Your ride today....

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Pendle, Lancs
Birthday today, so sod the jobs and go for a ride.
I picked a destination not done before, well not by pedal power anyway.
Took the longish climb above Burnley up to Crown Point and the Tree Panopticon, otherwise known as the Singing Ringing Tree.


There was a good breeze up there this afternoon, but unfortunately the tree wasn't singing or ringing. Wind musta been wrong direction I guess.

26.3 miles
2383' climbed


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Mrs M

Birthday today, so sod the jobs and go for a ride.
I picked a destination not done before, well not by pedal power anyway.
Took the longish climb above Burnley up to Crown Point and the Tree Panopticon, otherwise known as the Singing Ringing Tree.


There was a good breeze up there this afternoon, but unfortunately the tree wasn't singing or ringing. Wind musta been wrong direction I guess.

26.3 miles
2383' climbed
Happy birthday :birthday:


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booze and cake

probably out cycling
Dawdled around some south London parks soaking up the sun and revelling in the glorious autumn colours.








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Perhaps This One.....
Not had a great deal of opportunity to get out on a 'me' ride of late, it's all been commuting. Took the opportunity for a quick spin out this morning whilst the rest of the family woke up and did their hair etc....
5 degrees this morning, and the first outing for the 3/4 bibs. Cold toes too, so it's nearly winter boots time. 16 miles, turned into a glorious day that deserved a longer ride had it not been for other plans.


What a great start to the ride today as I couldn't even open the garage to get the bike out.

So yes yet again I was late for the ride out. Luckily I had looked at the route, and instead of going to the start I decided to shave a bit and meet them en route.

Not long after getting to where I planned I saw group approaching. I quickly tagged on the back of group after they went by. I made the group into 9 a good turnout for the beginners. The group was headed by @maltloaf .

So again it was out to the Longley loop and to Saul for coffee before heading on the return journey.

I suggested a slight change before coffee as I didnt want to stop before 10 miles.

From Epny to Saul I tucked in behind Dave W and stayed there through Saul and Frampton . We even passed someone in Sky kit thst passed us earlier lol.

When we got to Saul junction I needed a rest having recording a 16 mph average, which I've never done around there before.

I bought a nice latte for myself and a mug of tea for @Largie003 as soon as he arrived.

While resting and drinking we were talking about the route back abd trying to avoid the Stroud half marathon.

So it was to the A38 towards Gloucester before turning off at Castle Lane and finishing off the rest of the Longley loop.

After crossing the canal @Largie003 left us to head for home , while the rest of us headed for the Kingsway.

In the end the ride turned out to be 22miles and averaged 15.3 mph. Which again is better than sitting onmy arse at home.
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Couple of week-end rides to report.

First,Saturday was going to be a club ride but I got a message from Bob( who comes on the rides and I've done some sportives with)inviting me on a ride up to Castle Rising(Nth of Kings Lynn)with two others;so left early to join up with the others at Welney bridge.

So usual run up to Welney via Black Bank,Bates Drove and the Hundred Foot;was pretty early so had time for a pic of the fens;


Joined up with the others at Welney and off we set; nearly a couple of incidents early as some slimy, muddy roads meant some rear wheel slides but from then on nice steady progress up to Denver Sluice through Downham Mkt and Wimbotsham.
Before Watlington Michael had a puncture but only a short stop before we were off again across Tottenhill and Middleton;further on up before crossing the A's 148 and 149 before arriving at Castle Rising.

Found the Unique tea rooms for coffee and scones:hungry::cuppa:.

The foursome from the left;Me,Michael,Andy and Bob.


Plus Bob and Me and some rather nice scones;


Suitably refreshed(and a comfort break in one of the poshest loos I've seen in a cafe) we were off again.

The return leg started by heading down via South Wootton to Kings Lynn and through coming out at Saddlebow Road,past the speedway stadium and down past the Wiggenhalls then along the Ouse before hitting Barroway Drove and then the Salt Road before a stop to catch a rainbow;


Onward then and a blast along the Salt and Wisbech roads to Welney were Bob and Andy turned off to Manea and Michael and I headed back to Ely.

A great ride, with good company and 130kms at an average of 30kph:bicycle: plus two top ten cups:smile:.

Bike was a bit dirty at the end of that though so after a mini recovery ride to the shops it got a good clean.

From this;


To this;


And a nice warm bath for me too!

Oh and a thumbs up for the new Isadore jersey which was a great fit and cosy for the chilly start without getting too hot once the pace was upped later as did the comfy DHB Aeron rain defence shorts and This Is Cambridge socks.

Today was a bit gentler ride with the better half along the river and across some droves to Reach and a pint at the Dykes End pub;


And the return journey back with a short coffee/toilet break at the Five Miles Inn at Upware for a nice steady 47kms.

So a great week-ends cycling and 10,000kms up for the year:smile:.


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Touch it up and ride it
After dropping some of my family members at Rushton Hall this afternoon for afternoon tea , i unpacked the Pro Carbon from the back of the car and did 2 x 12 mile loops taking in Pipewell, Wilbarston ,Desborough and back to Rushton .

Nice to ride some new roads and do some daylight miles for a change and nice to the Triangular Lodge at Rushton even if it was just over the wall .

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Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
44.1 hilly miles today with Kingsway CC. Six of us set out in the Chilled Intermediate Group today and seven of us came back. That's a first. We rode out through Gloucester and over to Shurdington before taking on the big climb up Leckhampton Hill and carrying on over several more Cotswold hills through Ullenwood, Cowley, Winstone, Miserden and Sheepscombe etc before our planned coffee stop in Painswick. There we met up with Chris, our route planner, who had stayed back from the Fast Group to wait for his wife Lisa who was riding in our group. At one point in the ride Lisa and I had found ourselves having to do the walk of shame on a particularly steep bit, and I'd said that if Chris was trying to kill me, could he just bring a pistol next week ..... it'd be much more humane. But, to be honest, the tough hills round here are always worth doing for the beautiful views you get from the top. Didn't take many photos today as I was busy trying to keep up with the others, but it was a beautiful ride. By the time we paused for a break outside the Butcher's Arms in Sheepscombe everyone had heavy legs.

They had one of these on the wall, which I didn't feel that far away from needing by that time:-

Another beautiful ride in cool but, to my mind, perfect weather. Almost the perfect ride. Almost, because of the walk of shame .... that's only the second time it has happened to me in my 74 club rides so far. We had people round last night and overdid it a bit on the Chinese food. Guess I shouldn't have helped myself to the leftovers of the chow mein and that last beer. Home and hosed, now, and I've a feeling I'm going to ache after this one.
Cheers, Donger.


The Glue that binds us together.
Nice 50 mile club ride Saturday, My other half had her first ride with the club for a few months, she has been doing spinning classes for a few weeks and it seems to be helping, still struggling with stamina, but it is building, she was well pleased with her ride, did a mix of Essex and Hertford, Took her up Mott Street, she did struggle but she stayed on the bike all the way to the top. :okay:


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