleaning the mud up. Crept past it, but got a stone flicked up off the mechanism and into my arm, which stung a bit!

Crossed the bridge and then headed up the lanes towards Atcham Business Park, where I suddenly came across a squirrel. It darted to the left and tried to scale the fence into the estate, decided it couldn't make it and darted back across my path, where it bounced off my wheel :eek:! If you see a squirrel with a sore head up there tomorrow @Rickshaw Phil it was me!!

Crossed the old A5 and passed through Wroxeter, following the NCN route around the loop. There is one point that floods easily along here and so I was pretty sure it would be today. Sure enough it was indeed, but decided to have a run up and free wheel through....Just about made it through without having to pedal, but the water came up to the crank, and created a bow wave that soaked my right leg/trousers and shoe. Ah well, it would dry out as I continued.

Began the climbing up towards the Wrekin, and the main climb of the day lay ahead, Spout Lane. It's a tough old climb this one, up to 785 ft in the village of Little Wenlock. Lanes were muddy, wet and rutted along here, so good job I was going slow.

There is then a nice long descent down to Coalbrookdale and Ironbridge, spoilt only by the continually worsening road down there. It's appalling in places and craters full of water are not fun, in a bike or car.:headshake:

Once in Ironbridge I decided not to bother with heading to the bridge this time, as it was starting to get really windy and I had plans later in the afternoon, so pressed on to Buildwas. The main road was very busy, but traffic well behaved and I paused at the top of Buildwas Bank for a much needed drink and a bit of food. Nice view over the meandering River Severn below.

I was joined in the layby by another friendly cyclist and got chatting to him about his route and how brilliant Shropshire is for cycling :okay:.

Back out onto the main road and the fast downhill section to Leighton, before turning down to Cressage. I started to meet a few cyclists along here, and this continued into Cressage and it became clear that this was a charity event of some sort. There were all sorts of shapes, sizes and bikes, and all were very friendly with hello's and mornings exchanged for the next 10 miles, as I was going the opposite way to them all that way!! A few moments occurred on the hill to Cound Moor, where some were coming down on the wrong side of the road, but I was crawling up the climb, into the now strengthening wind and so no real issues.

It was hard going for the next section, through Cound, Eaton Mascott and Berrnington, with the wind and an ache developing in my knee :sad:. I get it occasionally and today was one of them days.

There were also a load of wasps along this section, buzzing along the hedgerows and attacking me when they felt like it. Flicked a few off me and avoided getting stung!

My normal route back home is closed for about the 500th time this year, due to the ruddy water main work that has been going on for around 9 months, so I continued through Sutton Farm and home that way.

37.0 miles with 1470ft of climbing.

Edit:- The event was the Severn Hospice Big Bike Ride. Couldn't be a better cause. 50k or 100k route (the 100k is just an extra loop of the 50k route though)
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Mrs M

Dug out my base layer, wee skull cap and winter gloves this morning but when I went to get the bike realised it was pretty warm, just very windy.
So away on the Pashley in short sleeves and my older but better vented helmet :sun: good choice :okay:
Toddled about a bit, did a bit of "off roading" :giggle: then decided to explore a bit :bicycle:
Headed along the coast road to Cove Bay, over the railway bridge and down a very steep hill towards the harbour. Never been that far down before, really pretty, (almost like being on holiday :smile:)
Had a wee rest and enjoyed taking in the scenery, lovely! :smile:
Pushed the bike back up the hill and set off towards home.
Sadly my nice wee run was spoiled by a close pass that made the driver coming in the opposite direction sound their horn :angry: Reported and driver will be spoken to :excl:


(my first post on this thread...)

A bit of a weird one today!

Hadn’t been out for a week or so - legs were feeling a bit tired for some reason. But a mile from the start, I turned onto the farm road that is my usual “test hill” - about a mile and a quarter, maybe a 200 ft climb overall. It’s nothing special, but lets me gauge my own progress. Felt pretty good, and came within 4 seconds of my personal best - could probably have beat it by quite a bit if traffic at the junction at the bottom hadn’t prevented me from getting a “rolling start”.

Pootled on for a few miles more, following the coast at at a gentle pace, then decided to tackle a hill. 2 miles, 800 ft, strava cat3 climb. I’ve struggled up it a couple of times before, although never without stopping.

Got a quarter of the way up, and my legs basically stopped working :-) So turned round and headed home!

20 mile round trip, great start, big disappointment in the middle, and a reasonable run (into the wind) home.

I guess I need to prepare a bit better for next time.

(and next time I need to take some photos - the view over the Clyde was spectacular!)
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CLub ride to Great Missenden today. Slightly longer than some , which caused 1 person to leave 1/2 way out and do their own thing.
On latter part of the way out there were one or twwo tough hills, made worse by navigational error in finding our destination - the Deep Mill Diner (recommeded).took us over a couple more hills

Fortunately the rain held off apart from a few spots (It rained quite heavily about 5 in the morning here)

After a difficult section with pothols, gravel and loose stone, one of the worst part was when entering shade after sunlight, I hit a large stone, but stayed on the bike, I ge but immediately we had two punctures one after the other.

Anyeway, took slightly different Datchet and Wraysbury (suited a new rided - from Scotland but living in Wraysbury temporarily)

Managed to save the ride after the first half so now it is a ride of two halves
(anyone here know how to join two rides?)

Outward journey 33.31 miles @ 15.1 mph, 1056 feet climbed
Return leg 28.68 miles @ 16.1 mph, 659 feet climbed

These might change if I manage to join the rides !

So two 60 mile plus rides in a week

Deleted member 1258

Earlswood the destination, 61 miles the journey. Got up and looked at the dark damp morning and abandoned my plans for a ride into the Waseley Hills and instead decided on Earlswood and to vary the route a bit. Followed my usual route out through Balsall Common and once on the A4177 carried on to the roundabout and the Shrewley road then took the first right into Case lane then worked my way past Hatton station and onto my regular route to Earlswood. Coming back I rode through Tanworth in Arden, up Pig trot lane then crossed the Hockley heath road, Wharf lane, Glasshouse Lane and through Chessetts Wood and onto Chadwick End where I turned into the small lanes to Temple Balsall and onto Balsall Common. I then turned to ride into Coventry through Berkswell and down Broad lane then picked up my usual route across Coventry home. The dull damp morning soon brightened up and turned into bright breezy day, the stiff breeze and the fact that I'm still not fully recovered from last weeks sting made it a hard slow morning out, but having not had time to get out in the week it was good to be out pedaling again


Sunday Earlswood Meander.jpg


I like the name of this pub.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Got a huge monkey off my back today. Debut imperial century (which had been on my "to do" list for the last two years) now done and dusted. It wasn't pretty to watch, but I got through it.

I was due to be doing it with my audaxing buddy, @jembullo, but he was struck down by illness at the very last minute, which was a real shame. I'd had a couple of offers from @Frazzle and @Dark46 to accompany me on the Sunday instead, but the weather forecast looked much better for today, and I was keen to go ahead with it. Quite apart from anything else, I was running out of time to get my Cyclechat Metric Century-a-Month ride in for September.

Set off from Minchinhampton Common (Glos) and headed off to Cirencester, Fairford & Lechlade before doing a big slingshot around Faringdon (Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire) and back via Cricklade, Malmesbury and Sherston (North Wiltshire) and Tetbury and Avening (Glos).

If this link works, you will see my basic rookie mistake in scheduling a big hill in the last couple of miles back to where I left my car on the common. Ouch!:
Didn't manage to follow the planned route exactly, as I'd been a bit lazy preparing my map as I'd planned to let my riding buddy's Garmin do the work. Where I added distance through getting slightly lost, I took off a bit with a shortcut to compensate, and vice versa. Worked out quite well in the end, as I finished on 101.9 miles.

Set off at a decent place and stopped for my first (and only) café stop in Shrivenham at the 57 mile mark after about 4 hrs 40 mins. It came as a bit of a shock when I then got up to leave the pub and found I had come down with "café legs". It also became clear that my return route was not as flat as the outward route, and was being buffeted by some quite strong headwinds at times. I started to ache and suffer, and took the same time to do the remaining 45 miles as I had for the first 57. I know that to some of you, 9 hrs 20 mins is not a great time for a 102 mile ride, but I'm just glad to have got round.

Although it was a real shame I didn't have a riding buddy today, in a strange way it feels like more of a personal achievement, having had to motivate myself and set my own pace, find my own way and battle through on my own. Sometimes I think you get more of a sense of achievement and satisfaction when you have done it all yourself. Jem had already done JOGLE, so had nothing to prove on that score. Having said that, I hope @jembullo is soon up and about and able to come out on the audax next week. It certainly does help to have a bit of encouragement.

Sorry there are no photos ... the system is not letting me download them at the moment. I had taken one of the wonderfully named "Freke Arms" at Highworth, which was once again responsible for planting an annoying earworm that lasted for the next 40 miles ... "Ah, Freke Out! dit diddly dit, Le Freke, c'est chic!" .... etc .

I have absolutely no idea how I am going to get up the stairs tonight. Cheers, Donger.
Excellent! Well done.:bravo:

Deleted member 1258

Got a huge monkey off my back today. Debut imperial century (which had been on my "to do" list for the last two years) now done and dusted. It wasn't pretty to watch, but I got through it.

I was due to be doing it with my audaxing buddy, @jembullo, but he was struck down by illness at the very last minute, which was a real shame. I'd had a couple of offers from @Frazzle and @Dark46 to accompany me on the Sunday instead, but the weather forecast looked much better for today, and I was keen to go ahead with it. Quite apart from anything else, I was running out of time to get my Cyclechat Metric Century-a-Month ride in for September.

Set off from Minchinhampton Common (Glos) and headed off to Cirencester, Fairford & Lechlade before doing a big slingshot around Faringdon (Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire) and back via Cricklade, Malmesbury and Sherston (North Wiltshire) and Tetbury and Avening (Glos).

If this link works, you will see my basic rookie mistake in scheduling a big hill in the last couple of miles back to where I left my car on the common. Ouch!:
Didn't manage to follow the planned route exactly, as I'd been a bit lazy preparing my map as I'd planned to let my riding buddy's Garmin do the work. Where I added distance through getting slightly lost, I took off a bit with a shortcut to compensate, and vice versa. Worked out quite well in the end, as I finished on 101.9 miles.

Set off at a decent place and stopped for my first (and only) café stop in Shrivenham at the 57 mile mark after about 4 hrs 40 mins. It came as a bit of a shock when I then got up to leave the pub and found I had come down with "café legs". It also became clear that my return route was not as flat as the outward route, and was being buffeted by some quite strong headwinds at times. I started to ache and suffer, and took the same time to do the remaining 45 miles as I had for the first 57. I know that to some of you, 9 hrs 20 mins is not a great time for a 102 mile ride, but I'm just glad to have got round.

Although it was a real shame I didn't have a riding buddy today, in a strange way it feels like more of a personal achievement, having had to motivate myself and set my own pace, find my own way and battle through on my own. Sometimes I think you get more of a sense of achievement and satisfaction when you have done it all yourself. Jem had already done JOGLE, so had nothing to prove on that score. Having said that, I hope @jembullo is soon up and about and able to come out on the audax next week. It certainly does help to have a bit of encouragement.

Sorry there are no photos ... the system is not letting me download them at the moment. I had taken one of the wonderfully named "Freke Arms" at Highworth, which was once again responsible for planting an annoying earworm that lasted for the next 40 miles ... "Ah, Freke Out! dit diddly dit, Le Freke, c'est chic!" .... etc .

I have absolutely no idea how I am going to get up the stairs tonight. Cheers, Donger.

Well done! Its funny I don't normally have problems climbing stairs after a hard ride, its getting back down thats the problem.


Today's ride was with the Kingsway Cycling Club and I was heading up the Beginners ride.

Fifteen people turned up at the start and after the other groups had left there were five people doing the beginner's ride. This included Kate on her very first ride.

Thw weather was a bit on rhe cold side to start off with , plus after yesterday I was wondering if I should have took some waterproofs. But @Frazzle saod I wouldn't need overshoes so I chanced it.

The ride ended up being almost the same as two weeks ago. We ttied to keep it flat for Kate and also included a coffee stop.

The ride went without any problems and without Shaun swallowing any flies. Lol

The five of us included @Largie003 and we set off at a relaxed pace so as if give Kate as chance to get used to the bike.

We set off for the Elmore loop heading past the Pilot ( local pub) and out into the country side. We did the usual missing out the long incline on the shorter route. From here it was to Epney and on to Saul. On the way to Saul we discussed the route ahead and we all agreed we wede to head to Arlingham.

We did the usual stop and look across the River Severn while taking a sip of water. From here it was the same way back to the bridge where yet again we haf to wait for a narrow boat to go by.

The other side of the bridge was the inter fast group going the other way. We were heading for cofee woohoo.

After a quick stop at the Stables at Saul Junction we headed fowards the River Severn before heading to Castle Lane and towards the A38. Once at the A38 we tuened towards Gloucester before turning off at Hardwick to take the lanes back to the start point.

When we got back @Largie003 can back to pick up a spare innertube and I went around the block to get my 30 miles up, while @Largie003 headed for home.

A ride is never the same without @Donger who yesterday finally got his 100 mile ride under his belt.
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