Any Runners On Here??

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Touch it up and ride it
What about running to the toilet?


Legendary Member
I am very slowly and carefully just starting to get back into it. I’ve to be careful with back/sciatic niggles occasionally.

It will be frustrating, but I am going to give the MAF method of keeping to a very low heart rate a go, at least for a while. I will need to go early with the head torch so nobody can see me shuffling along so slowly! :laugh:


Runners don't smile. Honestly, think about when was the last time you saw one smile whilst running?

If you did it was me! I've always smiled when I run, seeing other runners with grim faces makes me more determined to keep a cheerful expression. I believe that it also helps when the going gets tough, and it uses less energy than carrying a frown. When I've been suffering during a run I'll ask myself " Is this as bad as Toothache? " and the answers always No.


I smile and thank the Marshalls as it gives me a psychological advantage over the other competitors!
I ran the MK marathon one year and this chap I was running with, had is wife and 2 kids pop up at almost every road junction - jelly babies, banners and sports drinks at hand. However at mile 20 they disappeared as did his morale! I realised they had driven to the stadium. I chuckled to myself and left him somewhere in mile21! 🤣🤣


Tim Lewis
We do regular "jogs" now, I find it a good and super time efficient way to get the ticker ticking. I'm quite surprised at how rubbish I am now... the old sack of potatoes (polite version) feeling. In 2008 I was sub 3.30 marathon and sub 1.30 for a half, 40.5min 10k and could even go under 5mins for 1500m! Oh well :blush:
I am a tinsy bit less light now though I guess.
I got into running 6 years ago in my late 40’s. I made the mistake early on of building up too quickly and picking running shoes just because everyone else seemed to be wearing them. As a result I picked up an injury that made me pause and rethink.

After a gait analysis session I settled on a pair of running shoes that suited me best and moved on from there. Now, 6 years on, and after another gait analysis, I have changed shoe brand and model as the updates to the previous shoes made them less optimal for me.

I ran my first marathon 19 months after taking up running and completed my latest, London, a few weeks ago. Over the next few months I will be keeping things ticking over before I ramp up again for my next marathon in June 2023.


I used to go fell running in the peak district. Then did very little running for about 30 years. Just finished week 6 of couch to 5k and now running 30 minutes 3x week. On road at the moment just starting to build in some hills.

I've nothing but admiration for fell runners. I was walking on the Yorkshire Moors with Mrs Tenkaykev when we saw what appeared to be a distant figure approaching, It turned out to be two fell runners who seemed to be floating effortlessly over the very rugged terrain. Truly awesome and truly bonkers.


Legendary Member
A formerly avid runner, I’m struggling to be motivated to run but need to keep going as it’s such an efficient form of exercise during term time! Did Lyme Park parkrun today - a very hill trail course which was utterly beautiful!



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A formerly avid runner, I’m struggling to be motivated to run but need to keep going as it’s such an efficient form of exercise during term time! Did Lyme Park parkrun today - a very hill trail course which was utterly beautiful!

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Parkrun is great... 👍

Regardless of your ability everyone is welcomed and encouraged.
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