ABC Towns and Villages

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Mr Celine

Road bike shakedown after w*rk and I managed to bag three letters on one of my more common circuits.



There was another M nearby but I didn't want to risk @rugby bloke mentioning the goal post thieves.
I finished up at Newstead which is reputed to be the oldest continuously inhabited settlement in Scotland.


Edit: just noticed that autocorrect had changed Newstead to newsread.
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Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Off to bag a few more this morning. I drove to the Park&Ride at Longstanton, parked and went for a ride.
Up the B1050, past some swans and a few riverboats, to E-for Earith.

The eagle-eyed might notice the different bike - that's my Dynatech 401Ti singlespeed.
Titanium top and downtubes, the rest is steel, and it's all glued together. What could possibly go wrong?
Continued onwards to St Ives, where the siren call of Greggs was inviting me with coffee and a bacon roll.
Suitably refreshed, I took the Guided Busway cycle path towards the nature reserve, and turned off towards F-for Fen Drayton.
Fen Drayton.jpg

Up to Swavesey and back on the guided busway, and back to the car. About a 20-ish mile ride.
I'm liking this challenge so far :biggrin:


Glorious weather today, first time out in shorts this year and a whole bunch of villages just ready to have their photos taken in the sunshine!

Tough one to stop to get - very busy main road and very little space on the verge.

This village was originally meant to be knocked down to be London's third airport, but eventually they chose Stansted. Also has a claim on being the longest continuous village street in England.

Just in case this village didn't have a sign, I'd hedged my bets as my ride also took me through Thornton just a few miles later.

Between here and Verney Junction I actually went through two "W" towns/villages, but not to worry, because I knew there was another on my way home.

Possibly the smallest hamlet I've been through on this entire set of rides that has signs at both ends. Barely a handful of houses here. Yet some places triple the size don't have signs at all.

Surprised, but happy to see a sign on the way into the village - wasn't one shown on StreetView, so had thought I was going to have to go through and turn around to get the sign on exiting. Glad I didn't have to after all!

All of which leaves me with just Y and Z left to get (not going to do an Ex for X). Y is do-able, although it will be a 50-60 mile round trip - got two options, one in Oxfordshire, one in Northamptonshire, both about equal distance from me. Z however would be a 100 mile one-way trip and a very awkward train journey home - nothing direct, would have to go via that there London, which means at least 3-4 hours to get back on top of the 7-8 to get there on the bike.


Legendary Member
Glorious weather today, first time out in shorts this year and a whole bunch of villages just ready to have their photos taken in the sunshine!

Tough one to stop to get - very busy main road and very little space on the verge.

This village was originally meant to be knocked down to be London's third airport, but eventually they chose Stansted. Also has a claim on being the longest continuous village street in England.

Just in case this village didn't have a sign, I'd hedged my bets as my ride also took me through Thornton just a few miles later.

Between here and Verney Junction I actually went through two "W" towns/villages, but not to worry, because I knew there was another on my way home.

Possibly the smallest hamlet I've been through on this entire set of rides that has signs at both ends. Barely a handful of houses here. Yet some places triple the size don't have signs at all.

Surprised, but happy to see a sign on the way into the village - wasn't one shown on StreetView, so had thought I was going to have to go through and turn around to get the sign on exiting. Glad I didn't have to after all!

All of which leaves me with just Y and Z left to get (not going to do an Ex for X). Y is do-able, although it will be a 50-60 mile round trip - got two options, one in Oxfordshire, one in Northamptonshire, both about equal distance from me. Z however would be a 100 mile one-way trip and a very awkward train journey home - nothing direct, would have to go via that there London, which means at least 3-4 hours to get back on top of the 7-8 to get there on the bike.

For Z you can jump on the train at Bedford go up to Loughborough and do Zouch.

Is your Y Yelvertoft?


For Z you can jump on the train at Bedford go up to Loughborough and do Zouch.

Is your Y Yelvertoft?

"Y" would be Yarnton (Oxon) or Yardley Gobion (Northants). Yardley Gobion I've been to before so I'm familiar with how best to get there (and trying to avoid riding on the A5 and A508 in the process), while Yarnton I haven't so I've got to work out a safe route (the A44 being the one to avoid this time), but it does open up the possibility for new VeloViewer tiles.

Hadn't considered Bedford as a possible station stopoff. 65-75 mile round trip to there depending on route, then add another 10 to go from Loughborough to Zouch and back (or carry on to East Midlands Parkway perhaps?)


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Today's ride knocked another three off.
I went out through Redcoats Green and St Ippolyts, and then into G for Gosmore.

The back wheel sunk into theundergrowth somewhat!
Carried on along to H for Hitchin.

and carried on through to I for Ickleford.

Having bagsied the sign I then went back to Hitchin for breakfast.
Today was on the blue Ribble - this bike used to have drop bars on it and 10-speed 105. I don't get on so well with drop bars these days, so I've now got flat bars, a compact chainset and 12-30 8 speed cassette. The drop bars are now on my singlespeed, which has a rather upright stem and is OK for shortish rides.
I'm going to have to park J for a while, but I should be able to bag K fairly soon. My dentist is in Knebworth...
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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
I am thinking we all ought to wait for others to catch up. Then one day in the summer we can arrange that we will all meet up at Zouch then go for a pub lunch. I know there's a few in Hertfordshire so we could probably pool transport / lifts to get close enough for a ride everyone could manage. I have French ride end of August but otherwise most other weekends are not filled from mid June onwards.


Legendary Member
I am thinking we all ought to wait for others to catch up. Then one day in the summer we can arrange that we will all meet up at Zouch then go for a pub lunch. I know there's a few in Hertfordshire so we could probably pool transport / lifts to get close enough. I have French ride end of August but otherwise most other weekends are not filled.

I like the idea of that but if anyone wants to meet up for a day trip to Zeal’s, I’d be up for that.


I'll be visiting Zennor in August!!
... Which will keep me busy until then.

Because I can do F tomorrow and only had a half hour yesterday to do E, I had a ride around Ellenbrook looking for signs. I think the sign in the first picture might have said Ellenbrook at one point. The community think of themselves as a village. The other signs show the school the residents association, the Co op and the church.


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Mr Celine

There's only two Os locally that I can think of, Oxnam and Oxton and coincidentally both have the second letter X. I have a more cunning plan for X but you'll have to wait for that. Here is Oxton.


I can do P and Q in one ride but P is 20 miles away but Q is another 20 miles beyond that. I'll need to up the fitness a bit before tackling an 80 miler, or compromise on the 'all rides start and finish at home'.


Never in a million years did I think there'd be a sign for that.

I didn't really have to find it because I pass it to get to Pilates, and club rides go through there to get to Rivington and Haigh Hall.

In fact, I am not sure how to find signs on Google maps. So far, I have just been riding around an area looking for the sign. But when I start going further afield that won't really be practical.

What happened to your spd's?

Different bike.
My BTwin needs a tweek, something wrong with the front mech.
Still got toe clips on the Galaxy. I have got some reversable pedals to put on at some point.
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