Zwift Chat

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Über Member
CycleChat #68 in action:


My original intent was to mainly show the ride from the forward viewpoint of whoever was at the back of the group, but occasionally switch to the backward facing view of the rider at the front if I felt it would be better. Then about halfway round I decide to go all Stanley Kubrick and try something a little different - hopefully it's not too avant-garde for you. I promise I did still record the ride - you don't miss anything!

Also look out for the solo rider riding past the group in the wrong direction at two points during the race. That would be me, pootling around the same course but anti-clockwise, at about 1.8 w/kg with trainer difficulty turned down to 10% (because I had no idea as to where I was on the course while watching the TTT, so it's a little unfair for me to have to deal with any hills).

@steverob thats great thanks, some brilliant camera work :okay:

Thanks again for the team car support, much appreciated.



Big Dosser
CycleChat #68 in action:


My original intent was to mainly show the ride from the forward viewpoint of whoever was at the back of the group, but occasionally switch to the backward facing view of the rider at the front if I felt it would be better. Then about halfway round I decide to go all Stanley Kubrick and try something a little different - hopefully it's not too avant-garde for you. I promise I did still record the ride - you don't miss anything!

Also look out for the solo rider riding past the group in the wrong direction at two points during the race. That would be me, pootling around the same course but anti-clockwise, at about 1.8 w/kg with trainer difficulty turned down to 10% (because I had no idea as to where I was on the course while watching the TTT, so it's a little unfair for me to have to deal with any hills).

Awesome, love that!


Legendary Member
Whoops :laugh:



Covid- Fernando Gaviria has tested positive twice:ohmy:

That is a worrying sign that humans might not be able to overcome this virus by immune system alone


So thoughts on the ZRL league after a couple weeks.

First race was just plain brutal given my current lack of fitness, particularly as races run over the 20-30 minute mark. Most of my racing this year has been in that 20-30 minute range and when I leave that range I fade horribly. Add the climbs and it was horrific.

The second race was much more suited for my current abilities in terms of distance and elevation profile. However, I should have done a ride on it to get a better sense of that hill near the halfway point. In retrospect I should have gone deeper at that point if for no other reason than to help make a bigger blob on the downhill afterwards -- I doubt the 2-3 minutes of rest would have allowed me to hold on the rest of the race :-) Once I lost the group it didn't make a lot of sense to gut myself further, so I didn't push hard at all. I actually preferred the latter bumps as they were sustained. The ones right after the balloons were too short to get in any rhythm, but the latter ones were much easier on me.

I had a lot of trouble finding a rhythm when I was on the front -- my power output bounced all over the place and as a result those behind probably didn't get as much of a benefit as they could. I was shooting to hold 300W, but I think I bounced between 250 and 350. That may be a symptom I was over-geared as I've found it easier to produce smoother power at higher cadences. That bouncing around power-wise may have also contributed to my inability to pull after the first 10 minutes. I was also struggling to stick behind Ketty. Again, a lower gear with higher cadence may have smoothed that out.

I'm not likely to gain us more points than the 1 for finishing in the scratch races and I'm not likely going to be able to stick for the entire TTT events, but as long as y'all want me, I'll be there. The combination of the league and ZA workouts have me working harder than I have in a year or so.


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
Covid- Fernando Gaviria has tested positive twice:ohmy:

That is a worrying sign that humans might not be able to overcome this virus by immune system alone

Perhaps although at that level top athletes walk a fine line between maintaining or improving high fitness levels and increasing fatigue often compromising their immune systems.Remember when Sky imposed a no shaking hands rule a few years back?
There’s been a lot of talk and sharing of professional opinion on the Sufferfest (and other) forums about the risks that some amateur athletes have taken increasing exercise during the pandemic and therefore compromising their immune systems. It has certainly provided me with an excuse not to train too hard 😁


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Team #68 smashed it.

Regardless of whatever the time ends up being, we caught the group in front and didn't get overtaken. Massive result.

Everyone did their part and we only really fractured slightly on the climb but @Spartak (I think it was) docked back on after a big effort and immediately did a turn. @JLaw it's never nice being the first to go but you held on for ages, did lots of turns and that's how we caught that group; great effort.

Nice having a team car as well!

That was a great event & all round top effort from all in Team CC#68... @bobinski @mjd1988 @Ketty @Joffey & @JLaw :notworthy:
Thanks also to @steverob in the Team car for his calming words and great video :okay:

We worked together well until the Aquaduct when JLaw, who had worked so well got dropped, I too lost the group at that point but some inner power helped me back onto the wheels, however with 2km to go as the pace increased I just couldn't hold on anymore, and saw the remaining 4 disappear.

I was really pleased with my time for the Strava course segment averaging 40.1km/h...:okay:
Morning guys ,been awol for a long time hope you are all ok and well in this time of uncertainty ,

I am still riding but started getting obsessed with it and my weight , not fuelling properly and I got down to 11st 7lbs and started to look ill and knackered all the time, anyway put a bit back on and reduced the amount of miles , new Motorhome and a few travels but with winter here now I am going back on the trainer


Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
Morning guys ,been awol for a long time hope you are all ok and well in this time of uncertainty ,

I am still riding but started getting obsessed with it and my weight , not fuelling properly and I got down to 11st 7lbs and started to look ill and knackered all the time, anyway put a bit back on and reduced the amount of miles , new Motorhome and a few travels but with winter here now I am going back on the trainer

You were on such a weight loss journey Chris it must be hard to tell yourself when it’s time to slow down with it. For me it’s when my missus starts to pretend to play my rib cage like it’s a piano I know I’m probably due a big meal or two!
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