Anyone cook pasta in the microwave ?

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Worth adding that if you are cooking pasta a good trick is to drain the pasta, wash with cold water then bring back up to temperature by putting it into boiling water again. It helps break down the starches into resistant starch and makes the pasta much more like fibre and reduces the spike in blood glucose.

This is really handy for my daughter who is Type 1 diabetic as it stops a glucose spike, but it helps everyone - you absorb fewer calories and it makes you feel fuller for longer.


Slippery scientist
So presumably those ready meal pasta dishes would fall into this category?


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
i have in the past wandered in lakeland - a mixture of the impressive and plain bonkers. I do seriously worry about its more dedicated shoppers. And their relationships - horrible visions of shopper returning to a sterile home with a mad glint in their eye and telling the poor quietly desperate partner about the new wonder device/presentation wotsits that will just transform their kitchen and lives.
Do they still do the tea bag squeezer? I've just been through the online catalogue and couldn't see the tea bag squeezer! It's a travesty if they've stopped making the tea bag squeezer. How else can one squeeze a tea bag without a dedicated squeezer?
I have yet to find anything that's quicker or less hassle to do in a microwave. Warming milk for coffee, possibly, but even that's marginal.
Peas and beans always get nuked. Far easier to wash a small plastic tub than my smallest pan.
My baking potato gets ten minutes in the MW whilst the oven is warming up, then goes in the oven for 15-20 mins to crisp up the skin. That's at least twice as quick as just using the oven :okay:


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Had a go at this technique for poached eggs in the microwave this morning. Spot on.


I like the way he measures the bowl; four-and-a-half inches... and precisely measures the water; half a cup... then gives us a very specific 50 second cooking time... but fails to consider or mention the wattage of the oven :okay:

I will give it a go though.
Do they still do the tea bag squeezer? I've just been through the online catalogue and couldn't see the tea bag squeezer! It's a travesty if they've stopped making the tea bag squeezer

Seem to recall that I read that it had been removed from the hallowed shelves after it was discovered that folks were using it for certain BDSM practices. My memory can be dodgy though - it may have been that Lakeland themselves voluntarily and willingly removed it, rebranded it, doubled the price and now sell it in their special under-the-kitchen-counter range. Whisper the phrase "jam press" to the staff and they'll slip you a catalogue sealed in a freezer bag.


Über Member
"Scientific" analysis shows that tasting panels couldn't detect significant differences between pasta cooked in boiling water or microwave...
I mentioned this thread to Mrs T and she asked why it was on a cycling forum. I told her there was a long connection between cycling and penne, rigatoni, spaghetti, fusili et al, but she didn't believe me and went out for a walk.

She had to think again when a few minutes later I cycled pasta ^_^
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