Your ride today....

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Never used Über Member
I thought I'd just sneak in a cheeky 15 to 20 miler this morning, but fancied trying a slightly different route, so instead of turning right on Skeltons Lane, I continued straight on down Coal Road and over the A58 and down into Shadwell.
I'd sort of planned a rough route in my head (what could possibly go wrong?), so decided to head up Bay Horse Lane, then cut across to Wike Lane and through East Keswick. However I stayed on the same road and eventually dropped down into Bardsey before climbing back onto the A58 for a quickish run up to Collingham. In my defence it's probably around 30 years since I last cycled these roads and it's probably for the best as checking my route now I'd forgotten about the ford on Spear Fir and it had rained a bit last night... Ah well, maybe next time!
In Collingham I took a quick left and then right over the river and into Linton, which is part of the "Golden Triangle" and home to some of the priciest property in the area.
Can't say I was massively impressed to be fair and if having enough money to live there means locking yourself behind big gates with "Private" and "Security Patrol" signs everywhere it's difficult to see the appeal.
Anyhow, on to Wetherby, nipping along Horsefair (no horses today) past the bike shop and stopped for a drink and this photo:

I've given it the B&W retro feel, as it's taken at the same place as this photo of our dog, Chance, which has pride of place in the living room:
13914239862_aa9240025d_n.jpg P1360275b by Dave, on Flickr
Then onwards towards Walton, before dropping down to Thorp Arch, over the river to Boston Spa, then the long route to Clifford and down to Bramham.
Up the Cat 5 Town Hill (new PB :okay: ) and then to Aberford on NCN R66.
From there headed towards home through Barwick and Scholes, but as I dropped down Leeds Road into the seemingly obligatory headwind, I noticed I'd clocked up 28 miles - only 3 and a bit short of a metric half century. Should I add a bit more on? What do you think?
A couple of long loops around Pendas Fields and the surrounding area and up to home:

31.83 miles in 2hr 3m at an average of 15.4mph with 1261 ft climbed - another metric half century (51.2km) and all the more fun for being unplanned.

The bike was wonderfully quiet with those terrible mudguards removed - although I'm glad I'd attached a rear saver to the seat rails before setting off!

Now to see where tomorrow takes me...;)

Dave 123

Legendary Member
Today I did the Autumn day out audax with my brother Keith that started in Trowell in Notts.
It was a great day, red kite, bacon butty, earl grey tea and a windmill. What's not to like?

The pesky head wind from the north!




100 and a bit miles. Great fun today!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I don't normally like big old American gas guzzlers but I have to say that the Highway Patrol car makes that old 'panda car' look really crap! :okay:

I'm up at my dads caravan, nr Barmouth/Harlech in North West Wales, for the weekend ...
I have had a couple of cycling holidays in that area and really fancy going back for another one.

If you have the time and the energy, try and cycle up Twtil to Harlech Castle. If you manage that, go back down and see if you can manage the even steeper Ffordd Pen Llech on the other side of the castle - it is a brute!


Legendary Member
I don't normally like big old American gas guzzlers but I have to say that the Highway Patrol car makes that old 'panda car' look really crap! :okay:

I have had a couple of cycling holidays in that area and really fancy going back for another one.

If you have the time and the energy, try and cycle up Twtil to Harlech Castle. If you manage that, go back down and see if you can manage the even steeper Ffordd Pen Llech on the other side of the castle - it is a brute!
Will be coming up here lots and so will give them a go!!

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
Pretty gloomy and cold here in the flatlands today but at least dry.

There's a fair few short-eared owls turning up on the coast right now and I was hoping some might have made their way over this way by now. We had 16 on Burwell Fen a couple of winters back. But it was just too windy, and i think still a bit early for them here. I had to make do with a glimpse of a little owl as it flew away from me, and a very distant marsh harrier near Reach.


Only took one pic, the 'portrait bench' at Reach Lode bridge. Just a 12 miler here today in the gloom.


I reached the main road again, for a short steep climb out of the town and then quite a nasty right turn on a blind corner to join the path across the wooden Barmouth Toll Bridge. It was great fun bouncing along the wooden planks, but I think my fillings were in danger of dropping out! I can't believe that Gwynedd Council want to close this bridge down! What in gods name are they thinking of?
Think the bridge itself is safe , after all it does have the coastal railway line crossing it but no doubt it the cost maintaining the public bridleway across that is the Councils problem.


Frustrating pre ride events, planned to refit the bike with all the easily nickable bits which I had removed to use it for commuting purposes (on street cycle stand) when I got in from shopping this morning but that was delayed by the necessary phone call having discovering my building society had taken the wrong amount for a my mortgage payment. Then I over tightened up the quick release Lidl mount modified for the Go Pro and the underside part broke into two. Fortunately I have a metal Go Pro ebay sourced mount which took a bit too long to fit (lot of packing needed).

Eventually set off only to discover the northerly wind was making the ride somewhat different to normal (like having to turn the pedals on the more shallow parts of a lengthy decent).

Autumn still seems to struggling to occur as a far as a lot of trees etc are concerned but I did cover this highly autumnal tree in Hampsthwaite.

Headed up Clint Bank expecting to get either hit head on or sidewards by the wind but it wasn't that bad, annoyingly I held back and probably could have knocked more the 1s I did off my up time up the bank - and another autumnal tree
Clint Bank Hamps1.jpg

Decided however not to push on northwards and retuned home via NCN67 which has far too many three abreast walkers and slow wobbly cyclists - shortest ride (bar work ones) for some time.


Went for a ride with a difference this week. Up in Sunderland to see my parents this weekend so I thought I would bring my bike.

Went for a loop through Hetton le Hole were I used to live. Compare to North Bucks where I now live the North East is not flat. Don't think there was many flat stretches on the route today and there were some roads that I didn't class as hills when I lived here.

Road over from Hetton Downs to Seaton had to stop for a rest next to the quarry.


View looking back to Hetton Downs

Enjoyed the ride



Went for a ride with a difference this week. Up in Sunderland to see my parents this weekend so I thought I would bring my bike.

Went for a loop through Hetton le Hole were I used to live. Compare to North Bucks where I now live the North East is not flat. Don't think there was many flat stretches on the route today and there were some roads that I didn't class as hills when I lived here.

Road over from Hetton Downs to Seaton had to stop for a rest next to the quarry.

View attachment 107269

View looking back to Hetton Downs
View attachment 107270

Enjoyed the ride

I grew up and cycled all those roads reguar in the mid to late eighties, being a member of the Houghton CC, some great memories.


Touch it up and ride it
Well 29 miles of man and machine in prefect harmony some of time and others were grrrrrrrrr .

But hey they didnt stop the riding so cant complain . Today's route was up the mad mile along through Sywell ,Overstone,Northampton,Billing Aquadrome ,Brafield on the green across the a428 and down to Hackleton then though the picturesque village of Denton and on to Whiston past the lakes at Castle Ashby then head towards Earls Barton ,Mears Ashby and finally back down the mad mile to home and now back in bed

Today's bike was the previously very reliable blue R.E.W Reynolds .


Legendary Member
Think the bridge itself is safe , after all it does have the coastal railway line crossing it but no doubt it the cost maintaining the public bridleway across that is the Councils problem.
If they stop the public using it then it will kill cycling and walking in the area, as the only other option is the main A road up to Dolgellau. Definitely not one for the faint hearted!


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Could be forgiven for thinking this was April Fools' Day.... My 23rd Kingsway CC club ride of the year today following a route carefully planned and posted by fellow illustrious Cyclechatter @Dark46.. .. But where the hell was the little stay-in-bed this morning?! (Didn't show up for his own ride). He had billed it as a "Relaxed Ride" route, but it took in my least favourite local hill, Cam Pitch, near Dursley, all too soon followed by a **** of a climb up Crawley Hill, through Uley and onwards, ever onwards to the top of Frocester Hill. I'm thinking of posting a ride for him next week taking in every badass hill the Stroud Valleys have to offer, and then finding a convenient reason not to turn out for it.

To be serious, though, this was a very scenic ride (or it would have been if we hadn't climbed above the low cloud that was hanging around all morning) and the route went down really well with everyone, including several newcomers to the club. I think there may have been 18 of us in all today, with 10 of us opting for @Dark46's "Relaxed Ride". A nice way to start a Sunday.
Cheers, Donger.
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