Your ride today....

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Dave 123

Legendary Member
I’d billed the ride as short and flat.... it was fairly short at 26 miles, but there was 1500 feet of climbing..... some steep ramps too! Anyway, she’s got an electric engine so it’s fine!

We went out to La Victoria on the other side of Pollença bay. Sunny and breezy on the way out. Once back down from the mirador we stopped for a coffee and it hammered down for 5 minutes! On the way home through the lanes it was 40 mph headwind!

We stopped in Pollença town for some food, beer and blankets!



Legendary Member
Looking back up Arkengarthdale today. Nice loop Hawes, Kirkby Stephen, Tan Hill, Reeth then back to Hawes. Bit breezy on the tops of the moors with nasty easterly. Wonderful cake stop at Dales cycle centre!

Mr Celine

Wednesday evening's ride. After three miles I went over a particularly bumpy bit of tarmac and instinctively checked my back pockets in case anything had jumped out and realising that I had forgotten to take my phone I came to a sharp halt.
Until I had a smartphone with a decent camera I never bothered taking a phone with me as there's no signal in half the places I ride. Since getting a smartphone I log all my rides (apart from commutes and shopping trips) on strava. I was about to turn round to ride home and get it when I remembered a story my late father in law used to tell about addictions. As a young man he lived in York and cycled to work at a tree nursery a few miles away. Every now and then he'd forget to take his lunch but if he'd gone more than half a mile he would just carry on and go hungry rather than turn back for it. One day he'd gone four miles when he realised he'd forgotten his baccy tin and without further thought turned back for it. He said it was at that point that it dawned on him how powerful an addiction smoking was.
After a moment's pause to consider this I thought 'stuff strava' and just carried on. I had a thoroughly enjoyable ride with no pressure to honk up hills or zoom down them in search of that elusive second and could stop and enjoy the views, sights and sounds of the countryside. There are of course, no photos or a map ^_^ but I did 26.8 miles @ 14.8 mph according to the trip computer.

Friday evening's ride. Normal service resumed. I went out in what was forecast to be the last of the sunshine. It was still warm enough for shorts though there was a cool northeasterly breeze so I headed in that general direction. I stopped at my most easterly point to take a photo of the last of the blue sky disappearing though it doesn't show up on this pic.

There were also the first signs of a haar rolling in from the sea so without further pause I set off to sprint for home before the temperature dropped. The first seven miles from this point are almost straight and were directly down wind. I'm sorry to report CCers that at this point I fell completely off the wagon and got 4 PRs on the way home. :smile:
The map -


32.4 miles @ 15.1 mph, 637m up.


Legendary Member
Not much mojo or time lately, its drizzling this morning and my wife asked...
'you going out ?'
'Nah, it's looking like rain'
'And I thought you were a cyclist !!! :okay:' she smirked.

Roadbike punctured, forgot to fix it so ebike out but only used e assist for oooh, maybe 1/4 mile. 14 miles country road and park riding, no haste, popped into the crem, say hello to my late brother and dad, chatted with a hospital security guard for 10 minutes as I tried to find an old rat run i used to know years ago but forgot its location, just a nice steady ride for 90 minutes.
And i didnt get wet :okay:
11-ish mile round trip utility ride to Tesco on Wiggy #2, the Chartres. Usual route in and out of Ely as Tesco is near the station.

The fish, meat and deli counter have as of last week new hours - they're closed Sunday through to Tuesday - so went for a mosey to see what was up for grabs on YS. There was so much fish on sticker it was unreal. Picked up some basa fillets for the kitty cats and some plaice for muggins. Also snagged a few stickered avocados, and the damaged goods bin turned up trumps again. A 1.2 kilos of glace cherries came home with me for the grand total of 90p.

Traffic in and out of town was horrendous. The odd close pass was had. Ho hum. And the queue to cross the A10 roundabout was a joke, so ducked onto the new cycle path that takes an underpass under it and comes out in the leisure village instead. And yeah, I did catch a shower and I did get wet.

Nothing a hot :cuppa: and some dry clothes doesn't solve.

After feeling rather xx( midweek, it was nice to get out for a bimble.


My longest ride since last September! 8 miles to Manchester Piccadilly Station (got lost again in the city centre, I'll have to stop using Google maps on cycling mode I think). I joined Nickyboy's Forum ride as they were was just leaving, Phew!
Great to meet some fellow Cycle Chatters. We rode as a group for the 30 miles to Weaverham where we stopped for some yummy baked goods and coffee, which was all consumed /inhaled very quickly. After that I rode another 30 miles home.
So good to get back to some of the lanes I've not been able to get to for a while.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Steve E, Jules H, John G, Rich H, Rob A and me. Fairly standard run out to Tirley to cross the bridge and loop to Deerhurst. Rich had 2 punctures in quick succession. Very strange. My spare tube stayed up tho'. John had scooted to the cafe at The Mythe and Rob had time issues so it was just 4 of us for chat. For a change on the way back we took the lane to Ripple. Jules and I rode the usual lanes back from Upton. Nice wee outing today despite chilly temperatures. 42 smiles
South East


Gentle, smooth and flat today, for a total of 5 miles. At least the OH was there too, as were planning on Amsterdam/Bruges with these folders soon, so she had to get some miles on the Bs saddle, otherwise our travels will be less enjoyable.

Dave 123

Legendary Member
A ride down to our new accommodation, then a coffee with the contingent that were homeward bound. After this Mrs Dave, Keith and myself set out on a flattish ride.....

We ended up in Sineu and had some lunch. Then the plan was to ride to Caimari with Keith, he’d climb up to Lluc and we’ Go home through the flat valley. We stopped for another coffee in Caimari....

“Well, we may as well do the climb to Lluc, it’s just as arduous as the flat ride, and you get a nice long decent “

“Okay “ she said to my surprise!

So a climb up to Lluc happened. She used the electric to perfection and battered the legs off me, I was last up to the top!

A nice ride down to Puerto Pollensa and a beer at the bottom.

68 miles, her longest ride yet, and a mountain to boot!



Never used Über Member
A bit pushed for time this morning, but I reckoned that if I got my skates on (metaphorically speaking), I might just squeeze in a metric Half Century ride for the challenge.

Chilly, grey and overcast this morning, so longs, layers and overshoes again as I rode out on the Giant.

Coal Road, Red Hall Lane and the A58, then Whin Moor Lane to Shadwell and the grind up to Slaid Hill traffic lights, which were on green today!!! :okay:
Don't worry, I've noted this almost unheard of event in my diary...
Right, through the dip on Wike Ridge Lane and up onto Tarn Lane to loop back round to Scarcroft. A very funny noise from the front wheel / tyre area on Ling Lane and I feared the worst, but when I stopped there seemed to be nothing wrong - lifting the wheel off the ground and spinning it was near silent, nothing seemed to be catching and the tyre was still inflated. Possibly something had stuck to the tyre and scraped on the mudguard, before coming free as I'd stopped?
Anyway, on my way down to the A58 and full speed ahead down the hill.
It's a 30mph limit on here, so you can imagine my surprise when doing 29.5 mph :rolleyes: a white Audi decided to overtake me on the zig-zags through the pelican crossing...:dry:
Anyhow, on down the hill and just past the first sign for Bardsey, another sign drove a stake of fear into my heart - "Surface Dressing 200 yds - slow down".:eek:
At this point, the only alternative to carrying on would have been to stop, cycle back up the hill and take the lane towards Thorner up the pig that is Scarcroft Hill, so I pushed on to see how bad it was.

Turns out it wasn't bad at all - because the works don't actually happen until tomorrow, but someone at the council had put all the signs out 24 hours early. :wacko:
Worth noting if you're thinking of heading out that way tomorrow though, @colly and others?

So, on the A58 to Collingham, the dog leg in the village and over the river into Linton, which is still full of ups and downs, eventually reaching Wetherby.
Around the town centre and out on Walton Road over the A1(M) and past the race course. A unnecessary loop around Walton village as I wasn't sure how my plotted route would stack up mileage wise, before heading down towards Thorp Arch, over the river and up the other side into Boston Spa and the usual sprint along Main Street to the Clifford turning.
Which took me, eventually, to Clifford. Down the hill to Bramham and up the hill back out of there, over the A1(M) and the steady climb up along Bramham Park where they are now preparing for the forthcoming horse trials in a few weeks. Not sure what the horses did, hopefully they'll get off.

Thorner Road, which becomes Thorner Lane and through the dip, up the other side and that slog up the long incline to the Jewitt Lane turning. Right there and back into the hinterland, again mainly up but only steadily so.
Quick time check and I looked to be doing OK, but picked the pace up a touch (relatively speaking) to make sure.
Onto Compton Lane and almost to Rigton Green, then doubling back on Bramham Lane to Jewitt lane and Thorner Lane again, where I continued on to Milner Lane.
Along the ridge between the hedges, before the plunge down into Thorner, then back out on Carr Lane for the long slog up to the A58 - the direct route is a sharper, but shorter climb but I needed the extra mile or so, so I just had to get it done.
Along the A58, up Coal Road and local roads down to home.

31.31 miles (50.38 km) in 2h 29m at an average of 12.6 mph with just 1,545 ft climbed

Slightly surprised at that average speed. Don't get me wrong, I know I'm not fast, but I felt like I was pushing on at times although it's only around my average.
That said, I did set my fastest time this year on a segment towards the end of the ride, and that on the "winter" bike too...:laugh:
Happy to get another point for the challenge, especially after last Sunday's debacle, and every mile counts.
Not so happy with the number of idiot drivers I encountered today, far, far too many close passes and every single one of them totally unnecessary. It feels like the situation is getting endemic around here lately and I'm not sure what can be done about it :scratch:
But we can't let that spoil an otherwise good ride can we?

Apologies, no pics as I didn't stop with being up against the clock, but here's the map:
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Legendary Member
Ride out to Harworth to see Tom Simpson's memorial with @tallliman and @13 rider.

Left the house at 6am to get in 15 miles before meeting @13 rider in Ansty. I got wet :rain:

Rode out to Stanford to meet @tallliman dried out and stayed dry

Into Nottingham and it rains :rain:but dry out by the time we hit the first cafe (The Lime Cafe near Bilsthorpe) for a hot drink and fried sandwich. Whilst sat there it starts raining again so we dawdle before setting off. We get drenched this time :rain:

Get to the memorial and we are starting to dry out, take my socks off and wring them out, just a bit of water in them.

By the time we get to Lincoln we are all dried out ^_^

104 miles for @tallliman, 113 for @13 rider and 128 for me


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Legendary Member
Montgomery canal triathlon today, our third year on the bounce of entering it.

17 mile bike ride...


11 mile walk...


7 mile canoe (kayak)


It's hard work (over 50/fat/out of condition) but absolutely brilliant. The scenery is stunning, the route (bar crossing the A483 and some other roads) is traffic free and it's well organised.








Pictures a bit rubbish, sorry. Taken on my old iPhone, the 'new' one was safely hidden in my bag just in case of any 'wrong way up' boat situations. Can't wait to go again next year.
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Legendary Member
Just a quick trip up to Halfords to collect a pair of tyres that I'd ordered in, but in true cyclist style I took the long way round. A slightly longer version of one of my 50km routes round Falkenham, Kirton, Newbourne, Waldringfield, Rushmere St. Andrew and Westerfield before finally getting to Halfords at around the 30 mile mark! The cold breeze we've had around here for the past week has finally lifted slightly so it was actually a pleasant day in warm sunshine for most of the time.

The only bad bit was finding out that the annual surface dressing has started and it's worse than ever. Humber Doucy Lane on the outskirts of Ipswich appears to have been done in the past few days, and there's still piles of loose chippings, areas where they've formed wave like formations and other parts have already lifted leaving the tar visible. Glad I was on the Pickenflick with big tyres & clearance, not a narrow tyred, zero clearance road bike today.

From Martlesham...
Church Lane, Martlesham.jpg
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Screenshot_2019-05-18 Tyred thirsty Ride Strava(2).png


My rides this week.

Started with my usual commute Mon, Tues & Thurs. Much nicer this week as it was dry.

On Friday I had to go to the bike shop to get my Garmin Pedals refitted (The first set broke) so I decided that as it was dry, I’d take the day off and go for a ride. I took my Emonda and headed to the bike shop for 10am when they open, having to take a longer route to fill time.

I enjoyed a coffee while the pedals were fitted and then headed down to the lake. The plan was to ride to Rapperswil along the coast road treating that as a training ride. Stop for Coffee and cake. Then try and find Route 66 back taking it easy through the vineyards and villages in the way back.

Part 1 was easy and I arrived at Rapperswil and parked the bike. Only to discover that the coffee shop had no Carrot Cake! Had to have a lemon muffin instead but I wasn’t going to let it ruin the day :-D

I found Route 66 fairly easily on the way back. Staying on it was a different matter roadworks, diversions and poor signposting (unusual out here) led to me losing the way more than once.

After finding myself back on the coast road, I decided just to head away from the lake in a general direction of home. That worked, though it added in some more hills.

A total of 81kms. Quick out, very slow back.

Yesterday I headed to my standard weekend coffee location Baden, but crisscrossed between 3 different routes just to add variety. Adding about 10kms to the normal distance at 56km.

Thankfully this time Carrot Cake was successfully acquired :-)


So not a bad week for cycling and I may yet get out today, it’s dry, but according to the forecast, it shouldn’t be! Back to wet commuting tomorrow.

EDIT : It stayed dry, so headed out for another 32kms.
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