Bad Driving

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
I've got a feeling there was... but i'm not certain.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Saw the most dangerous bit of driving I have seen for some time today. Priorities are totally clear but a small van came in from the left at speed and straight on through a give way sign. On the main route a service van had to do an emergency stop where it turns right from the stem of the T with clear priority. Much horn blasting and while this road is not a total dead end there is no easy escape route. I forsee a punch up somewhere up the road and thoroughly deserved if it happens.


Über Member
The first shown incident is bad enough but certainly would not have liked to be cyclist at 1min 42 onwards in this youtube compilation


2 min 20 ish 'cut him off!' WTF? I know filtering, especially in roadworks, is contraversial to some, but the guy attempting to overtake wasn't doing anything wrong. It was the car in the centre lane doing what the dashcam driver wanted that caused the problem by forcing him to stay in the overtaking lane and then stop.

If people stopped treating driving like a gladiatorial contest everyone would probably be better off.


Über Member
Connecticut, USA
Had a friend who used a camera and would go to local police station to report incidences. He received positive support. This is just a thought that a live camera footage would be more effective than a letter.


Another one - horrendous close pass at 2:20 but start watching at 1:14 as the cyclists lane postioning is questioned by the video. Knowing the junction I can understand why he decided to stay on the outside of the roundabout but does seem to take at least one risky move when pausing and waiting for a gap in traffic would have been more appropriate. Really shows a junction in desparate need of a separate cycle route. The location is the junction of the A610/A6002/B6000 just east of Junction 26 of the M1



Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
Another one - horrendous close pass at 2:20 but start watching at 1:14 as the cyclists lane postioning is questioned by the video. Knowing the junction I can understand why he decided to stay on the outside of the roundabout but does seem to take at least one risky move when pausing and waiting for a gap in traffic would have been more appropriate. Really shows a junction in desparate need of a separate cycle route. The location is the junction of the A610/A6002/B6000 just east of Junction 26 of the M1


The video implies the cyclists is in the wrong lane at the roundabout.
Highway Code rule 186: "Cyclists, horse riders and horse drawn vehicles may stay in the left-hand lane when they intend to continue across or around the roundabout and should signal right to show you they are not leaving the roundabout. Drivers should take extra care when entering a roundabout to ensure that they do not cut across cyclists, horse riders or horse drawn vehicles in the left-hand lane, who are continuing around the roundabout."

Entitled drivers not understanding the risks to vulnerable road users. As is so often the norm.
And yes, the close pass is awful.
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