Acknowledging fellow cyclists?

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Smokin Joe

Legendary Member
When cycling was a geek sport and there were far fewer of us about I never passed another rider or riders who were fellow enthusiasts (And it was east to tell at just a glance, as any old codger here will tell you) with out an exchange of greetings. We all felt we were sharing a secret that wasn't understood by the population in general and there was a strong affinity between those of us who were. I once struck up a long friendship with someone sharing the same train carriage when I noticed him reading Cycling magazine.

There are so many cyclists about now that I don't feel any particular connection with someone just because they are on a bike.


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
I will usually wave or something (even though I be wearing lycra and looking all serious-like) to various people who I guess may not be seasoned riders but who I'm delighted to see out enjoying the open road on a bike of whatever description. The more the merrier !

I will always talk as I approach any horses, lest they mistake me for a mechanical agent of doom or whatever.

And, given the propensity of those unused to the joys of walking to launch themselves across the road if they cannot hear a car coming, I have started saying good evening to pedestrians too.


Well-Known Member
There's a lot new cyclists out there right now. My hope is that by showing what a friendly bunch we are, when they are back driving their cars, they'll be more inclined to views us a human beings and not some annoying obstacle to squeeze past at the earliest available opportunity

Also hope they carry on riding too. The more bikes out there, the better!


Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
If I'm out in the middle of nowhere, I'll greet almost everyone I see, regardless of their (or my) mode of transport.

Dog-walking folk are consistently the rudest, as in the least-likely to respond.
(I don't have a mutt)

Joggers are next, but they're lungs are bursting out their chests, so they're not rude.
Cyclists are a pretty friendly bunch.


Well-Known Member
I want to put a slight twist on this topic by asking, would you always offer assistance to a cyclist in distress or only certain ones :whistle:
I mean... I could only be the skivvey to go to the nearest bike shop as I don't have any spares or knowledge on my bike 🤷🏼‍♀️

But I'd be happy to help if I saw anyone "broken down" as it were!


I mean... I could only be the skivvey to go to the nearest bike shop as I don't have any spares or knowledge on my bike 🤷🏼‍♀️

But I'd be happy to help if I saw anyone "broken down" as it were!
I am always afraid of sounding like a bit of a patronising know-all so the offer has to be carefully worded. A lone female can be a tricky one too in this day and age where chivalry is not always welcome.


Well-Known Member
I am always afraid of sounding like a bit of a patronising know-all so the offer has to be carefully worded. A lone female can be a tricky one too in this day and age where chivalry is not always welcome.
... I'm trying hard to de-code this one 😂 do you mean help from a woman whose bike isn't broken isn't always welcome, or do you mean it's tricky to offer help to a lone woman in case it's recieved in the wrong way?

Please clarify 😬

roley poley

I believe the correct etiquette is to call "boots" and if the chap is a gentleman he will reply "spurs" just keepin it owiginal in I like wot it shud be


... I'm trying hard to de-code this one 😂 do you mean help from a woman whose bike isn't broken isn't always welcome, or do you mean it's tricky to offer help to a lone woman in case it's recieved in the wrong way?

Please clarify 😬
Ha Ha, yes I meant offering to help out a lone women whose bicycle has broken/punctured etc.. The local plod (and my wife) may have something to say if I start approaching lone females for no apparent reason who don't even have a bike.


Legendary Member
I want to put a slight twist on this topic by asking, would you always offer assistance to a cyclist in distress or only certain ones :whistle:

Yes, live backing into a Sustrans route and have given out at least 20 inner tubes to people I see pushing their bikes over the years, in fact likely more. I have had a nice thank you letter once, and despite most promising to return another new one or pop some money back none have.


Well-Known Member
Ha Ha, yes I meant offering to help out a lone women whose bicycle has broken/punctured etc.. The local plod (and my wife) may have something to say if I start approaching lone females for no apparent reason who don't even have a bike.
I mean.. innocent assistance wouldn't go amiss but it sounds a little dodgy as to why the rozzers and your missus would also then be involved 😂
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