Your ride today....

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Legendary Member
Out after work, with a good sign of the nights drawing out, as it wasn’t dark when I set off at 4:45PM.

Just the usual route around Shrewsbury, but unfortunately interspersed with idiots of all varieties.

Heading up Bage Way, youth on bike comes the other way, not looking where he’s going, or possibly not able to even see where he was going, due to the waccy baccy he was smoking. I had the joy of inhaling that, for a minute or so, until it had dispersed from the air.

Going through the Quarry, I have close encounters, requiring emergency stops, with 2 dogs that are running loose, both owners looking at their phones and not at what is going on around them.

I am then walking my bike over Porthill Bridge, as a respectable cyclist should do, lady coming the other way is doing the same and just as we are about to pass each other, stupid woman with schoolgirl in tow decides to push her way between us, causing us both to have to swerve away, as it would have been shins on pedals for the girl otherwise. Other lady cyclist shakes her head and I loudly said “after you” to the woman, to make the point.

We then cross the road and they proceed to walk up the cycle lane, on the shared path. So I again shout at them “you’re now in the cycle path” and there is a look of confusion from woman. Brain cells missing.

I am then heading up the shared path, on Roman Rd, when a woman in an Audi pulls off the road straight onto the cycle and footpath, almost wiping me and a runner coming the other way, out.

Runner stops and shouts at the Audiot and I did the same. Apparently she is “allowed to do that, as she needed to stop and drop someone off” to which I responded that “I’m allowed to report you to the police” and cycled off. Again, clearly missing any brain cells.

I am then heading through Shelton estate and prat in a Toyota pulls out of side road, causing me to do an emergency stop. I was fuming by now and they got a foul mouthed response.

Then, to finish it off, I’m almost home, using one of those waste of time narrow cycle lanes, that are painted onto the road, when woman in a Qashqai passed me so closely that her wheels were in the cycle lane!!

Clearly people of Shrewsbury have today failed to engage what little brain cells they actually have.

12.7 miles



Couple of routine runs around Glasgow today.
The first shorter one, just 6 miles for a dental appointment was a bit tricky. Still a lot of ice on side streets , so had to walk out to the main road.
Then my run into the city and the east end.

Different hazard on the London Rd cycle path, courtesy of Police Scotland
They never clear up the mess they regularly leave on this stretch of path.

24 miles, no mishaps.
Runner stops and shouts at the Audiot and I did the same. Apparently she is “allowed to do that, as she needed to stop and drop someone off” to which I responded that “I’m allowed to report you to the police” and cycled off. Again, clearly missing any brain cells.
Like that, I've not 'heard' it before

Then, to finish it off, I’m almost home, using one of those waste of time narrow cycle lanes, that are painted onto the road, when woman in a Qashqai passed me so closely that her wheels were in the cycle lane!!
Almost a Squasqai?

Old jon

There was some blue sky visible, through the rain shower. Roughly what the phone had told me about the weather, but it did feel cold. Let’s ride anyway.

There was another rider on Jack Lane in Holbeck. Most unusual. Anyway, said Hi as I passed him and made my escape along Water Lane and into Hunslet. And up the rise to John o’ Gaunts. Five miles in and fingers were still freezing. Carry on, take the left turn to pass Woodlesford railway station and at the bottom of the hill turn left again. Under the railway line, over the Aire and Calder Canal and the River Aire itself. Up the first rise to Swillington and all of a sudden I decided to explore the left turn just opposite the cottage there. This decision may have been influenced by the rain that had just started. Two minutes later the rain had stopped, but I had my exploring hat on, was even colder than before and this lane led homewards. Ish.

Pass Newsam Green and a yet to be completed housing development and the lane runs more or less alongside the motorway for a while. A couple (brace?) of geese flew over, very low, which reminded me of the bodies of water, may originally have been colliery sumps, away to my left. A wildfowl reserve at one time I think, will have to walk down that way again sometime soon.

The last couple of miles of the almost fifteen this morning were interesting, to me. Cross Green and the adjacent bit of Hunslet are not places to visit, unless you work there. But the area has changed, it is a lot cleaner than my memory had it. Quieter too and the roads are better than they were. Still, home is next, and a grin for the warmth to come. Good stuff, bike riding.

Squiggles on geography


Oxford Dave

Senior Member
West Oxfordshire
Another sunny morning here, so another ride. I had to spend a little time in the garage first, adjusting the front derailleur as I couldn't get the low gears yesterday. I was glad I fixed it as I need the small chainwheel a couple of times today.
Set off through Standlake, turned towards Witney, then left the main road at the Hardwick lights and used one of my favourite little roads through Yelford and on to Lew, where I turned right for a change and followed the road around RAF Brize Norton (had a very close encounter with a Hercules on approach), through Carterton and off through Alvescot to Clanfield where I stopped for lunch. Once refuelled, the 8 or 9 mile ride home was straightforward. Another 24 mile day.

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Legendary Member
I took the Madone out for a spin today seeing as it was a bright dry day, didn’t have lot of time so a quick 11.34 miles in about 45 mins around the villages. Nice to see the sun and dry roads.

Thatch cottage below yours for 650 queens if you want it.


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Oxford Dave

Senior Member
West Oxfordshire
@Oxford Dave easier for your reader if you attach your photo file using the ‘Attach files’ button.
So it is, thank you! I'm still finding my way around this forum. Appreciate the tip.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Mrs 26 joined Margaret PR and me for the early miles. The wind was helping as Mrs 26 turned at The Mythe. Margaret and I sped to Bredon with the wind being our friend. We spied a Muntjac at Beckford and followed it as it moved through and along the hedge. We decided to try the new cafe near Cropthorne so a little used lane took us there. Pleasant cafe it turned out to be.
We rode back onto the flanks of Bredon Hill to go by the Combertons. A road closure meant a little detour but we were back on the standard run before long. The wind was hindering us a bit but I think it was easing compared to earlier. Soon we were parting in Upton. Just my usual return left to finish on a lovely if chilly bright day. 56 smiles


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
There was some blue sky visible, through the rain shower. Roughly what the phone had told me about the weather, but it did feel cold. Let’s ride anyway.

There was another rider on Jack Lane in Holbeck. Most unusual. Anyway, said Hi as I passed him and made my escape along Water Lane and into Hunslet. And up the rise to John o’ Gaunts. Five miles in and fingers were still freezing. Carry on, take the left turn to pass Woodlesford railway station and at the bottom of the hill turn left again. Under the railway line, over the Aire and Calder Canal and the River Aire itself. Up the first rise to Swillington and all of a sudden I decided to explore the left turn just opposite the cottage there. This decision may have been influenced by the rain that had just started. Two minutes later the rain had stopped, but I had my exploring hat on, was even colder than before and this lane led homewards. Ish.

Pass Newsam Green and a yet to be completed housing development and the lane runs more or less alongside the motorway for a while. A couple (brace?) of geese flew over, very low, which reminded me of the bodies of water, may originally have been colliery sumps, away to my left. A wildfowl reserve at one time I think, will have to walk down that way again sometime soon.

The last couple of miles of the almost fifteen this morning were interesting, to me. Cross Green and the adjacent bit of Hunslet are not places to visit, unless you work there. But the area has changed, it is a lot cleaner than my memory had it. Quieter too and the roads are better than they were. Still, home is next, and a grin for the warmth to come. Good stuff, bike riding.

Squiggles on geography

View attachment 502444

Awful road surface.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
It was a nice sunny morning here in Shropshire :sun:..... Unfortunately I wasn't free this morning so headed out in the afternoon when cloud and some light showers had rolled in. It was just going to be a variation of a regular route to fit the time available: Condover, Longnor, Acton Burnell, Harnage, Cound, Berrington, Weeping Cross and home.

It was quite breezy when I set out and colder feeling than the thermometer might have suggested. I headed over Lyth Hill to avoid the main road as much as possible but this meant I was climbing into the wind which made it a bit of a plod. I managed to lose the compass out of my rack bag while dropping down the other side of the hill as I'd forgotten to zip up the top pocket. Fortunately I heard it go with a clatter and it doesn't seem to have taken any harm.

Going through Condover was less eventful than last time (apart from some strange parking where the front end was sticking out halfway across the road :scratch:) and excepting the annoying headwind there were no problems getting to Longnor.

As is often the case, turning left at the crossroads after Longnor meant picking up a tailwind and it was a good one today. After a gentle start the cruising speed picked up to around 20 mph and even up the climb to Frodesley only just dipped below 15mph for a short stretch (10 or 11 mph would be more usual up the climb on this bike). It was even better on the gentle descent into Acton Burnell and I had to watch my speed into the bends.

The tailwind continued helping me along after the village until the end of the straight at Cound Moor where normality was restored as I turned towards Harnage and Cound. There is a house in Cound that seems to be flying a different flag each time I visit - today's was Australian.^_^

The bridge in Cound is closed again (latest round of work to repair the railings that someone destroyed in the snow a couple of years ago) so there was more traffic than I'm used to on the road through Cound Stank, including an ambulance on blue lights which fortunately I met at a point where it wasn't too narrow and there was a firm and smooth bit of verge I could hop onto.

I got to Weeping Cross in time for the start of the afternoon rush so was a bit wary of the traffic along Oteley Road after what Gav posted yesterday, but they were all fairly well behaved for me.

24.1 miles at 12.9 mph average. Got cold, got rained on a few times but enjoyed the ride anyway.

Just a couple of snaps today to try out the camera on my new (to me) phone:

The view from Lyth Hill with a shower heading off towards the Wrekin.


Another view towards the Wrekin from near Harnage.
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A false start to todays ride as I got down the road when I realised that I`d left my phone at home. A quick turnaround, 3 doors unlocked, 3 doors locked and I was on my way proper. It was certainly a stiff wind albeit a nice sunny morning, so decided to use the B1113 up to Cotton so the wind would aide me. It did a little but as it was a westerly it was more of a cross wind with gusts. There was certainly a lot of traffic about this morning and they were driving like the wind, lorries and cars a like. To be honest they all gave me a wide berth except one which I will come to later.
Once up at Cotton I wanted to speak to George the bike man to thank him for fitting my new BB last week but as he was`nt at home I did another turnaround and continued to Finningham. I turned left at the pub here and went for a mile to the Westhorpe sign where upon I turned around again and headed back to Finningham and on to Wickham Skeith and Mendlesham. At least the traffic was quieter now. I had a lovely tailwind from Westhorpe to Wickham and the bike purred on that new BB, it made me realise how rumbly the old one had become.
Out of Wickham I saw a flock of fieldfares, maybe 30 or 40 perhaps, in fact I had seen them near here in November. Once at Mendlesham I stopped at the village sign for a photo before heading on the Mendlesham Green and Middlewood Green, here I battled with that 21 mph headwind. Once back at Stowupland I continued on the A1120 and turned right by the petrol station back to Stowmarket. Now, as I looked behind me I saw that there was an old Volvo just behind me, I turned around twice and was just about to signal right. To my amazement this car edged past me fairly closely and he too wanted to turn right. The driver looked quite elderly and I then had to sit behind him as he pulled away and gained speed.
I enjoyed the ride with the exception of the mad carews about and that headwind. 23 miles covered with 719 feet of climbing at 16.9mph average. That new BB has`nt made me faster but just quieter. One other thing. The roads were nice and dry for a change so the Claude Butler kept clean, result in my book !



Oxford Dave

Senior Member
West Oxfordshire
Just back in from another morning ride. Headed off through a couple of the usual visages to Eynsham, then took a sneaky back road to the A40 at Cassington, where there is a light-controlled crossing. Cycled through Cassington along to Yarnton, used the psychopath along the A44 up to the roundabout at Blenheim, turned left through Bladon (where Winston Churchill was buried) and then left again to take me back into Cassington and retraced my route back home.
25 miles in 2 hour 15 mins, some rain and general wet road muck, but all forgotten now I'm in the warm and dry and eating lunch!


Legendary Member
A ride of two halves.

10% chance of rain it said on the weather App. As soon as I got the bike out it started rain. What happened to the 90% chance of it not raining.

Any way I changed bikes, put on my waterproof gear and went to meat a chum in Wallingford, originally my route was to go the long way via Goring across the river then back to Wallingford but I changed that and went the direct route via Blewbury, The Astons and South Moreton. After coffee and cake in Wallingford I rode back via Brightwell-cum-Sotwell and into Didcot to stop at Hal**ds for some GT85.

I noticed that for a store that sold a lot of bicycles there wasn’t one single bike rack to lock your bike.

After that I took the most direct route home via the Hagbournes.

19.35 miles today.



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