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Lovely ride out this afternoon to take advantage of the still, dry conditions.

Nothing terribly special, just the usual run to Littleport and back along the Common and Black Bank, but with an extra loop around Parson's lane today. Knee is improving, so time to start upping the distance and spinning a little bit of a bigger gear. Began to run out of steam on the home stretch, but that's to be expected. Farmers were out ploughing, I saw a heron take flight and I had a close pass by a numpty in a Lexus. Gears still need a little bit of tweaking, but they're almost back to where they should be.

Still, 10 very enjoyable miles. And that post-ride :cuppa: went down a right treat too.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Plans for today have been postponed until the morrow so I got out for a bit of a spin this morning. Just one of my regular routes: Lyth Hill, Condover, Cantlop, Cound, Harnage, Cound Mooor, Acton Burnell, Longnor, Condover, Lyth Hill.

It's less windy out than yesterday but colder, which I misjudged as it didn't feel too bad at the start so got a bit chilled on the way round. As a result I wasn't feeling the love later on in the ride but I'm still glad to have been out anyway

24.3 miles at 13 mph average.


View from Lyth Hill at the start. I only took the phone with me this time - this would have been a much better shot with the proper camera.


There was a Red Dragon yesterday and today we have a Saltire at Cound to give an idea of the wind direction and speed.


Had a good ride today.Went out with a mate on his E bike. 56 miles, it's not the milage he would normaly do, 40 miles has been his limit ovet the last 4 or 5 months, was a hard ride as the wind was quite strong and a bit hilly, he found the steep hills easy where as i struggled, the more gentle gradients he struggled and i found a lot easier, has his bike is restricted to 16 mph. at the end of the day we both had a good work out, as usuel we ended in the pub for a couple of beers, we where joined by my better half, she had ridden earlier in the day with one of her mates, so she deserved her gin and tonic x 2^_^

Whats the legal position on ebikes and drinking ?


Legendary Member
Dreadful day at work necessitated a ride, instead of my usual Monday night food shop, to get some endorphins going.

Usual route around Shrewsbury, nothing to report, just nice to have an hour of me time and no one making ridiculous demands of me and my team.

11.9 miles


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
It's about time I started posting my rides again.. I've been a bit lazy recently (on posting them, not riding itself!)

A couple of days ago, I joined up with another load of CC'ers on the Sunday London ride.
Parking in Ponders End, near the M25, bike off the rack, and starting the ride in the dark by 07:00.


I rode down the canal banks to near the Olympic Park, then onto CS2 and CS3 into town, where I eventually zigzagged over Tower Bridge, southbound, London Bridge northbound, Southwark Bridge, Blackfriars, Waterloo, and finally Westminster Bridge, northbound, where I rode past the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace to Hyde Park Corner to meet up with 8 or 9 others.




Once the horses had trotted past, we started our ride around Hyde Park, and then right through the centre of London via main roads and Quiet Roads to Greenwich Park.


Great view from the Wolfe Statue, looking down on the Maritime Museum and beyond.


Riding back down to the Thames was fun, before we flew over the Thames on the cable car to North Woolwich where we (eventually.. really slow service) had coffee and a burger.

Here, we split up, with me riding another few miles with RB58, and Will, were they headed south, and I aimed northish, via The Greenway. Nature had planned that it was directly aligned with a vicious headwind, but it was only for 3 or 4 miles, I thankfully.


Back up a similar route, but with a meander around the Olympic Village before retracing my tyre marks back to the car.


Easy ride, hillwise, with Greenwich Park @ 35 miles, and the cable car flight @ 40 miles :rolleyes:

100km, in great company, but rather knackered as I didn't finish w*rk until 23.00, and bed by midnight before the alarm rang out at 04:45 <yawn>

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Un rouleur infatigable
I haven't reported a ride myself for a while so here goes.

Today's ride was a bit of a mishmash of roads as I was combining 3 challenges in one ride - 1. Half Century Month; 2. ABC Photo Challenge; 3. Veloviewer tile hunting. The latter found me riding half a mile up each of two roads to collect the tiles :whistle:

One good effect of these challenges is riding to places and on roads that although relatively local to me, I have never ridden on before. Today's exploration found Gildingwells, a tiny little village with some quiet roads. As I was heading out of the village I came across one stretch of road with sun low at my two o'clock and a high hedge to my right. The effect was the blackest patch of shadow and sun in my eyes - I could not see the road under my wheels! To this point there had been no potholes and a newly surfaced road so I continued and hoped for the best. Fortunately, no problems.

Worksop town centre was very busy and I was pleased to get out, but not as pleased as when I had finished the section of A619 passing Whitwell - cars flying past exceeding the speed limit (several times I saw cars braking hard before the 50mph speed cameras) and then when on my approach to a right turn, some muppet decided to overtake me - thank goodness I saw him out of the corner of my eye; all while I had my right arm outstretched, hand indicating my turn. :cursing:

Finished the ride without further incident and got home feeling a little tired. This is my first ride in over a week due to illness and I am feeling those missing rides.

52.88 (mostly) happy kilometres / 32.86 miles ^_^^_^^_^


Perhaps This One.....
With next week looking rubbish, cold, wet and sleety, I took today to get the metric century done. The route planned on Strava suggested 2400ft of climbing in the 62 miles, so off I pedalled into the headwind. Known roads all the way out to Tongham, the up to the Hogs Back into new territory. Rather a bumpy bit of the ride as I went back and forth over the A31 from Rowledge to East Green, then back through Wrecclesham and Waverley.
A very enjoyable ride, home with 63.4 miles done and 3500ft of climbing, so Strava was well off.
My only pause was somewhere near Crondall, I spotted a solar farm and it seemed a good place to pause.
15 Jan 2019 Solar Farm.jpg
With next week looking rubbish, cold, wet and sleety, I took today to get the metric century done. The route planned on Strava suggested 2400ft of climbing in the 62 miles, so off I pedalled into the headwind. Known roads all the way out to Tongham, the up to the Hogs Back into new territory. Rather a bumpy bit of the ride as I went back and forth over the A31 from Rowledge to East Green, then back through Wrecclesham and Waverley.
A very enjoyable ride, home with 63.4 miles done and 3500ft of climbing, so Strava was well off.
My only pause was somewhere near Crondall, I spotted a solar farm and it seemed a good place to pause.
View attachment 447354
Crossing the Hog's Back (A31) is always hard

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
John B and Pete M joined me for this fairly standard run out by Hillend and the Castlemorton lanes over Longdon Marsh and Bushley for the cafe at The Mythe. We'd been dodging raindrops and trying to keep warm. Dreich. Mrs 26 showed up with her mother just as we were leaving. So then it was the White Rabbit run back. A break in the weather could be seen in the west as the front slowly moved towards us. So the last few miles were a little less damp. Nice easy but mostly social outing. 35 smiles


Perhaps This One.....
Well that was unpleasant. First wet commute of 2019 this morning, fine misty rain so I left home with waterproof jacket on, and stopped 2 miles into the ride to put the waterproof trousers on. Needless to say the rain stopped after 5 miles...
The journey home, fine misty rain, waterproof coat on. Stopped at 2 miles under T5 Welcome RAB to put waterproof trousers on. After 5 miles at Crooked Billet RAB, torrential rain, blowing a gale, very very wet me:rain::rain::rain:
On the plus side, my waterproofs kept me remarkably dry, given how old they are. Re-proofed in Autumn mind so tat seems to have worked.
Going to be a bit more chilly tomorrow:cold::cold:
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