Zwift Chat

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usually riding on Zwift...
So how did CCC and the Splitters get on yesterday? I've had a look on ZwiftPower but it doesn't make any sense yet without knowing what time delays you all got sent off at. The WTRL site seems to be even more impenetrable than usual!

I'm thinking of splitting from CycleChat (on Zwift, at least), and joining my brother in Team AHDR so that I can do a few ZRL races and maybe check out some WTRL TTTs. I'll still pop in to see how you're getting on, though!


Big Dosser
We did alright, think we finished 5th out of 13 teams with a time of 43:36. We are hoping to have avoided Div 1 with our efforts! :laugh:


Legendary Member
So how did CCC and the Splitters get on yesterday? I've had a look on ZwiftPower but it doesn't make any sense yet without knowing what time delays you all got sent off at. The WTRL site seems to be even more impenetrable than usual!

I'm thinking of splitting from CycleChat (on Zwift, at least), and joining my brother in Team AHDR so that I can do a few ZRL races and maybe check out some WTRL TTTs. I'll still pop in to see how you're getting on, though!
Splitters started with 5 riders - I got into the pen with 15 seconds to spare, having rushed home from my son's football training! Luckily we had a 7 minute delay so I at least had that time to (kind of) warm up. @BurningLegs unfortuntaley had connection issues early on so had to drop out leaving us with 4. We had no plan, and no tactics - I didn't even know the length or profile of the course until we were chatting in the pen! However, I thought we worked really well together on the road once we got going - especially as none of us were feeling on top form to say the least. @Girafitti started struggling and said he could only hang on, so we had to make sure we didn't distance him as we needed 4 to finish - but I have to say, he struggled on really heroically and never gave up so kudos to him for that. I think we overtook 2 other teams and got overtaken by one, but not until very near to the end.

Considering everything I think we can be pretty happy with our effort - no idea how it will turn out in the league results though.

Was great to be racing in the ZRL again, I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately I don't think I'll have the time to be back and on the line for any scratch races though unless my son's Tuesday training gets cancelled for any reason


Legendary Member
We did alright, think we finished 5th out of 13 teams with a time of 43:36. We are hoping to have avoided Div 1 with our efforts! :laugh:
Where did you get those results? I know they're on ZP but I don't know the time delays for the other teams?


You can find the time delays on the WTRL site by going in to the "All Teams" menu, then using the filters to narrow it down to see only your category/time zone/division. Then a little bit of Excel work to remove the extra minutes from everyone's ZP time - we ended up with this result:


EDIT - except they've now removed the Start Delay column from the site! I guess it only appears in the run up to a TTT round. Guess we'll have to wait until the real results come out on Thursday.


Legendary Member
You can find the time delays on the WTRL site by going in to the "All Teams" menu, then using the filters to narrow it down to see only your category/time zone/division. Then a little bit of Excel work to remove the extra minutes from everyone's ZP time - we ended up with this result:

View attachment 611363

EDIT - except they've now removed the Start Delay column from the site! I guess it only appears in the run up to a TTT round. Guess we'll have to wait until the real results come out on Thursday.
Ah OK thanks - I guess we'll just have to be patient then. It's funny because by the end of the last ZRL they had the results coming up almost instantly after races


So how did CCC and the Splitters get on yesterday? I've had a look on ZwiftPower but it doesn't make any sense yet without knowing what time delays you all got sent off at. The WTRL site seems to be even more impenetrable than usual!
It was a little chaotic at the start for CCC, but we managed to get four off the start line eventually and I think we did quite well considering.

Tony found himself in the wrong pen and couldn't get into the right one; Jeff was in the right pen, but couldn't see any of us and we couldn't see him (he ended up riding solo anyway and his time did show up on ZwiftPower); meanwhile I was panicking in a taxi home from the station, arriving at my door literally with minutes to spare - I got signed in to the pen with two minutes to go before the first team departed (we were fourth to go) and I was still in my work clothes at the time! Managed to get changed and onto the bike with about 45 seconds to spare - who needs a warm-up?

We found that we were sharing a pen with Cat A riders, which generally was fine as they tended to fly past us on the course, but when they dropped a rider, those guys rode at our pace and so kept on interfering with our pace line. One dropped back as soon as we complained, but there was another in GCN kit who wouldn't give up despite Carl and Joffey's best efforts at swearing at him! I don't think he was part of the actual GCN team (who passed us at about the 2/3rds mark) and did have the proper presenters taking part which was cool to see.

We overtook at least two other C teams and none overtook us (some came within 4-5 seconds, but then dropped back), so I think that was a good result.

The usual video evidence:

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Legendary Member
You can find the time delays on the WTRL site by going in to the "All Teams" menu, then using the filters to narrow it down to see only your category/time zone/division. Then a little bit of Excel work to remove the extra minutes from everyone's ZP time - we ended up with this result:

View attachment 611363

EDIT - except they've now removed the Start Delay column from the site! I guess it only appears in the run up to a TTT round. Guess we'll have to wait until the real results come out on Thursday.
Well done CCC team - that looks like a great start to the league for your team 👍

Oh, and for the record, our time was 41:16, but we just don't know where this puts us in our division
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Knees are FUBAR but I don't like to mention it
Blackpool UK
Tony found himself in the wrong pen and couldn't get into the right one;
In my defence it appears that it was not 100% my issue, as I've noticed on the WTRL facebook group that various teams in EMEA N Divisions had Mixes of A and C teams, plus riders being placed in the wrong Pen at the start ... Just a shame that I didn't notice, given that Steve spotted it at 15:00, and I was in the pen with 25 minutes to go until the start ... Pillock!:laugh::laugh::laugh:


Legendary Member
It was a little chaotic at the start for CCC, but we managed to get four off the start line eventually and I think we did quite well considering.

Tony found himself in the wrong pen and couldn't get into the right one; Jeff was in the right pen, but couldn't see any of us and we couldn't see him (he ended up riding solo anyway and his time did show up on ZwiftPower); meanwhile I was panicking in a taxi home from the station, arriving at my door literally with minutes to spare - I got signed in to the pen with two minutes to go before the first team departed (we were fourth to go) and I was still in my work clothes at the time! Managed to get changed and onto the bike with about 45 seconds to spare - who needs a warm-up?

We found that we were sharing a pen with Cat A riders, which generally was fine as they tended to fly past us on the course, but when they dropped a rider, those guys rode at our pace and so kept on interfering with our pace line. One dropped back as soon as we complained, but there was another in GCN kit who wouldn't give up despite Carl and Joffey's best efforts at swearing at him! I don't think he was part of the actual GCN team (who passed us at about the 2/3rds mark) and did have the proper presenters taking part which was cool to see.

We overtook at least two other C teams and none overtook us (some came within 4-5 seconds, but then dropped back), so I think that was a good result.

The usual video evidence:


That guy in the GCN kit that wouldn't leave you - he is with the official GCN team. Jorge Cubero is an ex Spanish pro cyclicst and prenter on the Spanish version of GCN


That guy in the GCN kit that wouldn't leave you - he is with the official GCN team. Jorge Cubero is an ex Spanish pro cyclicst and prenter on the Spanish version of GCN
Originally when his name didn't show up in ZwiftPower or even in the Companion race results, I figured that maybe he'd got into the race by clicking on the wrong link and just happened to be in GCN kit, but you're right - he is a presenter for them and should certainly know better than to interfere with other teams progress. The only way we got rid of him was when we overtook another team and he got stuck in their draft instead.

And after all that, he clearly must have quit the ride before the end anyway in order to not appear in the results - so what was the point of him hanging on?
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