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TheBoxers on Cycle Sim sw
Oh colour me confused. :unsure:.

Home from the physio. She thinks my thigh issue is back related. I appear to be a little tight on my lower right back.

I am sensitive and aware of many of the issues related to my back. I've been dealing with it for nearly 40 years, 30 odd with osteopath visits. However I've had none of the normal precursors of a back issue needing adjustment.

She gave me some massage to try to release it (stop sniggering at the back) and I felt a few twinges come and go. However nothing really indicating a problem. I told her I'd speak to the Osteopath I go to and then go from there.

Here's the problem. I've got home and my back has decided now is the time to tell me it needs work :banghead:.


It may sound crazy but I have a slight stomach bug & chest infection. If it’s not going well I might bug out.


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
I'm going to have to bail out tonight @bridgy and do the stage over the weekend. 7 is a bit late for me to ride as I need to do things for HID and I can't have her having dinner after 8:30. Sorry!


Going to have a ride in the ☀️, will do a catch up later .


No worries guys!

Well it looks like it might be a rather lonely ride up Alpe Du Zwift tonight - only other person currently signed up is @rob01792 .....
Sorry, weather is just too nice here.

I do like the Alpe, but could do without the lead in. You think we could do it again some time and agree to stay together during the lead in, treating it as a warm up, and then free the race at the bottom of the Alpe?


Is it the Alpe segment that counts? I was sent the longest way around so didn’t race to the foot of the col.


Illegitimi non carborundum
As with Lars I like the alpe but the weather is so nice at the moment. I’m working from home too so I can get out during the day sometimes.

@Milzy what is your strava name? I’m Thomas Burton. Seems you’ve pipped my alpe time by 2 seconds :headshake:. Of course when I set that time it was only a zone 2 training ride :reading:
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