Any PC gamers around?

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We don't actually really know how much faster it is than the 2080ti - probably in the region of 25-30% overall, it will really depend on the game engine. Nobody really has any new benchmarks yet.
True, just going by what I've seen on various youtube channels like Linus TT and a few others. I'm expecting substantial improvements anyway.


True, just going by what I've seen on various youtube channels like Linus TT and a few others. I'm expecting substantial improvements anyway.
If you're on a 1080 it'll definitely be worth an upgrade and the power improvements are definitely an advantage, but I'm not sure that buying a 3080 soon after launch is a good shout. Depends on the benchmarks, but wait until the super variants come out in six months and the prices drop again once AMD launches and there is a price war, I doubt that there will be so much of an improvement over the 2080ti that it warrants buying one immediately is all.

Of course if it's actually 1.9x faster :laugh: like some people seem to think, then sure :becool:


Stubborn git
It's crazy that a game can lead this 'expense'. Fortunately my son is mainly into racing sims and VR, so the 2070 is more than enough now. Next time is likely to be a full system refresh, but he's going to need to be 'earning' properly.

Having a taste of my friends VR sim racing is what led me to building this PC. My last PC was built for Battlefield 2.

Whilst it will run an ok frame rate, the 980 doesn't cut it if you want eye candy and VR.
Grant Fondo
For me the cost is easily justifiable, I work from home full time and have done for many years, so I get to use this PC all day for office work (citrix) then in the evening it's my gaming rig. £500 on an upgrade when viewed across the many hours/days it gets used makes it easier to swallow :becool:
I haven't installed FS2020 yet, I was really looking forward to it but have so far been put off by the system requirements and also the download, we're on the cusp of FTTP here but it never seems to come.
It chews up around 130gb, i had to delete stuff to download.
Grant Fondo
only available in the US of A for $299, what a crushing disappointment :laugh:


Good to see some like minded people here away from cycling. I had half expected some curmudgeonly old sod to come in and berate us for our childish hobbies, then dress up in a tight fitting costume to go for a bicycle ride.


Check on and click on 'today' to change to 2 weeks.
OpenReach have done a pincer move around here, all around for miles there's been activity but they've bypassed my village. The checker goes from 'no plans for your area' to 'good news, FTTP is coming'.
Grant Fondo
Good to see some like minded people here away from cycling. I had half expected some curmudgeonly old sod to come in and berate us for our childish hobbies, then dress up in a tight fitting costume to go for a bicycle ride.
Give it time.... but good to see some positive attendance, i kind of thought PC gaming had run its course, oh, around the time the Spice Girls split up ^_^.
It was tough for me borrowing my sons Xbox controller to play Flight Sim, but one has to make concessions now and again.


Not sure, but there's plenty of arguing in the comments, I think it's actually a video lifted from the NVidia channel.

Edit: Same video on Nvidia's own channel

Fair enough - as far as I know there have been no samples sent out for review yet and none of the major tech news sites were reporting having one, so my immediate thought when seeing a 20k subscriber channel I'd never heard of before was fake :laugh:

It'll be interesting to see what other benchmarks show - inevitably this will be a cherry picked benchmark showing the 30 series in the best possible light - all manufacturers do this. I'm still expecting an overall 30% uplift - if it's better of course then brilliant, pushes the price down for everyone :okay:

FWIW I'm not invested in AMD or nvidia either way - I've had both cards over the years and always found them to be excellent. Driver support on nvidia is usually better especially at launch.
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