Your ride today....

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On the way back from work today...
Riding to the apartment from the family on Sunday.


The thing in the bag is a canvas for painting...


Legendary Member
newton aycliffe
warmer day today so off out by 10-30 went the reverse of my usual route. Eppleby cafe was stowed out (bloody cyclists) . so off in the direction to the A66 and greta bridge for a coffee and sausage sarnie
.sunny but chilly at times.. returned via Langton-bolam Royal oak ,dropped into shildon and back along the cycle track....
sarah was a little grubby so gave her a good wash and she looks stunning
...... 44 smiles








Legendary Member
My first ride after returning from holiday, a bit later setting out than most of my evening rides during the pandemic, as I returned to the office for the first time since last November.

It was grey but fairly mild, with a breeze from the South East, which made it hard going over to Dad’s, via Hook a Gate, Annscroft and Exfords Green.

A slightly bizarre moment was experienced, as I turned onto the main road after Meole Village, to find a chap with a broom, brushing the road! My guess is that he was brushing sand over a spillage of some sort, but he didn’t look like an official council chap, wasn’t wearing any hi-viz and was leaping out of the way of traffic coming around the tight bend :wacko:

Had half an hour chatting to dad, before heading home via Gonsal, Condover and Betton Abbots. A nice tailwind from King Street, but light rain started about a mile from home.

14.96 miles at 11.9mph avg.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Yesterday's ride: I was able to get out into an afternoon that was bright, sunny and not too cold but was quite windy. I tend to favour a hilly route when it's very windy as I'm going to be slow anyway so being a bit slower because of a headwind doesn't matter much (odd logic perhaps, but it works for me :shy:)

A dog walker commented that "That headwind isn't helping" as I climbed Lyth Hill and I brightly responded "No, but it'll be nice on the way back"........ We'll come to that in a bit.

I got quite buffeted by the cross wind from Exford's Green to Plealey but it didn't seem too bad heading up the climb to Oaks as it was a bit sheltered. I took my usual back way to Pulverbatch by riding around the edge of Broom Hill then headed for Wilderley and Smethcott. It had been pretty nice riding so far despite getting blown about but it had taken a while so I decided not to do the longer version of the ride and instead head into Leebotwood.

I'd been looking forward to that tailwind, which should be directly behind me, however as did my last stint directly into the wind it seemed that it wasn't as difficult as earlier. When I finally turned to have it behind me I was getting along quite smartly along the old Roman Road to Longnor but felt that surely I could have been going a bit quicker. At my drink stop near Longnor the wind didn't feel blustery like it had earlier and that appeared to be the case the rest of the way through Ryton, Condover and back up to the A49. Yes, I could tell that I had a tailwind but I wasn't getting the benefit I'd hoped.

Something that cheered me up not far from home was coming up to a junction with a favourable gradient and the tailwind, and being able to accelerate away quicker than the driver behind me expected. Silly but it felt good.

24.3 miles for this one at 11.9 mph average.

Checking the Met Office website later on I found that while I was riding into the wind it was around 24 gusting to 37mph then when I had it behind me it had dropped to just 11mph without any recorded gusts.:dry: Isn't that just typical. :wacko:


The usual view from the top of Lyth Hill.


Looking in the direction of Oaks the cloud looks a bit threatening. It did stay dry throughout though.


Fresh new tarmac on the road to Habberley. A good incentive to ride that way and sample it fairly soon.


Usual view to the Wrekin between Pulverbatch and Wilderley. The sunshine was nice.


London, UK
Second ride with the new wheels and so far im very impressed with them. They are very quick to pick up speed and they maintain a good amount of energy when you ease off the pedals and freewheel - and they will keep on rolling for quite a distance :laugh:

Do they feel any faster? I think so. It was a fairly breezy day in London today but even with headwind, not so fresh legs and a lot of traffic jams which had me waiting behind everyone else, I still managed finish the ride the same time as i normally do. I assume where i was losing time to traffic and headwind, I was picking back up when the wind eased off and and the road was clear to pick up more speed.

The rear hub does sound very very loud and angry when freewheeling though and it sounds more angry the faster im freewheeling, much to the point where ive already had a few looks from other road users. :whistle:

weather is looking warmer next week so i'll be sure to really put it through its paces.


Not So Special One
North Yorkshire
We loaded our bikes into Davids car this morning for a quick drive into York to meet up with two others for a ride. The wind was brutal today but a lovely ride out to Church Fenton for Brunch and Cappuccino at the cafe on the airfield. I can highly recommend the poached eggs and mushrooms on sourdough 👍.
Fuelled up we headed back to York. 42.2 miles with an average of 15.4 mph.



Legendary Member
My brother Ade joined me for his first ride since last Summer, this morning, his idea as well! It was a nice sunny morning, with a keen wind from the South, which was behind us for the first half of the ride, but against us and stronger for the second half.

We followed the cycle paths up to Heathgates, where they have properly resurfaced the roundabout, but removed the green painted crossings that at least gave drivers a hint to let cyclists cross the busy 4 lanes… surprise with our clueless council.

We then dropped down through Sundorne and onto the old canal path at Pimley, following a lad on a bike who was smoking weed, so had that sickly smell to deal with until he headed off back into his house at Uffington.

We joined the roads there and climbed up to Upton Magna, then up East Haughmond, before enjoying the descent and loop back round to Upton Magna. From there it was along the Pelham road to Berwick Wharf and Atcham, where we crossed the old bridge just as a herd of canoes came through below, enjoying the sunshine on the river.

We then climbed up Chilton Lane and on to Betton Abbots and back to mine. Ade seemed to enjoy himself, keeping up with me mostly and so I’m hoping he will get out more this year, on his new bike and join me on some rides.

18.55 miles at 11.6 mph avg.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
2nd attempt this year at riding outside .
Steady pace and i still struggle on hills due to lack of condition and on stuff i need to get of the saddle i find it not very nice for the shoulder .Planned ride mate aka Phil who did his hip in decided to give it a miss as he had been rough in the night so i plodded around and the shoulder didnt hurt more as i rode it just got tired by the end and i think i need to raise the bars one spacer as i cant get down as low currently
34 miles in total with a cake stop at about 19 miles.

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